Rules for alignment checks?

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

Somewhere I remember (at least in 3.x) that there were rules for making alignment "checks" when a character performed either a majorly evil act or enough small infractions to sufficiently annoy the GM. I think it was a will save or something? Or in some cases- the character's deity visiting them in a dream and "testing them". And each time you were asked to roll for alignment check, you were given and ever increasing penalty until you failed.

Can anyone tell me where I can find the rules for "alignment checks"? I've googled around for about an hour and all I can find is the stupid trivia quiz.

There's no rules for that. You might be thinking of a phylactery of faithfulness. (Or maybe some variant rules in Unearthed Arcana or Book of Exalted Deeds.)

The closest thing to that I know of is in the 3.5 Heroes of Horror book.

Perhaps you are looking for something like this?

Probably it was someone's house rule. It may be extremely hard to find online since there have to be millions of house rules to sift through.

The Heroes of Horror system is definitely interesting. I adapted it a little to have Good alignments have no mental/physical display of spiritual corruption, Neutral to have ONE (and gain a free feat), and Evil to become NPC's. The point system they introduced was pretty good, although they had it that even just being in an unholy area could warp you, which I disagree with.


I am using the Taint system from Heroes of Horror also. It's easier to use then constantly be everwatchful for alignment changes.

Yeah, but players that I had were annoyed that being LN, CN, or N would give them a physical or mental flaw, despite that they'd get an extra Taint feat and access to a bunch of other powers.

The only way to slow it down seems to be having a high Will and Fort save, and a really high Wisdom and Constitution (at least from the top of my head). There's a feat to negate taint altogether, but that annoyed them as well.

Or maybe I was doing it wrong? I was using the Expedition to Ravenloft adventure.

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