The Other Outsiders

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Lantern Lodge

I'm currently working on a Asian-influenced sandbox campaign and had decided early on that I wouldn't want to use any of the traditional western gaming outsiders (Demons, devils, angels, archons) and wanted to focus on the new or redone outsiders that had been released in the subsequent bestiaries.

I've been mostly playing with Rakshasa and Divs but learning more about those groups and realizing how much material exists on all the other, less talked about outsiders groups got me thinking. How is everyone using the 'other' outsiders?

How do you guys run Demodands? Qlippoths? Aeons? Kytons? Inevitables? Proteans? Nightshades? Agathions?

What sort of flavor are these creatures being given? What fun ideas have people come up with when structuring adventures and/or whole campaigns around these creatures?

Most of all, what new things have these creatures given us?

Qlippoths are very Lovecraftian to me. Very alien, very ancient. And very evil. They are the evil that came before everything: before demons, before devils, before existence. They are Primal Evil. Demon lords? Neophytes, wanna-bes, new kids on the block who can't reach the levels these guys pulled in their prime. The only reason the Demons beat them is because there are MORE of them, not because they're better at being evil.

Inevitables have a duty. That duty is EVERYTHING to them. And gods help you if you cross their particular line - they will hunt you to the ends of the planes and beyond. They do not eat. They do not sleep. And they Do. Not. Stop.

Kytons enjoy pain. They think pain is beautiful, they think it is entertaining, and they think it is the gateway to growth, advancement, and power. And they are more than willing to share their knowledge first-hand with anyone who asks... and anyone who doesn't.

Proteans are pure chaos. Unpredictable, unfathomable, and untameable. They cannot be controlled, they cannot be restrained, and they cannot be commanded. They break rules just by existing, and enjoy every second of it.

Never used much of the others so can't provide much insight.

Lantern Lodge

I want to do something cool/crazy with Nightshades, but their CR... some sort of Undead lord? Not sure where to go with them...

Nightshades are what you use when there's an undead army ravaging the land and you want something more interesting than a lich or a graveknight. Plus, you can have that undead army be from another plane.

EDIT: Make sure if you use these baddies, you really play them up. They exist to destroy entire worlds. By the time your players can do anything about them, there should already be a dead continent or two.

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