GM Lamplighter |

Greetings, Lodge Sisters and Brothers! Please excuse the assumed name above, but I thought it best to travel incognito. I am Pathfinder Aram bin Kaleel, of Katheer, and I beg your indulgence this day on a matter of import to the entire Society.
“Explore. Report. Cooperate.” These are the three Core Tenants of our Society, drilled into the heads of every Initiate that passes through the doors of the Grand Lodge. Yet when they leave again, their training complete, how many Pathfinders are actually qualified to carry out those core tenants?
- To Explore, a Pathfinder must possess more than lethal skill with a single weapon: one must possess curiosity and skill, self-sufficiency and courage in equal measure.
- To Report, a Pathfinder must be at the least literate, and able to express themselves coherently in more than monosyllabic grunts.
- To Cooperate requires a certain level of social grace and tact, which seems largely absent in many Pathfinders today.
In my experience, many Pathfinders seem to be either highly-specialized killers or common thugs. On a recent assignment to represent the Society at the marriage of Michellia Blakros, I shudder to think of the damage that could have been caused by a group of brutish oafs with no use beyond murder. Pathfinders are increasingly being used as nothing more than an army against the Society’s enemies, because that is all many of them are suited for. This intolerable situation is an affront to the memory of those who have gone before, whose tales are immortalized in the Chronicles. So: what can be done?
In my country, we have a saying: “It is better to light one lamp, than to sit and curse the darkness.” To do my part in restoring the honor and traditions of the Pathfinder Society, I have decided to become a Lamplighter, and I invite other Pathfinders of like mind to join with me.
I propose the formation of a voluntary, informal organization within the Pathfinder Society, to be known as the Lamplighters, with membership open to any Pathfinder who meets the minimal requirements outlined in the attached Creed. The Lamplighters will have no hierarchy and no leadership; anyone who meets the qualifications may purchase and wear the Lamplighter’s badge upon showing proof of qualification to the vendor.
Benefit of membership in the Lamplighters is intangible, but significant. When you see another agent wearing a Lamplighter badge, you know that you can count on their support and trust them with your life. Similarly, by identifying yourself as a Lamplighter, you will instill confidence in your companions that you can be trusted to complete the mission at hand. Lamplighters will remind other agents, new and old, what it once was to be a Pathfinder, and put the proper emphasis on resourcefulness and versatility outside of just the combat arena.
Let me emphasize: the Lamplighters are not a “shadow Society” trying to change the Pathfinder leadership or mandate. Neither are we a political faction seeking to twist the Society to our own uses. No Lamplighter will ever ask another to obtain a bauble for their upcoming party or to assassinate a personal rival while on Society business. The Lamplighters exist solely as a positive exemplar of the resourcefulness, wit, and skill that built our Society’s glorious history. As such, it operates above such individual agendas. Membership is open to all Pathfinders who honor the Lamplighter's Creed regardless of other political or social affiliations.
I believe that if more agents were as versatile, resourceful and adaptable as our predecessors, then our leadership would see more use for us than as foot soldiers against the Aspis Consortium and other rivals. Join the Lamplighters, and together we will serve as a guiding light for the Society's future.
With humble thanks for your time and consideration, I remain,
Your comrade,
Aram bin Kaleel of Katheer,

GM Lamplighter |

In order to codify the qualifications to become a Lamplighter, I have set down my thoughts in this matter. I propose that those who yearn as I do for the Society to return to its glory days, offer their own suggestions, so that we may quickly agree upon a list of minimal requirements.
The Lamplighter's Creed
* A Lamplighter is sound of mind and body, with no physical, mental, or social deficiency which would interfere with their duties.
[ooc: No ability score below 10 except those reduced by racial penalties.]
* A Lamplighter is skilled in diplomacy, tact, and effective communication.
[ooc: A Diplomacy skill of at least +2, whether through ranks, high Charisma score, or other permanent, inherent bonus . Bonuses from magical items do not qualify.]
* A Lamplighter is well-trained, knowledgeable, and resourceful.
[ooc: At least a +1 bonus in at least 5 of the following skills: Appraise, Disable Device, Handle Animal, any Knowledge skill, Linguistics, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Use Magical Device. The bonus can come from any source, so long as it is a permanent, inherent bonus and not a temporary effect.]
* A Lamplighter is always ready for combat, and is trained and equipped for both hand-to-hand and ranged fighting.
[ooc: Proficiency in and ownership of at least one ranged and one melee weapon, even if the character is primarily a non-combat type.]
* A Lamplighter is well-equipped for any eventuality, and ready to travel at a moment’s notice.
[ooc: More of a philosophy than a requirements, since it depends upon budget and prestige. At least some healing that they can use themselves, a back-up weapon with a different damage type, and so on.]
* A Lamplighter puts the success of the mission and the well-being of her comrades ahead of personal gain.
* A Lamplighter keeps no knowledge secret from their Venture-Captain or their comrades.

