Scenario Mission Success checkbox in data entry now

Pathfinder Society

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Silver Crusade 5/5

simply put, not everyone has easy wireless online access. Also, not everyone has an electronic device to help organize their gaming stuff.

A paper trail of chronicle sheets is something you can hold ( and loose), but it is something tangible.

I have quite a few players who use binders and note books to organize their characters and gaming materiel. It works well for us.

So I would prefer to keep the chronicle sheet in paper form. especially as the ultimate record.

The Exchange 2/5

Having the option for electronic chronicles wouldn't be a bad thing, especially for online players. Having electronic chronicles be the only option would, in my opinion.

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

3 people marked this as a favorite.

We have no plans to allow Chronicles to be assigned electronically. This isn't even on the to do list as we have a ton more priorities.


Thank you for trying this!

The Exchange 5/5

Michael Brock wrote:
We have no plans to allow Chronicles to be assigned electronically. This isn't even on the to do list as we have a ton more priorities.

Thank you sir!

Grand Lodge 4/5

Awesome! This is exciting news, my players will love this!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Is there any chance we can get this box added to the table reporting sheets that show up in mods? (Thus helping to remind me to include that info when I hand the reporting sheet in the chaos which is the end of a scenario)


teribithia9 wrote:
Having the option for electronic chronicles wouldn't be a bad thing, especially for online players. Having electronic chronicles be the only option would, in my opinion.

You can use Adobe acrobat 10 to sign and type data into a PDF the save it and email to the player. No need to sign, scan and email.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Well, my party just contributed their first failure to the new system. >.< Not exactly how I wanted to start the new year.

The Exchange 2/5

Ismael Soler Jr. wrote:
teribithia9 wrote:
Having the option for electronic chronicles wouldn't be a bad thing, especially for online players. Having electronic chronicles be the only option would, in my opinion.
You can use Adobe acrobat 10 to sign and type data into a PDF the save it and email to the player. No need to sign, scan and email.

I'm aware of the options for sending things electronically, but that's not my point. The point is there're a lot of GMs and con coordinators out there who don't bother to report the scenarios at all. Those same people probably also wouldn't bother to send each player a pdf, either. And since you wouldn't have a physical copy of the chronicle as proof you played it, you'd be completely out of luck.

Grand Lodge 5/5

teribithia9 wrote:
The point is there're a lot of GMs and con coordinators out there who don't bother to report the scenarios at all.

I would like to think that 'a lot' is an overstatement. I would think if there would be many cases of this we would see a lot more 'what do I need to do about this?' kind of threads going on here on the boards than what we see from time to time.

That doesnt change the rest of your statement, though, which I agree with.

The Exchange

The news and view for the future in this thread excites me. I like the direction this is headed.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Won't this result in a lot of false positives? Should be a Yes/No question instead of just one check box.

Unless of course its a required field.

Grand Lodge 5/5

Mike, I urge you to request a report for Season 4 that shows all the sessions where at least one player earned 2 PP and the Scenario Mission Success box was not checked. This would show how many tables were reported incorrectly so you could evaluate the success of the check box.

Dark Archive 4/5

I would recommend, as I believe others have, to have the checkbox changed to "Scenario Mission Failure". I imagine that a sleepy reporter could fail an entire convention.


Don Walker wrote:
Mike, I urge you to request a report for Season 4 that shows all the sessions where at least one player earned 2 PP and the Scenario Mission Success box was not checked. This would show how many tables were reported incorrectly so you could evaluate the success of the check box.

This is a very good idea, especially before considering removing factions based on the success data. In fact, barring weird situations where a player leaves early, an automatic script could determine success or failure on all missions except those where literally everyone received 1 prestige (since even one character with 2 means a success and one with 0 means a failure).

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