Vladimir Thomas's page

29 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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I haven't read it, but yay, female character without massive breasts! You've made me proud, Paizo!

I can't believe no-one has mentioned Spartacus-A game of blood and treachery. It is a relatively easy to learn game with tons of social interaction, as it encourages building alliances and back-stabbing at the same time. Of course, for the same reason it is not recommended if your group gets into fights over games. Definitely my favorite board game.

Spartacus also has enough randomness in it and many different winning strategies; both features greatly improve replayability. I've played it dozens of times and every time was great. The base game is for 4 players max, but with a relatively inexpensive expansion you can have up to 6.

Battlestar Galactica is similar in a sense that it also has back-stabbing and betrayal, although this is handled in a much more subtle way. I've only played twice, and we haven't gotten all the rules right (yet). I found the rules a bit too complicated, but I am sure that with time you can master them. Another disadvantage for me is that each game lasts 3 hours or so, which is a bit too long for my tastes. Having said that, I love the idea of the game, thematically. If you and your group loved the series, you'll probably love this one too.

I own Small World as well and I highly recommend it. It doesn't have as much social interaction as the two above mentioned games. For this reason, I would prefer Spartacus over Small World. Nevertheless, because of its deceptively simple base mechanic but its incredible depth, its rather short playing time, its lighthearted theme and its funny artwork, it is a great game for casual players.

EDIT: I also heard good things about Lords of Waterdeep but have yet to play it.

Somewhat off-topic (sorry about that, but the temptation was too great), but you might find this entertaining: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiuHr5YVJBI

Other than that, I have no useful input for you or your thread :)

Alright, this is the updated version. I think there has been a bit of a power creep, but hopefully he is still relatively balanced. I expanded on the build choices as well.

Skirmisher v.2:
Alignment: No restrictions

Hit Die: d10

Class skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Craft, Intimidate, Knowledge (Geography), Perception, Profession, Stealth, Survival, Swim

Skill ranks: 4+INT modifier

BAB Progression: High (like fighter)

Saves: 2 good (Fortitude, Reflex), one bad (Will)

Proficiencies: A skirmisher is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. Skirmishers are proficient with light armor, bucklers, and light shields.

Level 1: Finesse, fast attack
Level 2: Fast movement, Skirmisher ability
Level 3: Skirmisher power
Level 4: Skirmisher ability
Level 5: Hit and run
Level 6: Blinding speed, skirmisher ability

Combat finesse (Ex): A skirmisher gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat. This version of Weapon Finesse works with all martial weapons weighing 4 lbs or less. In addition, using a shield does not impose a penalty on attack rolls.

Fast attack (Ex): When making a full-attack action in melee, the skirmisher can attack one additional time. All attacks suffer a -2 penalty when using fast attack. The skirmisher applies only half his strength modifier on all weapon damage rolls when using fast attack. The Skirmisher must be unencumbered and using Combat Finesse to use this ability.

Fast movement (Ex): The skirmisher’s land speed increases by 10 feet when unencumbered.

Skirmisher ability (Ex): The skirmisher can select one of the following abilities.

Cautious fighting: The skirmisher can add half his Intelligence or Wisdom modifier (round down) to his armor class. If the skirmisher loses his dexterity bonus to AC, this bonus is also denied. The choice between Intelligence and Wisdom is made when selecting this ability. Once made, it is final.

Resilient: The skirmisher gains +1 on all saving throws.

Swift slinging: The skirmisher can reload a sling as a swift action. He can do so when using his “shield arm”, but only if wearing a buckler or a light shield. In addition, he can use his Fast attack ability with a sling.

Expert hurler: The skirmisher can draw thrown weapons as a swift action. In addition, he can use his Fast attack ability with thrown weapons.

Rapid archer: The skirmisher can use Fast attack with bows (but not composite bows).

Running start: The slinger doubles the range of thrown weapons and slings when moving before attacking. Any type of movement qualifies, including a 5-foot step. When using running start, a Skirmisher also gains a +1 on damage rolls.

Parry: This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to the skirmisher’s Intelligence or Wisdom modifier. The choice between Intelligence and Wisdom is made when selecting this ability. Once made, it is final.
When wielding a melee weapon and using combat finesse, the skirmisher can attempt to parry incoming melee attacks. He must choose to parry after the enemy declares his attack, but before he resolves it. The skirmisher then makes an attack using his highest attack bonus (substituting the strength modifier with the dexterity modifier). If the enemy’s attack is lower than the skirmisher’s result, the attack fails; otherwise, the attack hits normally. Either way, a use of this ability is expended.
Parry is not effective against attacks made with natural weapons.

