Stonelord Stone Servant Opto


Sovereign Court

I think this is a very neat archetype, but for the level range of PFS (1-12) the earth elemental is extremely weak. I haven't been able to find anything, but do any of you know of a way of improving the Stone Servant? Ideally a way to get the larger sizes earlier would be best, but maybe there are other ways that you Encyclopedias might know of that I haven't found.

Thanks in advance.

I think you might be SOL.

It might be better to think of it as a scout, rather than a primary combatant. It has tremor sense, can travel under the ground, and speaks terran, which is pretty cool.

You could even use it as a distraction, by popping up out of the ground, and sinking back in to pull your foes out of position, forcing them to bunch up in defence setting them up for an area attack spell, or even allowing you to move past them.

On rare occasions, it could be used to pop out of the ground beside squishy spell casters who thought they could hide behind their minions.

I've been playing a level 5 Stonelord in my current game, and the Stone Servant has come in handy several times so far. I've used him for scouting several times. He also good for flanking enemies in hard to reach locations. Also, since he gets smite evil he has come in handy a few time already against some evil creatures with DR. I just have to be careful and not leave him next to something that will one-shot him. This is somewhat easier since my GM forgets that my elemental is a potential target about half the time.

Chall T. Dow

Sovereign Court

Are there any good items for like familiars or animal companions that boost them? I figure he could wear items like they can since he's called and therefore sticks around. Dunno if he could earthwalk with items...

he doesn't use any special familiar or animal companion rules.

it's a horrible ability if your gm claims that like a normal mount you take a -1 to hit/damage for 30 days if it dies. it only has 13 hp for pete's sake. i claim the ability is compared to the normal paladin ability only in reference to summoning, not anything else. but then there's nothing in the text describing anything else. it is a very poorly worded ability.

the elemental will always be worse that a mount all the way up to level 20. not to mention it's dumber than a mount for a very long time, so arguing it can do scouting and such doesn't work that well since it doesn't know much, AND it ONLY speaks terran, so unless you spend a skill point in linguistics (paladins don't get a lot of those typically) you can't talk to it at all.

i love the stonelord but i hate that elemental. they seriously need some updates for that ability.

Its a poor ability best used for watching you sleep. Or ignore it.

Try andget the DM to allow it as a summons with no penalty if it dies. Otherwise no matter how good you make it you will be hurting sooner or later.

The archetype is amazing fun without the ability: AC, DR, Immunities, Swift Self Healing (that removes the fatigue from your stance) - "none shall pass"

i play it as written, the only reference to the paladin ability is how you summon it, not anything else, including its death. so treat it as a summon once a day helper. if it dies, summon it again the next day.

Scarab Sages

asthyril wrote:
not to mention it's dumber than a mount for a very long time,

The elemental is actually always smarter than a standard mount. They start out twice as smart as a mount, and by the time the mount gets caught up at 9th level (assuming all of the ability score increases are being put into INT) they're only two levels away from the Elemental getting a 2 point bump, and then the Earth elemental stays ahead in INT for the rest of the progression. There's exactly a 3 level spread where the mount has even an equal intelligence. The elemental also gets a lot of cool DR and abilities that the mount doesn't have access to, as well as finishing a feat ahead. His earthglide and burrow abilities also allow him to accompany the party to a lot of places a creature of his size, or a smaller but still Large and awkward creature like a horse, would be unable to go.

umm not sure where you are getting your info, but:

SRD on paladin mount wrote:
Bonded mounts have an Intelligence of at least 6.
SRD small earth elemental stats wrote:
Str 16, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
SRD medium earth elemental stats wrote:
Str 20, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
SRD large earth elemental stats wrote:
Str 24, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
SRD huge earth elemental stats wrote:
Str 28, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
SRD greater earth elemental stats wrote:
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11

so your elemental will not be smarter than the minimum paladin mount until level 17

the elemental does not get extra feats or abilities. it is just an elemental with the celestial template.

Scarab Sages

asthyril wrote:

umm not sure where you are getting your info, but:

SRD on paladin mount wrote:
Bonded mounts have an Intelligence of at least 6.
SRD small earth elemental stats wrote:
Str 16, Dex 8, Con 13, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
SRD medium earth elemental stats wrote:
Str 20, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11
SRD large earth elemental stats wrote:
Str 24, Dex 8, Con 17, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
SRD huge earth elemental stats wrote:
Str 28, Dex 8, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11
SRD greater earth elemental stats wrote:
Str 30, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11

so your elemental will not be smarter than the minimum paladin mount until level 17

the elemental does not get extra feats or abilities. it is just an elemental with the celestial template.

Missed that line in the paladin ability, was going off the druid AC stats. However, count the feats that the elemental gets based on progression and hit die. He ends up a feat ahead at 9 feats.

well i didn't look at the lesser elementals compared to appropriate leveled paladin mount but:

level 20 stonelord elemental has 9 feats that are fixed

level 20 paladin mount has 8 feats you can choose any you want. even fighting styles since it has an intelligence of at least 6.

the elemental gets closer in power, but never equals an optimized animal companion mount.

Scarab Sages

asthyril wrote:

well i didn't look at the lesser elementals compared to appropriate leveled paladin mount but:

level 20 stonelord elemental has 9 feats that are fixed

level 20 paladin mount has 8 feats you can choose any you want. even fighting styles since it has an intelligence of at least 6.

the elemental gets closer in power, but never equals an optimized animal companion mount.

I wasn't trying to say that he did, just that he had his uses and wasn't completely useless. Also, he's your elemental, nothing says he has to use the default feats in the Bestiary.

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I actually like the elemental. I generally use it to bull rush, either to get something away from a squishy ally or to move it into range for me while in defensive stance. So far, it works out pretty well. Since he never moves with them, they generally don't threaten him. Since I have Stand Still, they never get back to him either.

My stonelord just turned 5 and I decided to not use it at all, because it is just too squishy.
One misplaced spell or one attack and it is gone.

We got a con 8 wizard in our party and his familiar has the same hp as the stone servent. Thats ridiculous

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