List of the artciles found in the AP issues (possible spoilers)

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

9 people marked this as a favorite.

I missed such a list, and because there's so much info stored in the various articles, and taking every single AP from my shelf to find a special article is too much work, I thought I could compile such a list. Maybe some of you find it helpful, so I decided to post it here.
I only listed the accompanying articles, and didn't include the Journals or Bestiary (although a full list of the monsters to be found there would be cool as well). Further, from AP 49 on, Paizo included articles like the NPC Gallery and the Treasure-Section, which I also kept out of the list.
Entries written in capital letters are articles about a god, and entries written within "" are Set Pieces, which appeared from AP 13 through 24. If you find mistakes, just post them here. I plan to update this list in the future.
So, here we go...

01 Sandpoint, The History of Thassilon
02 Magnimar, DESNA
03 Keeping the Keep, Varisia
04 Borne of Stone (Giants), Dragons of Golarion
05 Magic of Thassilon, LAMASHTU
06 Karzoug the Claimer, Hazards on the World's Roof

07 Harrow, People of the Road (Varisian way of life)
08 Plague and Pestilence, ABADAR
09 Faces of the Earthbound Evils (Rakshasas), The Red Mantis
10 The Cinderlands, People of the Storval Plateau
11 The Hold of Belkzen, ZON-KUTHON
12 Relics of Kazavon, Harrow Deck of many things

13 Riddleport: City of Cyphers, The Gold Goblin, "St. Casperian's Salvation"
14 The Stars are right (Solar System), CAYDEN CAILEAN, "Teeth of Araska"
15 Celwnynian, Drow of Golarion, "Lament for Emerald Rain"
16 Zirnakaynin, Abominations of the Drow, "The Blood Below"
17 Kyonin, CAILISTRIA, "Sun Dagger's Crown"
18 The Land of Black Blood (Darklands), Demon Lord's of Golarion, "Infestation"

19 Gnolls of the Brazen Peaks, "Refuge of Nethys"
20 In the Shadow of Pale Mountain, SARENRAE, "Coils of Fire"
21 Tales and Truths of Genies, The Katapesh Marketplace, "Hell of Eternal Thirst"
22 The Seals of Sulesh the Great, Keepers of Chaos (Proteans), "Waves of Kakishan"
23 The City of Brass, ROVAGUG, "Beyond the Chain of Fire"
24 Spawn of Rovagug, Wishcraft, "The Decanter of Black Death"

25 Westcrown, Tieflings of Golarion
26 The Six Trials of Larazod, IOMEDAE
27 Treasures of the Pathfinders, Hellknights
28 In the Fiends Grasp (Possession), Path of the Hellknight
29 Ecology of the Thieves Guild, ASMODEUS
30 Catastrophe!, MAMMON

31 Exploration, Brevoy
32 Of Cities and Kings, ERASTIL
33 Iobaria Gazetteer, Into the Stolen Lands
34 Ecology of the Boggard, The Soils of Kings
35 Pitax, GORUM
36 Beyond Kingmaker, The First World

37 Shipwrecked!, Ecology of the Serpentfolk
38 Eleder, GOZREH
39 Expedition to Saventh-Yhi, The Path of Juju
40 Ecology of the Charau-Ka, Dungeon Deathtraps
41 Ilmurea: Shimmering Spiral of the South, NETHYS
42 Beyond Serpent's Skull, YDERSIUS

43 Ravengro, Haunts: Te Unquiet Dead
44 PHARASMA, Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye
45 The Whipsering Way, Ecology of the Lycanthrope
46 Cults of the Dark Tapestry
47 Caliphas, URGATHOA
48 Continuing the Campaign, Liches of Golarion

49 Sandpoint Hinterlands, Ecology of the Oni
50 Kalsgard, SHELYN
51 Crown of the World
52 Ecology of the Kami, Way of the Ninja
53 Minkai, IRORI
54 Continuing the Campaign, Kasai

55 The Life of a Pirate, BESMARA
56 Oceans of Golarion
57 Port Peril, Scourges of the Shackles
58 Mysteries of the Shackles, Ecology of the Cyclops
59 Fleet Battles, NORGORBER
60 Continuing the Campaign, Sea Monsters of Golarion

61 The Shattered Star
62 The Gray Maidens, TORAG
63 Gangs of Kaer Maga, Missions in Magnimar
64 Before Sin (Qlippoths)

Dark Archive

Good job.

Just out of idle curiosity as I only own a few of the Adventure paths thus far and am curious about several of the topics in these articles: Is the information from many of the articles replicated elsewhere? For instance, are the "God articles" basically covered by the "Faiths" books or do they go into much more detail?