Counterattack: To select counterattack, the skirmisher must have the parry ability. Counterattack allows the skirmisher to make an attack as an immediate action against an enemy, after successfully parrying that enemy’s attack. The attack is made at the skirmisher’s highest attack bonus.

Projectile protection: If a skirmisher, as a free action, kneels behind a shield (but not a buckler), he gains a +5 bonus to his armor class against all ranged attacks, instead of the normal +2 bonus. The -2 penalty on melee attacks while kneeling remains. Getting up from a kneeling position becomes a free action.

Heavy skirmisher: The skirmisher gains proficiency with heavy shields or medium armors (player’s choice). This ability can be taken twice (once for the heavy shield and another for the armor). Additionally, all skirmisher abilities now work with medium armor and / or heavy shields.

Swift unsheathing: A skirmisher with this ability can draw weapons as a swift action. If the Skirmisher has Swift slinging, he can now load slings as a free action. If he has Expert hurler, he can draw throwing weapons as a free action.

Storm of steel: A skirmisher must have the Two-Weapon fighting feat and be level 4 or higher to select this ability. When attacking with two weapons in conjunction with a Fast attack, the skirmisher applies either the penalty from the fast attack or the penalty for fighting with two weapons, whichever is greater.

Bonus feat: A skirmisher can select any of the following feats. He must meet the prerequisites for taking the feat. Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Distance Thrower, Dodge, Fleet, Focused Shot, Following Step, Improved Initiative, Improved Sidestep, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Missile Shield, Mobility, Parting Shot, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Run, Shield focus, Sidestep, Step Up, Step Up and Strike, Two-Weapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting, Whirlwind Attack.

Skirmisher power (Ex): The skirmisher can choose one of the following powers:

Silent and swift: The skirmisher gains a +1 dodge bonus to armor class while wearing light or no armor. If the skirmisher loses his dexterity bonus to AC, this bonus is also denied. He also gains a +1 on Stealth checks; at level 5, this bonus increases to +2.

Deadly momentum: Whenever the skirmisher moves at least 5 feet before a melee attack, he gains a +1 on attack rolls or a +1 on damage rolls (player’s choice). At level 5, this bonus increases to +2 (or the player can select a +1 on both attack / damage rolls).

Cautious charge: The skirmisher does not take the -2 penalty to AC when charging. At level 5, he also adds +1 on damage rolls when charging.

Agility: The skirmisher gains a +2 bonus on saving throws made against effects that cause him to become paralyzed, slowed, or entangled. At level 5, this bonus increases to +4.

Armor training: The skirmisher gains armor training, which is identical to the fighter ability.

Hit and run (Ex): The skirmisher gains either the Spring Attack feat or the Shot on the Run feat. He need not fulfill any of the prerequisites.

Blinding speed (Ex): The skirmisher can use the fast attack ability as a standard action. This allows him to attack twice as a standard action. Both attacks are made with the skirmisher's highest base attack bonus, but suffer a -2 penalty.

Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I will think about your advice and try to revise the class at some point in the future. Here are a few comments:

@ Barnes: Thematically, I included those skills to simulate a class thet would be good at reconnaissance, but I see your point. Perhaps Handle animal and Knowledge Nature are not entirely appropriate.

I agree with you on the proficiencies (plus giving a few extra proficiencies will make the class a bit more versatile instead of pigeonholing it into one role), as well as the Weapon Finesse (I hadn’t thought about the prerequisites).

I am a bit more reluctant to change the Fast attack feature, because it is in a sense the signature ability of the class. Plus, I like the half strength modifier because it discourages high strength builds, and Pathfinder already suffers from forcing almost all melee warrior builds to have high strength, in my opinion. I also like the flavor (faster, weaker attacks). I haven’t crunched all the numbers, but this feature does not seem overpowered; a two-weapon or two-handed weapon warrior can easily out-damage the skirmisher. I was even thinking of making the fast attack a standard action, but I’ll need to crunch the numbers for that to make sure it isn’t too OP.

I can definitely consider fast movement for 1st level, but without fast attack, I think there is almost no incentive to take a skirmisher over a barbarian at 1st level. The barbarian can easily outperform the skirmisher in almost everything.

For the damage output, I was kind of counting on the extra attacks to do the trick, instead of allowing full strength on damage roll (or some other stat, e.g. INT, or other feature such as sneak attack).
As for the scaling of silent and swift, that’s not a bad idea. I’ll consider it.

