Quiver of Abundant Ammunition?

Homebrew and House Rules

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Would it be possible to make one and how much would one think it owuld cost? I am referring to spell listed below.

Abundant Ammunition

School conjuration (summoning); Level bard 1, cleric 1,
ranger 1, sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (a single piece of ammunition)
Target one container touched
Duration 1 minute/level
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
When cast on a container such as a quiver or a pouch that
contains nonmagical ammunition or shuriken (including
masterwork ammunition or shuriken), at the start of each
round this spell replaces any ammunition taken from the
container the round before. The ammunition taken from the
container the round before vanishes. If, after casting this spell,
you cast a spell that enhances projectiles, such as align weapon
or greater magic weapon, on the same container, all projectiles
this spell conjures are affected by that spell.

I will elaborate a lil bit more on this.
my ranger has an efficient quiver, but I would like to get an enhancement added onto to let me have a lot more arrows. I found the spell stated above and looked like my answer, but sadly I don't know how to price it on top of the efficient quiver.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

You might price it at 4,000 gp, theoretically. 1st level spell * Caster level 1 * 2000 gp * 2 for being a continuous effect spell with a duration measured in minutes.

But of course that's just a very rough calculation based on RAW, and any GM might feel differently, though I suppose an infinite supply of non-magical arrows isn't that useful. It would be really handy for an Arcane Archer.

Adding it onto the Efficient Quiver, though, that would basically add +50% to the cost, so figure an Efficient Quiver of Abundant Ammunition as 4+1.8*1.5 = 6,700 gp. (Add half again the price of the cheaper item function.) Again, all of this is theorycraft, though, and any GM might refuse the idea or call for a much higher price.

I just had one of these exact items created for my archer bard. It's an additional 8,000 gp cost to the price of the normal efficient quiver (1,800 gp) for a total item value of 9,800 gp.

As Kvantum said, it's 1*1*2,000*2 but there's an additional *2 for the item not taking up an inventory slot (under the "special" rules in the table below "spell effect" costs). Good luck, and enjoy!

What if i had 30 rounds of seeking arrows, would those be replenished or would i be S!@~ out of luck on that.

edit: Another question on top of this and somewhat related...couldn't my bow be enchanted with seeking and just bestow the seeking enhancement to the arrows as he is firing them?

Reason I ask is, because I have never ever played a ranged character >.>

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Magic arrows are not replenished. The only way to get magical arrows out of it is to cast a spell like Align Weapon of Greater Magic Weapon on the quiver, then for as long as the spell lasts, the arrows you draw benefit from that spell's benefits. It's right there in the original spell's details.

Edit: But yes, if your bow is magical, its benefits carry over to the arrows however only the highest enhancement bonus will apply, so if you have a +3 bow and you use Greater Magic Weapon to make +4 arrows, they're +4, not +7 or anything. Elemental bonuses of different damage types will stack, so using a +1 flaming, frost, shock, holy bow of speed with arrows enchanted using Greater Magic Weapon to +5 does result in effectively +5 flaming, frost, shock, holy arrows of speed.

Also, buy Greater Bracers of Archery ASAP (25,000 gp).

Shadow Lodge

This is one of those items that doesn't really follow the magic item crafting rules. I would happily pay 10,000 gp for a Quiver of Abundant Ammunition. There's a lot of arrows out there- All the special material arrows, for starters. Also blunt arrows, flight arrows, and smoke arrows... Not to mention all the very powerful arrows from Elves of Golarion. If I were GM, any archer trying to get this item would be paying a very, very steep price. If nothing else, it would let you bypass most DR. Plus special material arrows like Elysian Bronze, which would deal +1 damage against all monstrous humanoids and magical beasts, or Viridium which has a chance of diseasing or poisoning the target with each hit.

Sesharan wrote:
Viridium which has a chance of diseasing or poisoning the target with each hit.

...Wait, if i had 60 of those arrows in that quiver of Abundant Ammunition, it would be restocking them!?"

What I would suggest is that the quiver replenishes one kind of arrow and 100 of that arrow should be built into the item's cost as a material component.

And the arrows disappear a minute after they've been removed from the quiver.


Sakrileg wrote:
Sesharan wrote:
Viridium which has a chance of diseasing or poisoning the target with each hit.
...Wait, if i had 60 of those arrows in that quiver of Abundant Ammunition, it would be restocking them!?"

Spell as written, yes, since those are nonmagical arrows inside the container. I have a player that wants this specific effect on his Efficient Quiver just so he can reuse his Cold Iron arrows.

You could always resort to GM fiat and rule that special material arrows count as magical for the purposes of the spell, though.

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