Viconus |
A new player is joining our campaign n Friday and he's not used to 3.5. He would like to be a rogue. I was hoping someone had a ready made character or suggested class for what we need.
We don't need lock picking/trap disarming. We could use a charmer - someone with diplomacy. And we could use one that's good in melee. Any suggestions? The duelist feats look pretty useless to me.

Loup Blanc |

Well, you could go with a scout archetype on the rogue for a little more combat ability--lets him sneak attack whenever he charges starting at level 4, and whenever he moves at least 10 feet at 8. You could do some pretty interesting things with that to make him very combat-able.
Surprisingly enough, you could probably make a pretty good rogue without using Dex, if you're focusing on melee, which'll free up feats for more important stuff. I'll think about it and let you know if I've got anything. In the meanwhile, you may want to check out different guides to rogues, like this one. They offer sound advice.