@ gorzak: Exactly, I was hoping for the skirmisher to be a warrior class focusing on speed to wear down enemies (kind of like skirmishers in the Greco-roman era). Mechanically, I also like the idea of a mobile switch-hitter with a shield or two-weapon fighter with lower damage output per attack, but more frequent attacks.

Perhaps the increased damage output while on the move is a good idea (I esp. like it for thrown weapons), but I am not sure what the best way to implement it would be. I’ll think about it.

I definitely like the spring attack-inspired idea. I am sort of fine with power attack, as it will impose cumulative, high penalties on the attack rolls.

I am also not sure about the terrain; it seems a bit situational and underwhelming. Perhaps it could be a skirmisher ability.


Hello fellow paizonians. This is my attempt in making a DEX-based warrior class for an E6 game (ergo the lack of levels above 6). I understand that the swashbuckler is being developed to fill this niche, but I am not that big on panache / grit mechanics, as I prefer to keep things a bit simpler.

This is my first time trying to create a custom class, so I have no idea if it is horribly underpowered or overpowered. Therefore, constructive feedback would be very much appreciated! I have also used class features from published paizo classes, so I must give credit where it's due.

The Skirmisher:
Alignment: No restrictions
Hit Die: d10

Class skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Craft, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Nature), Perception, Profession, Stealth, Survival, Swim

Skill ranks: 6+INT modifier

BAB Progression: High (like fighter)

Saves: 2 good (Fortitude, Reflex), one bad (Will)

Proficiencies: A skirmisher is proficient with all simple weapons and all light and one-handed martial weapons. Skirmishers are proficient with light armor, bucklers, and light shields.

Class features (explained below):

Level 1: Finesse, fast attack
Level 2: Fast movement, Skirmisher ability
Level 3: Silent and swift
Level 4: Skirmisher ability, Bonus feat
Level 5: Area of expertise
Level 6: Blinding speed, skirmisher ability

List of abilities and class features:

Combat finesse (Ex): A skirmisher can attack with finesse when wearing light armor or no armor and carrying a light shield, a buckler or no shield. The skirmisher must also be carrying a light load. Combat finesse can be used when attacking with any light melee weapon, one-handed piercing melee weapon, a cutlass or a scimitar. When these conditions are met, the skirmisher can use his dexterity modifier on attack rolls, instead of his strength modifier.

Fast attack (Ex): When using combat finesse and making a full-attack action, the skirmisher can attack one additional time. All attacks suffer a -2 penalty when using fast attack. The skirmisher applies only half his strength modifier on all weapon damage rolls when using fast attack.

Fast movement (Ex): The skirmisher’s land speed increases by 10 feet when wearing no armor or light armor and carrying a light load.

Skirmisher ability (Ex): The skirmisher can select one of the following abilities.

1. Cautious fighting: The skirmisher can add half his Intelligence or Wisdom modifier (round down) to his armor class. If the skirmisher loses his dexterity bonus to AC, this bonus is also denied. The choice between Intelligence and Wisdom is made when selecting this ability. Once made, it is final.
2. Resilience: The skirmisher can add half his Intelligence or Wisdom modifier (round down) to all his saves. The choice between Intelligence and Wisdom is made when selecting this ability. Once made, it is final.
3. Swift slinging: The skirmisher can reload a sling as a swift action. He can do so when using his “shield arm”, but only if wearing a buckler or a light shield. In addition, he can attack rapidly when using sling. This allows him to attack one additional time with a sling when using the full-attack action. All attacks suffer a -2 penalty when doing so, and only half the skirmisher’s strength bonus is applied on damage rolls (round down).
4. Javelin expert: The skirmisher can draw javelins as free actions. In addition, he can attack rapidly when using a javelin. This allows him to attack one additional time with a sling when using the full-attack action. All attacks suffer a -2 penalty when doing so, and only half the skirmisher’s strength bonus is applied on damage rolls (round down).
5. Fast yet focused: The skirmisher reduces the -2 penalty to -1 when using the fast attack class feature. This applies to the “swift slinging” and “javelin expert” abilities as well.
6. Expert hurler: The slinger doubles the range of thrown weapons and slings when moving before attacking. Any type of movement qualifies, including a 5-foot step. In addition, the base damage increases by one size category (i.e. 1d3 becomes 1d4, 1d4 becomes 1d6, 1d6 becomes 1d8 and 1d8 becomes 2d6).
7. Parry: This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to the skirmisher’s Intelligence or Wisdom modifier. The choice between Intelligence and Wisdom is made when selecting this ability. Once made, it is final.
When wielding a melee weapon and using combat finesse, the skirmisher can attempt to parry incoming melee attacks. He must choose to parry after the enemy declares his attack, but before he resolves it. The skirmisher then makes an attack using his highest attack bonus (substituting the strength modifier with the dexterity modifier). If the enemy’s attack is lower than the skirmisher’s result, the attack fails; otherwise, the attack hits normally. Either way, a use of this ability is expended.
Parry is not effective against attacks made with natural weapons.
8. Counterattack: To select counterattack, the skirmisher must have the parry ability. Counterattack allows the skirmisher to make an attack as an immediate action against an enemy, after successfully parrying that enemy’s attack. The attack is made at the skirmisher’s highest attack bonus.
9. Projectile protection: If a skirmisher, as a free action, kneels behind a shield (but not a buckler), he gains a +5 bonus to his armor class against all ranged attacks, instead of the normal +2 bonus. The -2 penalty on melee attacks while kneeling remains. Getting up from a kneeling position becomes a free action.
10. Heavy shield expert: The skirmisher gains proficiency in heavy shields. In addition, all class features that work while using a light shield, now also work with a heavy shield.

