Pelts as Trade Goods

Homebrew and House Rules

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"It doesn't have any gold? Well, then I'm going to skin it!"

I have heard many a player say something like this after slaying an animal or similar creature. In the old pioneer days pelts, hides, and furs were treated as currency and made excellent trade goods in unsettled territories.

So, I've devised an easy way of calculating the value of monster skin (this excludes dragonhide).

Take the Con modifier of the creature (this reflects the quality of its coat) and multiply by the creature's CR. The result is the gold piece value of the pelt. It's that easy.


Cheetah Pelt: 4 gp

Dire Boar Pelt: 12 gp

Triceratops Pelt: 32 gp

Owlbear Pelt: 16 gp

It's a little extra jingle in you money belt.

Try it out and let me know what you think :)


Oh what a wonderful toolset! This will revolutionize the fashion industry back home, I just know it.

At a glance:

Kobold - 25 cp

Boring but functional for practical, everyday use material. Essentially scrap material for the working class.

Dryad - 3 gp

Rugged material, and useful for camoflague during excursions to the surface but of little practical use elsewhere.

Satyr - 8 gp

Affordable and rarely out of style. Some of your males can turn quite a few eyes sporting finely crafted satyr coats.

Medusa - 28 gp

These make for exquisite attire for those private moments at home or public worship. And then there are the shoes!

Ancient Gold Dragon - 140 gp

Show your station loud and proud with ornate ceremonial garb made from the finest specimens of surface beasts. Money can buy fear and respect!

Elf with a ring of regeneration - Priceless

Because you can't put a price on happiness.

Sin'ayd Ohkan'rr wrote:


Oh what a wonderful toolset! This will revolutionize the fashion industry back home, I just know it.

At a glance:

Kobold - 25 cp

Boring but functional for practical, everyday use material. Essentially scrap material for the working class.

Dryad - 3 gp

Rugged material, and useful for camoflague during excursions to the surface but of little practical use elsewhere.

Satyr - 8 gp

Affordable and rarely out of style. Some of your males can turn quite a few eyes sporting finely crafted satyr coats.

Medusa - 28 gp

These make for exquisite attire for those private moments at home or public worship. And then there are the shoes!

Ancient Gold Dragon - 140 gp

Show your station loud and proud with ornate ceremonial garb made from the finest specimens of surface beasts. Money can buy fear and respect!

Elf with a ring of regeneration - Priceless

Because you can't put a price on happiness.

You are pure awesome.

Silver Crusade

On a serious note, maybe size should factor into it too?

This is something I'd rather handle on a case-by-case basis according to each creature's flavor, but this approach could really help folks needing prices on the fly.

Nice Idea. I wouldn't just give it to the players, though. What do you think would be an appropriate survival DC for skinning the corpse in a way that preserves the hide?

Edit: Yea, good thought on the size issue. How about price /4 for diminutive and fine, /2 for tiny and small, unmodified for medium and large, *2 for huge and colossal and *3 for gargantuan?

Dragon Hide should be pretty valuable and part of their treasure value.

Shadow Lodge

Seems like a lot of trouble to go to just to have the WBL fairies steal it all while you sleep.

I was thinking that size would already be factored into the CR.

Dragonhide is already covered under Special Materials IIRC.

Other than that... Dot.

Dedinitely will be using this. And yeah, size factors into CR for pricing, but also co sider how it affects actual quantity and weight of the pelt.

A coupke of my players are practically addicted to harvesting materials, whether its wood off the side of a ghost ship or the pelts of a dire crocodile. I even had one of then saving crocodile EYES, just on the off chance they could be useful eventually.

For Survival DC I say a 15 gets a passable hide, whike 10 is poor and 20 is pristine.


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The question I have, is naga-hide sold by the yard?

Shadow Lodge

You may also want to hook it to a specific skill like craft(leather working), Profession (hunter), or Profession (trapper) with characters with the aforementioned skill being able to work and preserve the skins so that they are worth full value while just skinned hides are worth half. This would make it similar to the gem rules presented in ultimate equipment and help incentivise picking up some of these little used skills as well as add depth to characters through crunch.

Shadow Lodge

One way you could price it for animals and other low int no treasure monsters is to just treat it as being worth whatever the incidental treasure award would be for the creatures CR. After that I would say that the players must find a way to skin, preserve, and cure the hide so that they can transport it and sell it for the maximum value requiring some appropriate skill checks like Survival, Craft (alchemy), and profession (Trapper/hunter) respectively.

other thing you may want to do is think about players who want to turn certain exotic pelts into armors with certain ones fetching better prices. I mean who doesn't want a custom basilisk hide armor for their fashionable druid on the go?

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