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Posting as Urai Agmudr (aka the society’s demon) since Venture Offices can’t use aliases
The 6' 6" 250 lbs. blond haired giant of an Ulfen man continues to drink Vjarik. He looks like everything non-essential has been burned away and all that remains is a hunger for battle and bright shining blue eyes. His thick right forearm is branded with the Thasilonian rune for Wrath.
He does not respond in any way what so ever to Aram’s speech and this is probably for the best for everyone involved.

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*squawk* Hesh drunker than I am.
The enormously wide brimmed hat of the tengu almost manages to hide his beak under a span of well battered leather with an equally enormous feather sticking out of the top. He tips it back a bit and takes his head off the table.
"You ever tend bar?"
The tengu rumages around in his bag and takes out a few bottles, a chipped ruby red shotglass, a mismatched set of teacups, and a slightly larger gourd cup. Clawed hands deftly pick up each bottle and give it a quick tip into two containers as he names them, all without spilling a drop.
"Varisian Vodka. Irisian Vodka. Andoran Vodka. Chelaxian Vodka. This is the party you're trying to make. Different, but more or less the same thing with the same flavor.Its a good drink. It will get you drunk, it won't curdle your tongue, but mix it how you will its always going to be just vodka.
He pours some fine black pepper, tomatoes, a stick of celery, as well as some unidentifiable red liquid that bubbles and hisses as it tries to eat its way through the glass. "Now, you wouldn't want to make a drink with just any of these, specially that stuff on the end there, trust me. You gotta mix them. Yes, It doesn't always works sometimes you'll burn your tongue off. Some nights you'll have a lot of time in the privy to peruse some chronicles. But when it does work... ahhh, that perfect blend of concordance and opposition, the flavors competing against each other and blending into a symphony of flavor worthy of the accidental Gods own mug." he lays the hat out on the table and pours the ingredients in, using a feather to stir it together.
"So what'll it be lad, gonna stick to the same old thing or try for something great? "

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Peter listens to all the man has to say. Nodding politely at several points in the speech he appears to agree with.
Truly your words have the 'ring of horn'. Best of luck in your endeavors.
Petr absentmindedly draws a worm smooth wooden icon engraved with a great stag from a leather pouch at his side.
Good health to your fields and your family.

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Such a pity. The cause is noble, this Lamplighter broadening. I feel excluded, however, by the creed, and so will not be able to help.
I can communicate, have tact, and am a consumnate diplomat. I am knowledgeable, skilled in my magicks and know a thing or two of persuasion. I am ready to travel, and when I do, I am prepared for most eventualities. I am a team-player and ready to assist those who travel and work with me.
However, you cannot expect me to arm-wrestle such gallant seekers such as these present and come out victorious, nor to bear huge burdens physically. And should someone decide to go corps-a-corps with me, I would find myself needing to respond in an arcane fashion, rather than trying to inadequately swing a blade. I sold my crossbow long ago, for all the good it did me.
So, best of luck to you, and I shall proceed on my own career.

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Greetings All,
I have joined the society to follow the core tenants of the society:
“Explore. Report. Cooperate.”
To Explore, a Pathfinder must possess more than lethal skill with a single weapon: one must possess curiosity and skill, self-sufficiency and courage in equal measure.
To Report, a Pathfinder must be at the least literate, and able to express themselves coherently in more than monosyllabic grunts.
To Cooperate requires a certain level of social grace and tact, which seems largely absent in many Pathfinders today."
And to these I will forever pledge my allegiance. Furthermore I think that an idea like the Lamplighters is an excellent one. To a great extent I agree with the contents of the creed you have set forth. However one might reconsider the first creed to read "A Lamplighter must be of sound character above all else". For at times any Pathfinder may suffer infirmaties through which the content of the other creeds would then negate membership of being a Lamplighter.
Something to consider perhaps?