Silent and swift (Ex): The skirmisher gains a +1 dodge bonus to armor class while wearing light or no armor. If the skirmisher loses his dexterity bonus to AC, this bonus is also denied. The skirmisher also gains a +1 bonus on Stealth checks.

Bonus feat: The skirmisher gains a bonus combat feat.
Area of expertise (Ex): The skirmisher must choose two of the following skills: Acrobatics, Climb, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Nature), Perception, Stealth, Survival, Swim. He gains a +2 bonus on these skills.

Blinding speed (Ex): The skirmisher can use the fast attack ability as a standard action. This allows him to attack twice as a standard action. Both attacks are made with the skirmisher highest base attack bonus, but suffer a -2 penalty. If the skirmisher has the fast yet focused ability, the penalty is reduced to -1.

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

@Poe: Thanks-of course I didn't go through the whole thread, so that's good to know.

I've just stumbled upon this thread, and the art is really impressive! You have my respect, sir :)

Just to add to your huge lists, my players would be grateful if you could draw a PC at some point in the future. Here's the link to the campaign: Link. Feel free to browse through the page; maybe you can find a PC that strikes your fancy.

Oh, and please let me know if you take comissions. Perhaps I could surprise my players at some time.

Em... Probably just my opinion, but...

Don't use a "Big Bad Evil Guy" as the main antagonist?

Happened in my first Play-by-Post:

Party meets in tavern for the first time (original!). One of the PCs is a chatterbox elven Wizard that knows 7 languages or so and also has a raven familiar with whom he talks to. Wizard proceeds to speak to everyone in the party in their own languages while also talking to himself and his named raven familiar.

My PC (offensive dwarven barbarian) greets him thusly: "I knew that surface dwellers liked to give names to their birds, but I've never met anyone who would also talk to it."

Needless to say, the elf never really liked the dwarf after that. But at least he stopped talking in seven languages per post.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have been using this for my PbP: http://pyromancers.com/
Some of my players are also PbP GMs and they are using pyromancers as well. It works decently enough most of the times, and it's pretty convenient.

Perhaps you are looking for something like this? http://easydamus.com/alignmenttracking.html

Game back at TTW after popular demand :-).

[OOC: Game back at TTW after popular demand :-).]

Leaving his companions behind, Jules heads upstairs to address Zaracas, in a conversation that may well determine if the thug lives or days.

Jules and Zaracas

As the nobleman enters and closes the door behind him, Zaracas looks up at him from the corner he is laying, with no fear in his eyes. He waits for a few seconds before giving his answer: ”I thought you had forgotten about me. I thought you’d let me walk. The archer sure seemed reluctant to slay me. But I suppose I ain’t getting away that easily… a man can always hope, though. Right?”

”I don’t know much about the man myself, but he introduced himself to me as Raynald. Whether that is his true name or not, I never bothered to ask. After all, he did pay me well, and I never got into trouble with the Imperials while serving him. He never had qualms about employing me or criminals for his needs, which is unusual for a governmental official. Then again, I don’t suppose he was a plain governmental official, was he? What else do you need to know

Everyone else

[OOC: I’ll try to push the story a bit by making things move in parallel…]

While Jules converses with the thug, the party makes preparations. It takes little more than an hour for Langbard to return, with a mule dragging a cart. He asks for everyone to join him outside. Those who join him observe that the cart is covered with a thick sheet of dirty fabric. Langbard makes sure that no-one is nearby, before informing the party what it contains. ”I managed to get some old armor parts and full helmets. If the gods are with us, we shall be able to escape. Have a look at the armors and see what fits you. Lady Savain, I sincerely apologize, but I wouldn’t ask this of you if it wasn’t absolutely necessary.

