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Greetings, Lodge Sisters and Brothers! Please excuse the assumed name above, but I thought it best to travel incognito. I am Pathfinder Aram bin Kaleel, of Katheer, and I beg your indulgence this day on a matter of import to the entire Society.
“Explore. Report. Cooperate.” These are the three Core Tenants of our Society, drilled into the heads of every Initiate that passes through the doors of the Grand Lodge. Yet when they leave again, their training complete, how many Pathfinders are actually qualified to carry out those core tenants?
- To Explore, a Pathfinder must possess more than lethal skill with a single weapon: one must possess curiosity and skill, self-sufficiency and courage in equal measure.
- To Report, a Pathfinder must be at the least literate, and able to express themselves coherently in more than monosyllabic grunts.
- To Cooperate requires a certain level of social grace and tact, which seems largely absent in many Pathfinders today.
In my experience, many Pathfinders seem to be either highly-specialized killers or common thugs. On a recent assignment to represent the Society at the marriage of Michellia Blakros, I shudder to think of the damage that could have been caused by a group of brutish oafs with no use beyond murder. Pathfinders are increasingly being used as nothing more than an army against the Society’s enemies, because that is all many of them are suited for. This intolerable situation is an affront to the memory of those who have gone before, whose tales are immortalized in the Chronicles. So: what can be done?
In my country, we have a saying: “It is better to light one lamp, than to sit and curse the darkness.” To do my part in restoring the honor and traditions of the Pathfinder Society, I have decided to become a Lamplighter, and I invite other Pathfinders of like mind to join with me.
I propose the formation of a voluntary, informal organization within the Pathfinder Society, to be known as the Lamplighters, with membership open to any Pathfinder who meets the minimal requirements outlined in the attached Creed. The Lamplighters will have no hierarchy and no leadership; anyone who meets the qualifications may purchase and wear the Lamplighter’s badge upon showing proof of qualification to the vendor.
Benefit of membership in the Lamplighters is intangible, but significant. When you see another agent wearing a Lamplighter badge, you know that you can count on their support and trust them with your life. Similarly, by identifying yourself as a Lamplighter, you will instill confidence in your companions that you can be trusted to complete the mission at hand. Lamplighters will remind other agents, new and old, what it once was to be a Pathfinder, and put the proper emphasis on resourcefulness and versatility outside of just the combat arena.
Let me emphasize: the Lamplighters are not a “shadow Society” trying to change the Pathfinder leadership or mandate. Neither are we a political faction seeking to twist the Society to our own uses. No Lamplighter will ever ask another to obtain a bauble for their upcoming party or to assassinate a personal rival while on Society business. The Lamplighters exist solely as a positive exemplar of the resourcefulness, wit, and skill that built our Society’s glorious history. As such, it operates above such individual agendas. Membership is open to all Pathfinders who honor the Lamplighter's Creed regardless of other political or social affiliations.
I believe that if more agents were as versatile, resourceful and adaptable as our predecessors, then our leadership would see more use for us than as foot soldiers against the Aspis Consortium and other rivals. Join the Lamplighters, and together we will serve as a guiding light for the Society's future.
With humble thanks for your time and consideration, I remain,
Your comrade,
Aram bin Kaleel of Katheer,

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In order to codify the qualifications to become a Lamplighter, I have set down my thoughts in this matter. I propose that those who yearn as I do for the Society to return to its glory days, offer their own suggestions, so that we may quickly agree upon a list of minimal requirements.
The Lamplighter's Creed
* A Lamplighter is sound of mind and body, with no physical, mental, or social deficiency which would interfere with their duties.
[ooc: No ability score below 10 except those reduced by racial penalties.]
* A Lamplighter is skilled in diplomacy, tact, and effective communication.
[ooc: A Diplomacy skill of at least +2, whether through ranks, high Charisma score, or other permanent, inherent bonus . Bonuses from magical items do not qualify.]
* A Lamplighter is well-trained, knowledgeable, and resourceful.
[ooc: At least a +1 bonus in at least 5 of the following skills: Appraise, Disable Device, Handle Animal, any Knowledge skill, Linguistics, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Use Magical Device. The bonus can come from any source, so long as it is a permanent, inherent bonus and not a temporary effect.]
* A Lamplighter is always ready for combat, and is trained and equipped for both hand-to-hand and ranged fighting.
[ooc: Proficiency in and ownership of at least one ranged and one melee weapon, even if the character is primarily a non-combat type.]
* A Lamplighter is well-equipped for any eventuality, and ready to travel at a moment’s notice.
[ooc: More of a philosophy than a requirements, since it depends upon budget and prestige. At least some healing that they can use themselves, a back-up weapon with a different damage type, and so on.]
* A Lamplighter puts the success of the mission and the well-being of her comrades ahead of personal gain.
* A Lamplighter keeps no knowledge secret from their Venture-Captain or their comrades.

