Necro / Undead animator


We are playing an evil campaign and my goblin anti-paladin just fell. I would really like to make some sort of necromancer. Someone to raise those good races and send them back to destroy their loved ones. Anyone got any ideas on the best way to go about this. We are third level at the moment. Any help is appreciated.

Cleric or Wizard with "Lesser Animate Dead"
With Cleric I would pick Death Domain.
With Wizard I would Pick Necromancy with Undead alternate.

Also can pick Oracle or Sorcerer, but you would have to wait till level 4.

I say oracle (juju) I figured out a way to get 154HD of undead under your control using desecrate (double amount you can create), varisan tatoo (+1 caster lvl), and some other feats to increase how many undead you can create. P.S. when you can get orange ioun stones (what the runelords have imbedded into their skin) get them, they can stack for Caster level. Each caster lvl increases how many undead you can make by 6. Point is bump up your caster level as much as possible.

With Oracle, also consider the Black-Blooded archetype. And of course, the Undead bloodline with Sorcerers. (but again, they will take longer to get undead, from what I've seen)

wow didn't realize so many options hehe. I will have to start sorting through

what do people think of the undead lord cleric

ralath wrote:
what do people think of the undead lord cleric

Sounds like exactly what you are looking for. (seems like this archetype might be able to have an undead at level 1 (assuming it's a HD 1 zombie/skeleton) which seems pretty awesome.

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