He then addresses the Grunur and Eva, mistakenly believing that both of them are dwarves: ”I am sorry, but there are no dwarves serving in the Andelian guardsmen. You will have to pretend you are captured criminals. Where is Brother Percy? He should make sure your disguises are convincing.”

Turning to Grunur, he explains: ”I am sorry for this, but we should be able to transfer your armor on the wagon. I could hide it under some supplies; if anyone else has more skill in this, I would encourage him to help me. The truth is, the military is growing suspicious of everyone, even its own men. We might get inspected while crossing the bridge, and we should make our story as plausible as we can.”

[OOC: Everyone except Grunur and Eva can pick up an old, rusty suit of chainmail, a longsword, a small wooden shield and a full-face helmet from the wagon. When Jules is done, and if he agrees, I would like to roll disguise checks. Ross, give me the modifier (depending on whether you use a kit etc) and I will roll for you, twice. If anyone wants to hide Grunur’s armor, please request a stealth check and give me the modifier. As soon as Zaracas is dealt with and you guys are ready, we can move on.]

Wow, look at all those replies! Thanks boys and girls for your feedback! From what I gather, as long as one does not mind the bleeping out, and as long as profanities are used sparsely, he / she will most likely not get into trouble (although, strictly speaking, this goes against the rules). So I guess my question has been answered :-)

@ Andrea1: No, I had no intention of describing hot sex. Some things are better left to the players' imaginations :-)

@ Liz Courts: Fair enough, I had no intention to do that (despite the tips from Toadkiller :-))

@ Icyshadow: True, but one can only find that many alternatives... Plus I would not like such a high level of political correctness for my campaign.

@ Itchy: Great idea! Problem is, I am not a native speaker. Plus, for some NPCs, this might not be in-character (i.e. this sort of command over language would require intelligence and wittiness). Still, you've given me a great idea for an insult-based bard (to go along with my horrible puns, Andy Zaltsman-inspired bard :-))

@ Toadkiller: Thanks for the tips, but bypassing the filter was not my intention. I actually do not mind bleeping out that much.

@ Black Powder: Thanks! What I said to Itchy holds true for your suggestions as well (imo).

@ Jessica: Agreed.

Alright, so the majority does not like this site. I will do some research and decide if it'll be Mythweavers or TTW. Ra, have you shifted the Sunken Stones to Mythweavers or not?

I am enjoying the moral implications raised by Zaracas' capture. I need some more time to update, though. I just returned from Lisbon and I am exhausted... Probably tonight, though :-)

The discussion does not last long. So it’s unanimous, Langbard concludes, we should flee before it’s too late. I will go gather the men and all that is necessary. Two hours should be sufficient.

Do not do anything other than remain in hiding and await my return … I will bring an extra set of armor for the archer that is waiting for you outside, he says, referring to Ark, in case he chooses to join us. As for the dwarves, a set of plain clothes or rags should be sufficient. He turns to Jules: You seem to be proficient in the art of disguise. I trust you will take care of this.

Langbard makes sure that Jules, Caithas, Elana and Grunur understand everything and agree on the plan of action. Leaving in broad daylight under the nose of the Legions sounds like a desperate plan, but I want you to muster all your courage. Together, we can make this work. He exits the room, bumping into the rest of the party members, who have been waiting outside for a couple of minutes. He does his best to hastily answer any questions they might have, before leaving the tavern altogether.

Langbard’s departure leaves the members of the group to share information and discuss what to do with Zaracas, who remains upstairs. In addition, as Langbard should return soon, there is no time to waste for the final preparations. If the guardsman’s plan works, and if the companions manage to survive this, it might be long before they return to Lower Andelia. Even if they ever would, the circumstances of their return would most certainly be radically different.

Feel free to finish up whatever needs to be done and deal with Zaracas as you see fit. You can also converse with Langbard if you so desire.

It's working for me as well. I really like the format of TTW, but I find it a bit unreliable at times, so I'd support continuing this game here (or at Mythweavers). Still, this is a (more or less)democratic game, so feel free to cast your vote for Paizo, TTW, Mythweavers or any other host site if feel one way or the other about this.

