Malefactor Clarification

Product Discussion


A player will be bringing in a new malefactor in tomorrow's session, and I need a little clarification on maledictions.

From the formatting, it looks like maledictions do not cost strife unless dread escalation is being used, nor do they seem to have a limit on number of times/day they may be used.

Is that right? Should I be treating these like orisons/cantrips/etc?


I'd say treating them as orisons/cantrips is how they appear to be intended to function. The Malefactor is similar to the 3.5 warlock in some ways, and this appears to be one of them.

If you scroll down, there's a level 10 ability called Dread Escalations which appears to clarify the matter (so, non-dread escalations do not cost any strife).

Yes, that is what I was asking. As I said, the maledictions do not seem to cost strife unless dread escalation is being used. Unfortunately, their cost or lack thereof was never stated, so dread escalation did so much "clarify" as it did hint, which is why I was seeking a second opinion.

Thanks for the input!

Shadow Lodge

Enjoy the Malefactor! We have one in play in my home game currently as well. While wreaking much havoc, the party tires of their antics and bad luck...

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

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Yes, Maledictions do not cost Strife, unless Dread Escalated. I should know, I helped write it.

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