Create Pit - best spell in game?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Grease should have the evil discriptor! It's so abauseable it gets my vote for most powerful spell.

can the walls of the pit be greased?
after all, the grease spell can only affect a 10 ft. area, and it is an extradimensional space...

As far as dropping anvils go, you might consider the anchor feather token. I almost had my GM convinced that I should be able to drop this on an enemy while I was invisibly spider climbing on the ceiling. One of my better ideas that never got to be employed...

Gauss wrote:


How did you do that? An Adamantine Golem is huge. It doesn't fit. Only large and smaller creatures are subject to a create pit spell.

- Gauss

This is certainly not the case. Please show me rules that say creatures of X size are exempt from area effect spells. They fall in the pit. If need be, they are forced to squeeze.

To wit: I, as a roughly human shape, am about 2 1/2 feet wide. Your average manhole is about 3 feet wide. If one opened up beneath me, you'd better believe I would fall down. But...being human, my facing is 5 ft by 5 feet, surely I'd be immune to falling down a hole only 3 feet wide?

Space and reach are approximations, and creatures are not perfect cubes. Even if you were to treat them as such, there are rules in place for fitting a larger creature in a smaller space.

My point is, rules trumps real world logic, and in this instance even if you were to use real world logic over rules there is a strong counterargument (which I've provided).

I would also like to say that pits>golems almost automatically. Golems almost universally have poor reflex saves, and pit spells allow no SR. Being mindless and thus having no skill ranks, they find it excrutiatingly difficult to climb out.

In my Thursday game, we once destroyed something like 8 Stone Golems with a single casting of Create Pit and one Summon Monster V for 1d4+1 (5) Lantern Archons.

Create pit certains wins most annoying. Possibly most broken as well, in terms of overuse, abuse, and unhandled rules (see huge creature discussion above).

Boggles me to no end that one of my favorite 1st edition spells, Dig, was 4th level and created a 5' cube pit (per round). That got removed from the game, but now there's a spell that at a minimum does eight times that at 2nd level (not to mention the 'slanty sides').

Shadow Lodge

Cassidius wrote:
As far as dropping anvils go, you might consider the anchor feather token.

Or you could go Ring of Feather Fall+Dimension Door+Anvil. Teleport up to the minimum height above the target for the anvil to reach maximum velocity and let it drop as you float down.

Greg Wasson wrote:

And dropping anvils?


Create pit + feather token [anchor].

@armouredmonk13 I really think it would be better if it was a safe and you rode it down as a cowboy for a round or two first.

- You must create the pit on a horizontal surface of sufficient size.

- it is 10-by-10, it can not often target multiple creatures and they still get a reflex save, a spell with a will or fortitude save usually manages to disable a single target on a failed save in some way.

- The edges are sloped, it is hard to approach and 'toss stuff at him' without making reflex saves themselves, unless they are flying in which case it is at least a partially moot point.

Climbing :

- A Climb check that fails by 4 or less means that you make no progress, and one that fails by 5 or more means that you fall from whatever height you have already attained.

- You try to climb more quickly than normal. By accepting a –5 penalty, you can move half your speed (instead of one-quarter your speed).

– +5 climbing a corner where you can brace against perpendicular walls, pretty much everyone can do this

- +10 climbing where you can brace opposite walls, large creatures can do this as well as some other creatures that have exceptional reach at the GMs option.

- A creature with a climb speed has a +8 racial bonus on all Climb checks, it can always choose to take 10, even if rushed or threatened while climbing. If a creature with a climb speed chooses an accelerated climb (see above), it moves at double its climb speed (or at its land speed, whichever is slower) and makes a single Climb check at a –5 penalty. Such a creature retains its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus to their attacks against it. It cannot, however, use the run action while climbing.

* So typically difficult terrain can disallow the use of this spell since it isn't a horizontal surface.

* it can not be used if there is no applicable area 10 by 10 foot, so 9 foot wide hallways are out, unobstructed 10 by 10 foot spaces tend to be much less common than you think in a typical dungeon,counting the slopes you need a 20'x20' area.

* Your (typical) frost giant has +13 on climb, it is large enough to brace opposite walls for a +10 bonus on climb and a move speed of 40 feet, taking this +23 modifier it can chance an accelerated climb taking a -5 penalty, it moves 20 feet as a move action on a roll of 7 or higher, in one round he could climb out of the pit if he manages to roll a 2 on his second move action (he does not need to accelerate for the remaining 10 feet, though I guess he has 10 feet move left if he does.)

* spiked pit is even easier to climb out at DC 20, though it does incur 1d6 damage it will almost guarantee an accelerated climb out for a creature like the frostgiant.

Shadow Lodge

Glibness is the most powerful spell in the game.

There's a spell from 3.5 called Earthbind, which solves half the problems most people end up running into with Create Pit (flying creatures).

and what would be the effect of having the sirocco spell inside a pit spell? or right on top?

Avatar-1 wrote:
Glibness is the most powerful spell in the game.

Depends on the DM, but as someone who likes to play by the rules sometimes to the detriment of the game, Glibness is an absolute power play.


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