I might not be able to post tonight. I am at a conference in Lisbon and I got home late.

I did read your posts though, and it seems that most party members agree to abandon the main quest, i.e. trying to decode the message. I don't want to be too meta-gamey here, but you guys did try hard, and although you didn't manage to solve the puzzle, I do not want to punish you for all the effort you've put in. So maybe, I could introduce encrypted messages in the future that would only need the decrypting disk to solve. Of course, you'll have to figure out how that works, but at least you have all components for this.

@ Malcom: Keep in mind that Ark's main mission is still to assasinate Maxentius. So if Ark is to remain in-character (at least as far as I can understand him), he'd be reluctant to abandon his mission for no reason. But I am sure we can come up with reasons for him to stick with the party. Maybe after hearing Zaracas' story he decides to leave the guild before it's too late. Or he can ask Langbard about the whereabouts of Maxentius; both of them are guardsmen, after all. Or he may wish to return to protect Subaru from the Guild / rebellion / whatever. Or whatever else you think may work. Your call :-)

Thank you both for your replies. I guess I will keep using the occasional profanity, strictly in-game, as I do not mind the bleeping out. I hope I won't offend anyone; after all, such things are fairly commonplace in everyday life, literature, TV and all kinds of things.

I do see your points, but I do not wish to start an argument about whether such profanities should be better avoided or not. Instead, I would gladly move to another site if the admins interfere in the future.

PS: Sorry for posting this in the wrong forum, and thanks to the person who moved it.

Hi everyone, and first of all, let me introduce myself. I am Vlad, and I have started running (well, to be precise, continuing to run) a PbP campaign here.

I noticed that certain "naughty" words are being bleeped out when I post. I am totally okay with that, but I would like to know if this is offensive to the site's admins or anyone else, and if it is generally allowable to use such words for in-game content. I am not talking about X-rated content or extremely offensive material, just the occasional bad word such as f&+$ etc... I tend to use such words every now and then for my game, for realism etc.

So, if this is not allowable, I would happily try to limit such words and, if not possible, I'd be glad to move to another PbP site. Just let me know if this is an issue, I am actually a reasonable person in real life-or so I think, at least.

TTW is still not working for me, although the RPG Chat link is working. I have not been able to find a way for color-coding different characters' speech, so I'd suggest going for bold for everything.

I do not have a problem with bad words being bleeped out (well, you know what I mean). I just hope that the admins of this site will not take offense :-). Well, if we're kicked out of here, there's always Mythweavers, as Rathalun suggested :-).

The only con to this site is the lack of multiple in-game campaign threads, but other than that I'm quite happy with the format. If you guys have opinions/comparisons, I'd be happy to hear them.

Ark and Zaracas

Zaracas silently considers Ark’s words for a few moments, before going to sleep. When he wakes up, he is more willing to talk to the assassin.

Listen: you may not realize it, and your companions are probably not aware of this either, but you’ve tried to f$$$ with the wrong man. You have no idea what he is capable of, or how much power his agency commands. You asked for my cooperation, so here’s my advice: Get the hell out of here, before it’s too late. You just can’t win this one; not without an army backing you along the way. Not me, not anyone can protect you from the man’s wrath when he finds you.



The dwarf volunteers himself, remaining in the main hall, next to the door, as the rest of the party moves upstairs. Grunur allows his companions a few moments to hide, before opening the door. He sees a man, tall and wearing a long beard, standing in front of him. Apparently, he had not expected a dwarf to open the door for him. His eyes wonder for a moment before finally spotting the stout warrior. Even when he sees him, he seems reluctant to acknowledge his presence. He brushes him aside, hurrying to the innkeeper without paying any attention to the armiger.

The bearded warrior approaches the owner of the establishment closely, before whispering to his ear. Grunur overhears the conversation as best he can: I am looking for Brother Percy. Can you summon him for me? He gives a detailed description of Jules, or rather the man he was pretending to be, before arguing to strengthen his request: I am his friend. I know he is here, and that he does not wish to be disturbed. I know that you look at me and you see a guardsman, but appearances can be deceiving. All I wish from you is to let him know that Langbard is here.

Despite Langbard’s pleas, the innkeeper claims that he has never seen or heard of a “Brother Percy”. The man may actually be speaking the truth for a change, since Jules has already shed the guise of the wandering priest. Grunur, to whose presence none is alerted, takes the opportunity to sneak away, quickly climbing up the stairs to his companions’ room. He finds Jules and explains that the man, who claims to be Langbard, is indeed alone, but that he doesn’t seem to be looking for him. He describes the soldier to the lordling; Jules understands the situation and decides to leave his room and talk to the man.