Jmacq1 wrote:

Just out of idle curiosity as I only own a few of the Adventure paths thus far and am curious about several of the topics in these articles: Is the information from many of the articles replicated elsewhere? For instance, are the "God articles" basically covered by the "Faiths" books or do they go into much more detail?

The diety articles in the APs are 6-10 pages each, compared to the column or so they get in the Inner Sea World Guide or the two pages each in Gods and Magic or the Faiths books. Many of the AP articles, especially the earlier ones, tended to be longer because they included spells and prestige classes peculiar to that faith. All of the articles have the same bones, but the AP articles have the most meat on them; the Faiths series are like a great gravy, since they give you a lot of 'flavour' in the form of many very good RP tips for playing a character of Diety X, but simply don't have the same amount of space per diety for the more day-to-day details.

Putting the AP article and the Faiths of X article for a given god together would be the ideal mix, IMO, but alas, I don't have all of the AP issues, so my free opinion may be worth what you've paid for it. :S

Great list! This is going to be useful.

Trace Coburn wrote:
Jmacq1 wrote:

Just out of idle curiosity as I only own a few of the Adventure paths thus far and am curious about several of the topics in these articles: Is the information from many of the articles replicated elsewhere? For instance, are the "God articles" basically covered by the "Faiths" books or do they go into much more detail?

The diety articles in the APs are 6-10 pages each, compared to the column or so they get in the Inner Sea World Guide or the two pages each in Gods and Magic or the Faiths books. Many of the AP articles, especially the earlier ones, tended to be longer because they included spells and prestige classes peculiar to that faith. All of the articles have the same bones, but the AP articles have the most meat on them; the Faiths series are like a great gravy, since they give you a lot of 'flavour' in the form of many very good RP tips for playing a character of Diety X, but simply don't have the same amount of space per diety for the more day-to-day details.

Putting the AP article and the Faiths of X article for a given god together would be the ideal mix, IMO, but alas, I don't have all of the AP issues, so my free opinion may be worth what you've paid for it. :S

It'd certainly be nice to have a single source for all this stuff, particularly as old APs start to sell out in print form. An updated "Gods and Magic" as it were, or even a big ol' hardcover "Gods of The Inner Sea" that goes into more detail on some of the minor/racial deities or some of the powerful Outsiders that have prolific cults or even a segment on the Aboleths (to give it some length worthy of a hardcover). Then again, the articles are undoubtedly an incentive for folks to go out and buy the APs even if they don't necessarily plan to play the APs themselves, so it may be doubtful that Paizo would make such a move.


Dryder wrote:
I missed such a list...

I missed such a list, too! Great work, thank you so much!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Jmacq1 wrote:
Trace Coburn wrote:
Jmacq1 wrote:

Just out of idle curiosity as I only own a few of the Adventure paths thus far and am curious about several of the topics in these articles: Is the information from many of the articles replicated elsewhere? For instance, are the "God articles" basically covered by the "Faiths" books or do they go into much more detail?

The diety articles in the APs are 6-10 pages each, compared to the column or so they get in the Inner Sea World Guide or the two pages each in Gods and Magic or the Faiths books. Many of the AP articles, especially the earlier ones, tended to be longer because they included spells and prestige classes peculiar to that faith. All of the articles have the same bones, but the AP articles have the most meat on them; the Faiths series are like a great gravy, since they give you a lot of 'flavour' in the form of many very good RP tips for playing a character of Diety X, but simply don't have the same amount of space per diety for the more day-to-day details.

Putting the AP article and the Faiths of X article for a given god together would be the ideal mix, IMO, but alas, I don't have all of the AP issues, so my free opinion may be worth what you've paid for it. :S

It'd certainly be nice to have a single source for all this stuff, particularly as old APs start to sell out in print form. An updated "Gods and Magic" as it were, or even a big ol' hardcover "Gods of The Inner Sea" that goes into more detail on some of the minor/racial deities or some of the powerful Outsiders that have prolific cults or even a segment on the Aboleths (to give it some length worthy of a hardcover). Then again, the articles are undoubtedly an incentive for folks to go out and buy the APs even if they don't necessarily plan to play the APs themselves, so it may be doubtful that Paizo would make such a move.

I know that James Jacobs & Sean have always talked about combining Sean's articles into one book as something they'd like to do eventually, but it involves

a) all the articles being done in the APs (which only happened a couple of issues ago, they'llwant some spacing before republishing everything)

b) time in Paizo's (and especially Sean's) schedule to accomodate an extra hardback book.


The wiki version is grouped by subject, but also updated pretty much monthly

Liberty's Edge

Uuh, nice!
Haven't seen that one. Thanx, Cpt kirstov.
Would've saved me some time... :)

Very useful!! Thanks!!!!

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