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I wholeheartedly concur with the entirety of you commentary, and applaud you for your well thought out goals and guidelines.
Despite this, I find myself unable to apply the label of Lamplighter to myself. Not because of any moral standing, but because I am not a very likable fellow.
Growing up, I was found myself unwanted by both sides of my heritage, forced to live in a monastery because my Father's People considered me a bastard and my Mother's People considered me Demonspawn.
This conspired to give me a rather poor outlook on the nature of People in general. However at the insistence of the Brother's at the Monastery and through a lot of hard work, I have developed a strong diplomatic sense, and have often found myself more socially adept than my more charismatic companions in the society.
Good Luck with this initiative. I feel it will be a positive development for the Society.
- Alex Longfeather (4th Level Half-Elf Zen Archer, 8 Cha, +10 Diplomacy)

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I concur with the sentiment of Mr. Longfeather. Unfortunately, us Gnomes are of frail body in the first place, and to compensate, I have long used magical abilities. While I may not have a high physical strength, I have many, many spells to rectify that.
I further question the wisdom of the final rule regarding Venture Captains and members of the Shadow Lodge. If we are to hold our leaders accountable, must we forewarn them that we are watching their every move?
Finally, I must ask about the wisdom of the one ranged and one melee weapon requirement. For many well-prepared Pathfinders, carrying such useless, additional gear is more of a hindrance than being well-prepared. These items are bulky and, for some characters, will remain entirely unused. Are we not above such pointless rules?
I commend you for your initiative, devotion and for a very good idea in theory; I believe, however, that your requirements are far too rigid to encourage the growth of such an organization of versatile pathfinders.

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Posting as ‘the kid’ since Venture Offices can’t use aliases . ‘The kid’ apparently a 9-year old boy (he isn’t actually a 9-year old boy and he isn’t re-skinned but that is exactly what he looks like unless your innate perception is above +28) who is commonly seen around the Grand Lodge (mostly the ossuary). He is completely deaf and walks with a severe limp (which he says he got during a rogue shadow lodge attack on the Grand Lodge). He professes to be a full fledge pathfinder and has the mission reports and way finder to back it up. It doesn’t seem like he does much but the missions that he is assigned to have higher success rates than normal.
“So why do you limit membership to people that can meet certain standards? And what happens, like if something on the mission hurts them so much that they don’t meet your standards anymore? Do they get put on time out while they recover? I think you are trying to make the Pathfinder Society something better at least in terms of how the outside world sees us. Is that what you are trying to do?”

GM Lamplighter |

Aram bin Kaleel, of Katheer
So many responses; I must commend the Shadow Lodge for being so quick to discuss my proposal!
I will admit that the qualifications may be too restrictive; when I developed them, I was mostly thinking of setting a goal for a new Initiate to aim for. Mssrs. Longfeather and Falaviel raise a good point, however; training can more than offset any natural deficiency in ability. I will consider this along with other suggestions.
And you, young man... I don't believe I caught your name?... In fact, I hope to encourage more Pathfinders to improve themselves, so that we may be ready for whatever lies ahead. But you also raise a valid point: the ideals of the Lamplighter creed are in some ways more of a philosophy than a practice. Of course, if someone was injured, they would not lose the right to wear their badge. And again, since there is very little practical benefit beyond self-identification in wearing a Lamplighter insignia, there is no reason to revoke the privilege that I can think of.

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Well Aram, I like what you are here trying to say and do, but only to a certain point. Many may be highly-specialized killers, common thugs or barbaric brutes which lack knowledge or social skills, even little common sense, but that probably because it is not part of their training. They have trained for a certain purpose, they specialize for a reason. They specialized because they are good at something and wish to be even better.
So with your first rule you are excluding most them,but you are not just excluding them, you are also excluding those with knowledge, good social skills and wisdom. Those people, me included, have trained those skills at the cost of other skills they could well have trained and may therefore not have much physical skills like the highly-specialized killers, common thugs or barbaric brutes.
To me it sounds you are trying to gather only people that are in the very middle, if you understand what I am saying, and those are not many far as I can tell.
Adran Nildareth, wizard, alchemist and fellow pathfinder.