The noble catches Langbard as the discussion with the innkeeper begins to escalate. It takes a moment for him to recognize the once-disguised lordling, but he does so eventually. Reassured by Jules’ presence, the old soldier quickly terminates his argument with the innkeeper. Finally, I have found you. We need to talk. Is there a safe place within the inn?

Jules asks the innkeeper to show them to the basement, while the rest of the party joins the two men. Langbard eyes the newcomers suspiciously, before whispering to Jules a few words: They should join only if you trust them. Otherwise, it’d be better for them-and us-to wait outside.

Jules can determine who joins and who doesn’t, but party members who are not invited can also argue with Jules and Langbard, if they want to.

Once downstairs, Langbard makes sure to lock the door behind him. He quickly addresses the group in a tone that denotes urgency, if not distress or fear. Last night, a temple not far from here was burned to the ground. Many of its priests were killed on the spot, while others were arrested. No interrogation was necessary for them to reveal that a man that went by the name of Brother Percy had instructed them to evacuate their church. They also gave descriptions of his companions. I guess I do not need to tell you how these companions looked like…

He looks around at the group, before continuing: The entire might of Legion XI, until recently charged with protecting the government district, has been deployed to comb every alley of this city in search of the rebels. They will not accept failure; they are determined to leave no house or establishment unsearched until the heads of the traitors adorn the walls of the Rector’s Seat.

I know not how you managed to get yourselves in such a situation, and I will not demand answers from you, even though I should. These things will have to wait. I am here to urge you to leave this part of the city before it is too late. Whatever your mission here was, there is no way to accomplish it now. Not with the entire military looking for you. Don’t fool yourselves; Malcom has already given his life for this. Throwing your lives away, while commendable, will do nothing to further the goals of the rebellion. I can give you a way out of this mess. I can acquire some full-body armors from people in the guard who owe me a few favors. Disguised as armor-clad guardsmen, we can leave Lower Andelia by crossing the Knight’s bridge. I will join you; my men will do so as well, after we reach Upper Andelia. We can organize the rebels there, armed with information about the Legions’ strength.

The armor will conceal the features of lady Savain, allowing her to pass of as a soldier. As for the two dwarves, we could pass them off as criminals or rebels led to Upper Andelia for execution. It’s not the most convincing excuse, but it’s the only one I can think of under the circumstances. Langbard looks at Jules seriously, before concluding: Think about it carefully, but answer quickly. Every moment spent here increases your chances of capture and execution.

OOC Test: This site looks cool.

Dice test-Alexandra's attack and damage: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 131d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Fun fact: This website seems to censor all bad words :-). How very convinient!

Welcome players! I am thankful to the Tangled Web and its admins for hosting us for almost a year, but the time has come to move on. Feel free to check in and continue the game here!

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[OOC: Story continued from The Tangled Web Forums]

[OOC: Let us assume that everyone is fully healed, and spells have been replenished. You can role-play last night’s events; I will move to the next day to push the story forward.]

The group decides to stay at the inn for the entire evening and night, fearing that venturing outside might lead to yet more undesirable misadventures. The innkeeper has nothing to offer for dinner other than a viscous, foul-smelling porridge. Still, in times of need, even the party’s two nobles are forced to compromise with what they are offered.

Ark decides to remain with Zaracas, choosing not to interact with the newcomer, despite having been healed by the gnome. The rest of the group has dinner in the main hall, where more time is spent chatting with the fellowship’s newly-acquired healer.

Ark and Zaracas

Upstairs, Ark and Zaracas, who seem to be developing some strange kind of respect for each other, continue their conversation. Zaracas reveals that he was a member of the Denizens, until he decided to leave the guild, dissatisfied with the control they exert upon their members.

“I promised you a story, archer. You seem unlike the rest of your companions, choosing to remain with me of your own volition. I trust that you are not friends with that bunch? Besides, your appearance and your conduct imply that you are not on law’s side.

Neither am I, although I fought for the officer at the temple. I reckon there’s no harm in revealing this-I used to be a member of the thieves’ guild. The denizens, as they call themselves. I started with theft, then moving to extortion and intimidation.

Somewhere along the line, people started to seek me out for… let’s say making certain problems disappear. It was alright in the beginning, good pay for just removing nobodies for other nobodies that saw the former as threats. Not much risk, really, and the cash was more than decent.

