How do you Plane Shift an Airship


Long Campaign running for planescaping, and the group is a Githyanki Ranger with a Large Red Dragon, a Zodar fighter type, a goliath barbarian and an intelligent magical item with Sorcerer levels.

We captured an airship and we are wanting to keep it, but we want to plane shift it. So we came up with the bright idea to have the dragon try to carry it as equipment with the ant haul spell, but we need to find away to reduce the size of the ship so the dragon can actually carry it because it's bulky and it'll tip over. Right now we can get the dragon to carry up to 16,800 pounds, but we need to reduce the size any ideas or input would help thank you very much.

Off the top of my head: Shrink item. If you could easily disassemble the ship and put it back together it should not be a problem carrying it as bits of cloth.

Depending on your air-ships size, you could use Gate, but when picturing your air-ship in my mind's eye, I cannot see the gate being big enough.

you could also get creative with the magic item creation rules :)

Talk to the GM and create some sort of crystal-focussed/steampower/relic-powered setup, and then line the ship's hull with lines of magic runes. Have it work so that when someone casts planeshineshift within 5 ft of this device, the device expands and empowers the effect, allowing it to take the airship and its passengers through the shift.

Hope it helps.



Why make it so convoluted? Unless you are playing in a Pathfinder Society game I think the regular Planeshift spell should work.

Keep in mind that this shouldn't be something that is too casual (like the Teleport spells turn out to be). I'd require an expensive focus or material component to shift such a massive object.

5000 gold in some kind of component seems right to me. As for a focus item (something like a Helm from Spelljammer?) I'd make it cost like 25,000 to 50,000 and be very rare. Something from the elder days or such I guess.

Plane shift only does up to 8 people so we have to take it with us some how

Shrink/Reduce Item. The Largest version of the Bag Of Holding you can get.

you can't cast Shrink item on a magical item

Oh yeah that is what I forgot...

Maybe you could just use the Bag Of Holding trick.

is there a bag of holding big enough to fit a 75 foot long ship and 100 foot high to the masts ship i'm sorry i forgot to say how big the ship was and thank you all for your attention we'd really like to take this with us.

No, No there isn't...

Seems like you are up the Stream without an Oar.

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Go on an epic quest to find the fabled bottle of ship storing? It is said this bottle can turn a full sized ship into a mist that is drawn into the bottle and reconstituted into a miniature version of itself.

Find a large portal or planar rift? Perhaps an Astral Plane color pool?

Find a planar navigational map? Following the chart should lead to areas where openings appear during certain constellations or times like how tides rise and fall. Only instead of charting water direction, wind speeds, and course tacking... it's navigating across 2d4 different planes to certain points and waiting for the right time or performing certain actions to open a rift. You can have encounters against local creatures or monsters as you travel or even stop and interact with them or explore the area if you have a few days before a portal opens.

You know, like an adventure.

The past two suggestions are pretty good.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You build a big magic widget Forgotten Realms style. Then again, airships have never struck me as very sturdy vehicles for planehopping travellers. One in the Plane of Air would be at the mercy of it's winds.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Astral Pools are the best.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
TheLoneCleric wrote:
Astral Pools are the best.

They kind of require you to be IN the Astral Plane to start with, and they are a one way proposition.

Cheapest Bag Of Holding you can get + Portable Hole.

Throw Bag Of Holding into Portable Hole. If you are quick enough and your GM allows it you should be able to get into the Astral Plane.

Then just find a Planar Nexus.

I found a lot of helpful solutions out of this believe it or not and I'd like to thank everyone for there help and if anyone else thinks of anything i'd would like to hear it. Thank you again for all the help =)

My solution: build a giant interplanar portal.

Crafting Feat

You could look at the rules in the 3.5 FR campaign setting, but I'm thinking you need access to the gate spell (I'm guessing +5 to the DC could fix that) and it's going to be *expensive* to make a portal that big.

Savage Tide had a magic item that created portals big enough for a ship to sail through. Should work just as well for an airship.

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