Aram bin Kaleel, Pathfinder |

Aram bin Kaleel, Pathfinder
You raise a valid point, Adran, but I would hten to point out that the Lamplighter's Creed has few requirements, allowing most Pathfinders plenty of training time to devote to their chosen specialty. I agree that "master of none" is not the desired result; merely to ensure that every Pathfinder has basic training which allow them to be more self-sufficient when the Ten see fit to send them into the field without all necessary specialists present in the team.

Aram bin Kaleel, Pathfinder |

Aram bin Kaleel, Pathfinder
Greetings, Reynard, and well met! Acid splash is a useful ranged weapon, but as you know it has its limitations. While anti-magic zones are rare, I have come across such areas in my travels. More likely are large caverns or outdoor areas where the enemy can stay outside of the range of such spells, or creatures which are resistant to acid. In cases like this, it is wise to be prepared.
As for fireballs, sometimes a cleansing fire is needed, but at other times, more subtlety is required. The Lamplighters advocate being prepared for either extreme, and any variation in between.
May your journey lead you to new places,

Aram bin Kaleel, Pathfinder |

Aram bin Kaleel
Welcome, Marcus! As you say, I do have an ulterior motive: to restore the glory of the Society by encouraging its agents to be well-trained and prepared. I find some of our Society's most recent exploits distasteful, and believe that if the rank-and-file agents show themselves capable, our masters will see fit to assign us missions worthy of our Society's proud heritage.
I hope to see you at this year's Grand Convocation in Absalom, but you are welcome in my home at any time. Should you see fit to travel through the City at the Center of the World, do not pass me by.

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Hello Aram,
I appreciate your sentiment and will keep an eye out for your so-called "Lamp lighters" in my future endeavors with the society. Since I don't entirely trust the fools I get sent out with more often then not, I'll be happy to call on your aid when I require a knife in favor of the club. Although I do not fully trust the Shadow Lodge, due to our past... encounters, I will not shy from asking for help and returning your favors in kind.
I am currently in Magnimar, far from the toil and aggravations of the city at the center of the world; but if I'm ever in the area, I'll be sure to look you up.
Trade Prince Falmas Nailo of Qadira

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Greetings Aram,
Your Lamp Lighters have intrigued me. Due to my demonic ancestry I have had great difficulty in blending in and interacting with society as a whole. However, through my training I have attempted to make up for my lack of social skills to be able to approach a situation diplomatically. This has been of mixed success in the past due to peoples inherit distrust of my mixed heritage. Would your Lamp Lighter's be trusting of an individual such as myself?
If my negative racial modifier stat is below 8 does that break the first part of the creed?
I shall keep an eye out for those wearing the Lamp Lighter badge, for I know what the significance of the symbol is.
Yours Truly,
Quindo Wraithborn.

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You know Aram, I think I see what you're getting at, and I like the cut of your jib, I really do. I'm worried, though, that you're being just a little bit closed-minded about what a Pathfinder should be.
Now, when you're as small of stature as I am, you learn to take every advantage you can get. I've picked up enough tricks over the years to qualify for most parts of your proposed creed, but my Andoren blood cries out for me to stick up for those who might fall short.
You see, some of my best friends in the Society communicate in monosyllabic grunts, and I'm acquainted with a uniquely talented young Tiefling whose been turned away by more than one upper-class type establishment. Truth is though, that there's nobody I'd rather have at my back on a mission, even if they did run off on me during one incident with a bunyip.
With all due respect, I think you're missing part of the cooperation clause in the Society oath. It doesn't take a wise man to know that not everybody can be everything; and I should know! Moreover, there's a reason that Kreighton Shaine isn't the only Venture Captain at the Grand Lodge; the Society needs more than just Scrolls - I'd reckon it wouldn't have lasted nearly as long as it has without a whole lot of (and I hope you'll pardon my phrasing) slovenly Spells and slow Swords.
I think that, instead of devoting their time to shining fancy badges and climbing up on that pedestal, those of us with a broader range of skills should try and help those less fortunate. If you're working with somebody that doesn't write too well, take a little time to help them out with their report, and if your fellow pathfinder can't find his way in the halls of high society, pitch in and be his guide in that baffling maze. Lord knows they've probably helped you out of more than a few jams.