…As I was offered more and more of such jobs, the stakes were steadily increasing. My targets slowly became more and more important; first merchants, sometimes clergy and eventually minor noblemen. Not to mention their guards and escorts, who also had to “disappear” to avoid any witnesses. Mind you, there was no way of backing down. I was good at killing, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t expendable. So I followed their instructions, accepting one suicidal mission after another, without having a chance to bail out. My last target was a nobleman from house Thoranius. Stupid f#!*er thought he could get away with screwing the guild over…

I failed; the man escaped to Sailor’s Stone. I tried to leave the city as well, but the Denizens got hold of me. Needless to say, they don’t appreciate failure or being betrayed. I was lucky: the prize I had to pay was only an eye. Somehow, I think they still thought I was too good a killer to waste. I did a couple of jobs more for them, but after that incident, I had no stomach to remain in the guild. When that officer gave me the chance to change sides, I jumped on it lime a drowning man clings onto a piece of wood. Things seemed to be turning up, until that whole temple incident. And now, it seems, my fate rests in your hands and those of your companions.”

[OOC: Feel free to chat with him some more; if you ask certain questions I will rewind a bit and give you answers.]

12th of Frer-mánuðr, 2482
The Intoxicated Ice Monster, Lower Andelia

The ordeals suffered during the last few days have taken their toll on the party. Nevertheless, sleep does not come easily to most. As night falls, the noises from outside do not subside. Instead, more soldiers arrive at the district, both on horseback and on foot. The epicenter seems to be close by. The sounds of soldiers are gradually replaced by other noises. In the darkness, all members of the group listen attentively the unmistakable sounds of destruction. Among others, windows can be heard being broken; wooden planks smashed and walls being knocked down. Eventually, these noises give way to the crackling sounds of fire.

[OOC: Random PC=Elana.]

Unable to sleep and wishing to find out what is happening, Elana decides to take a look. She climbs up the stairs to the inn’s roof. Under the dark sky, she is not in any danger of being seen. What she sees verifies her suspicions: the Temple of Delrodin, just a few hundred yards away from the inn, lies in ruins. Next to it, a huge pyre has been constructed, containing all the wood that made up the temple. The fire is large enough to be seen in the entire district. Tired, Elana eventually returns to the room, where she sleeps until the morning.

Ark decides to share the room with Zaracas, convinced that he should keep an eye on the man. He makes sure to tie the man carefully, with some proper rope provided by the innkeeper, so that the thug does not stand any chance of escape. The criminal sleeps peacefully, despite his wound, and does not attempt to escape. When Ark wakes up, he sees Zaracas already awake, observing him from a distance. He does not say anything, giving the archer a creepy smile instead.

[OOC: Random PC=Jules]


As a new day dawns, Jules is the first to get up and make his way towards the main hall, in hopes of finding something better than last night’s dinner for breakfast. He is offered a slice of stale, dry bread and a bowl of watery soup by the innkeeper, who informs the lordling of recent developments:

“If you had any plans for venturing out today, I have bad news for you. The whole district is under military control. They are determined to leave no stone unturned. If you and your friends are those they are after, fear not: I can hide you in my cellar. There is a secret room they would never find. I don’t know how many days it will take before this whole thing gets sorted, but I can provide shelter for a reasonable fee.”

Jules considers the man’s offer over breakfast. He is eventually joined by the rest of the group, who are also offered the same breakfast as he was.


As the rest of the companions prepare, Ark decides to go to the roof, like Elana had done in the night. The assassin sees that many soldiers are walking in the streets of the city; navigating the alleys undetected would be next to impossible. The rooftops, however, remain unreachable to the military. Although treacherous and covered with snow, they offer a rare chance for escape from this place. As Ark ponders this, he realizes that his new companions might slow him down: the men might be able to follow him from roof to roof, but the assassin is not so sure about the women. Eventually, Ark decides it would be unwise to think this through on an empty stomach. He climbs the stairs down to the main hall, where he joins the rest of his companions.


[OOC: You are free to discuss alternatives, plans of action, what to do with Zaracas etc.]

The discussion over breakfast is interrupted abruptly by loud knocks on the door. “Open up!” says someone from behind the door, in a commanding voice. “In the name of the Senate, open up!” Although unknown to Grunur, Ark and Eva, the authoritative voice sounds vaguely familiar to Jules and Elana; Caithas suspects that it belongs to none other than Langbard.

[OOC: Perception checks-Successes.]