The Realm of Toridae

Homebrew and House Rules

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Here is my setting made from Worldbuilding Exercise - Get 5 Random Races, Build a Setting by Mikaze.

The Realm of Toridae

Toridae is a vast continent with a large desert encompassing the northwestern portion, a rocky range of volcanic mountains to the northeast, and a large jungle in the south.


Millennia ago, five Creators came to the land of Toridae with the purpose of creating a lasting civilization, each setting out to create a race of their choosing.

From the endless deserts, the Creator known as Asherat the Wise shaped the sand itself into a humanoid form. When he was satisfied with the final result, he bestowed the breath of life upon his creations and named them after himself, the Asherati. He taught them about the stars and imparted his great wisdom upon them, and they used this knowledge to create a vast kingdom in the desert.

The Creator known as Devinii the Beautiful, who was the most beautiful of the Creators, sculpted her own race out of the land's rich supply of obsidian. This race shared their Creator's grace and beauty with their flawless obsidian skin and contrasting white hair. She called this race the Drow, as it meant beautiful in her own tongue.

In the steamy jungles, the Creator known as Varitali the Trickster wanted to create a race that shared her appreciation for merriment and trickery. She settled on using the jungle's winged insects as inspiration to create a dimunitive race of fey tricksters. This race, called Sprites, became a physical embodiment of Varitali's carefree outlook.

Seeing how successful his companions were, the Creator known as Thagdel the Stalwart created a race to protect the fledgling races. To accomplish this, he turned to the hardy dragon-like creatures that could be found in all corners of Toridae and shaped them into an imposing race called the Dragonborn. This race expertly filled the roll as protectors of the land.

The last Creator, Fedrine the Craven, grew jealous of her companions' success and created a race of vile and ugle humanoids in the darkest parts of the jungle that she called hags. These loathsome creatures matched their Creator in both looks and cunning. Fedrine instructed her creations to kidnap male members of the other races and breed with them in an effort to undermine those she now considered her rivals. The resulting unions created the Changelings, or hag-kin. These unnaturally beautiful females were to be used to subvert and corrupt the other races, but eventually developed their own martiarchal culture.

It has been many centuries since the Creators departed from the lands of Toridae, yet their creations thrive.

The Asherati:

The Asherati have built and rule a vast kingdom of sand, spending their days contemplating the universe and striving for greater enlightenment.

Culture: The Asherati have a mostly ancient Mesopotamian-themed culture, mostly evident in their architecture.

The Drow:

The Drow wander the land as gypsies, never staying in one set location for long and providing their services as dancers and entertainers, as well as master craftsmen. Their works of art are considered to be the most beautiful in the land.

Culture: The Drow culture is best described as a heavily romanticized Romani culture (the gypsy culture portrayed in movies).

The Sprites:

The Sprites continue in their mostly-harmless trickery, yet have beome some the the land's best spies. They use the other races' preconceptions of them to gather valuable information that could be used as leverage. Only a few outsiders know of the network of spies and informants that the Sprites have created.

Culture: Sprites do not necessarily have a cultural theme of their own. They have mostly assimilated into the cultures of the otehr races (excluding the Changelings).

The Dragonborn:

The Dragonborn continue to be protectors, often serving as guards for wealthy Asherati of Drow caravans. Some have formed mercenary bands, willing to sell their protective and martial services to whoever pays the most.

Culture: The Dragonborn have a mostly Mongolian-themed culture, primarily in their style of clothing/armor.

The Changelings:

The Changelings have blended into regular society exceptionally well. Many attempt to seduce unsuspecting males and lure them to their hag mothers to be used to breed more Changelings. Some, however, have eschewed this lifestyle. These rogue Changelings have struck out on their own and attempt to live a relatively normal life inside of society.

Culture: The Changelings, and their hag mothers, primarily live in seclusion deep in jungle and have an Amazonian women styled matriarchal society. Those that leave their secluded settlements blend in with whatever race their father belonged to.

hum, gypsy drows! I like that!

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