Oracle of the Flames - Which Race Should I Choose?


So, I'm also looking at an Oracle of Flames build and am having trouble deciding on which race to play. Currently I'm looking at either Gnome or Elf. The campaign is going to feature a lot of undead and evil outsiders, along with the mortal lackeys of the evil outsiders.

With the Gnome I could start with 19 Cha, pick up the Pyromaniac trait with Varisian Tattoo and Spell Specialization I'd be looking at +4 caster level on my blaster spells as early as level 5. This would also net me slightly higher DRs and extra damage during the first few levels. I would take the Blackened Curse with this build, so outside of blasting my options would be limited.

With an Elf I can pick the Ancient Lorekeeper archetype for more versatility in spell selection. I could go with Lightbringer for a total of +4 caster level to Light spells and focus heavily on Spear of Purity, mixing in some debuffing spells along with my offensive ones. I also have the option of using a curse other than Blackened and use my bow offensively or go Weapon Finesse in Elemental form.

Grand Lodge

What races are allowed?

All Core Races, Kitstune, Drow, Orcs, Catfolk, Ratfolk, and Changlings. You may also optionally choose to play a were-character. Aasimar, Tieflings, Samasaran and the elemental races are specifically not allowed.

Grand Lodge

Human with the Racial Heritage(Goblin) feat would allow you to pick up the Flame Heart feat.

True, but that's pretty expensive feat-wise (3 feats) as opposed to a free racial trait. Also Goblins don't exist at all in this home-brew world, though I could probably convince my GM to refluff those feats to apply to Orcs (a common, neutral race).

I believe Kobolds are also allowed, playing a Red Kobold would give me +2 to the DC on my fire spells.

I'd say Elf in that case. You could then also fluff your spear of light to be cleansing flames, which would fit your mystery as well. I'd almost recommend not taking Lightbringer though, since you're giving up the +2 to overcoming SR, which evil outsiders seem to have quite a lot of.

Grand Lodge

How is being Kobold doing that?

Using the 3.5 book Classic Monsters Revisited.

The Exchange

Changlings are not a bad option for the natural DR buff.

Grand Lodge

Are Merfolk or Ghoran allowed?

Human with racial heritage orc/halforc and firegods blessing feat.
Whenever you deal fire damage you heal yourself

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Go with gnome; gnomes are fun and the Pyromaniac buff is just perfect for a Flame Oracle.

Grand Lodge

Yeah, Gnome is the truly best option.

The game world was first created back in 3.5 days, so some stuff has carried over but we're trying to stick to mostly using Pathfinder.

@blackbloodtroll: I don't think anybody in my gaming group knows what a Ghoran is, so nobody has asked yet. I might be able to get a Merfolk Oracle of Flames allowed for the fun factor. I'd be the Fiery Fish of Fury! That would also be a fun character to paint a miniature for =P

@Cheapy: There were a few other Light-based spells that looked fun, and I would also gain Darkvision, but I'm leaning towards agreeing with you. I was also wondering if Gaze of Flames would let me see inside of an Ash Storm. I'm leaning towards no going by RAW, but I'm going to see if my GM would allow it.

@TheLoneCleric: How does a Changling get natural DR? With that kind of boost, it may be worth going with a natural-weapons front-line build that eventually focuses on Elemental Form.

Might wanna get ur hands on a few elemental rods after low-mid levels as well.. Most outsiders CR 7+ have heavy fire resistance or are flat out immune to it and ull find urself twiddling ur thumbs quite often vs them..

The Exchange

Sorry, not DR (GURPSism). AC +1. Natural Armor.

Grand Lodge

Yeah, a Strongtail Merfolk Oracle with the Flame Mystery would be cool. The boost to speed would give them a 25ft move speed. Not bad.

The Ghoran would be cool, and the idea of a "Dawnflower" Oracle of Sarenrae is fitting. A real "Sunflower".

WerePox47 wrote:
Might wanna get ur hands on a few elemental rods after low-mid levels as well.. Most outsiders CR 7+ have heavy fire resistance or are flat out immune to it and ull find urself twiddling ur thumbs quite often vs them..

That's one of the reasons I was considering a Light-based approach. Spear of Purity would hit them for 10d6 damage with a chance to Blind. Intensified that would hit for 15d6. I could also grab Searing Light to knock out undead and vampires, though my fire spells will probably be enough to handle those. Silver Light & Blinding Ray might also be useful. At higher levels I could toss down Pillar of Life on powerful undead, which would also aid the 2-4 melee characters the party might have.

Quick update, I'm definitely going to ask my GM for permission to play a Merfolk character. I think the idea is going to be a ton of fun.

I'm planning on using blasting spells during the early levels, but I'm not going to focus on that entirely. At level 5 I'm going to pick up Weapon Finesse, then use Extra Revelations at level 7 to gain both Form of Flame and Wings of Fire. A little self buffing and I can do decent melee damage, especially if I pick up a customized Agile Amulet of Mighty fists to boost my natural attacks =P.

Alternatively, I can hover over the battlefield and rain down holy fire. I'll be the flying fire mermaid of doom!

Grand Lodge

Do not forget to take the Strongtail alternate racial trait.

I planned on taking Strongtail and Cinder Dance right at first level. That will let me have a land speed of 25 feet. I've just gotta figure out how to describe my movement, maybe I slither kinda like a naga?

The biggest issue is going to be finding a good miniature to represent the character =P

Grand Lodge

Steamcaster, the Boiler of Flesh.

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