Android Race from Inner Sea Bestiary

Lost Omens Products

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Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

I've got a fair amount of information about Ghorans in my notebook, including an outline for a short story involving one being murdered in the city of Quantium, with Korm and Aebos (my characters from "Two Pieces of Tarnished Silver") being brought in by the Council of Three and Nine to solve the mystery of who did it, but alas most of my "free" time these days is spent writing catalog copy, promotional articles, and business plans.

The stuff of legends, I tell you!

That's it. We need a valiant ninja who will steal your notebook and share its contents with us!

Erik Mona wrote:

but alas most of my "free" time these days is spent writing catalog copy, promotional articles, and business plans.

The stuff of legends, I tell you!

Just think how you could spice up that copy with snippets of your Ghoran fiction! ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Drejk wrote:
That's it. We need a valiant ninja who will steal your notebook and share its contents with us!


Reiko of White Wave wrote:
Drejk wrote:
That's it. We need a valiant ninja who will steal your notebook and share its contents with us!

Do you accept payment in rice?

So, with what we know now plus the listed Race Point prices in the advance race guide's race building rules...

Humanoid type: 0 RP
Medium size: 0 RP
Normal speed: 0 RP
Standard Ability Scores: 0 RP
Linguist: 1 RP
Darkvision: 2 RP
Low-Light vision: 1 RP
Skills +2 Perception: 2 RP
Emotionless: –1 RP
Constructed: 2 RP
Saves +4 vs paralysis, poison: 4 RP
Immune fatigue, exhaustion, disease, sleep, fear, emotion: 4 RP
Nanite surge: 3 RP

we're looking at a total Race Point value of 18 Race Points for the android.

If they aren't sterile, can they produce "Cyborg" with other humanoids?

Any new stuff about all of this?

I've been going nuts in my home game. But nothing that I've seen with any form of stamp of approval.

Drejk wrote:
Reiko of White Wave wrote:
Drejk wrote:
That's it. We need a valiant ninja who will steal your notebook and share its contents with us!
Do you accept payment in rice?

Samurai Seven style?

Journ-O-LST-3 wrote:
So I've been wondering about android sorcerers. Here's how I think they come to be. We know that the giant murder-spider-bots now and then take bodies away for some reason. So I'm thinking they use the bodies as base mass in android creation. So sometimes they kill dragons/outsiders/snakes etc and take the bodies and that's where android blood lines come from.

While it would certainly be possible that whoever (whatever?) is running the Android forges is experimenting with new base materials, I prefer to fluff innate abilities like sorcerer bloodlines as 'sufficiently advanced technology' - assuming you're familiar with the term. I'm currently messing around with the idea of an Android Soulknife (Soulbolt archetype, basically Megaman) and running with this idea. Best part is the official standpoint of 'no psionics on Golarion' can be set aside because Androids are specifically not from Golarion, nor from any planet in Golarion's solar system to my knowledge.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Has weird moment of thinking of them as reincarnated souls from the Silver Mount's previous occupants. Uploaded into new bodies after theirs died in the crash (long trip). But the process wipes their memories and they are basically a reborn race.

And your post made me think of opposite twist: androids are native Golarion souls uploaded into bodies manufactured by Silver Mount's internal factories according to its alien specifications.

Both are fascinating concepts.

I wonder if they could be occuring simultaneously ... hacking/faulty programming/crash-caused glitches in the machinery responsible for producing the androids?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Ever watch the old 80's toy toon Robotix? Imagine the idea of a dead civlization using artifical bodies to explore an alien world.

Corrupted cortical stacks uploaded into more resource efficient bodies, originally ment to explore other worlds. Or damaged transmissions put into the bodies.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Journ-O-LST-3 wrote:
Corrupted cortical stacks uploaded into more resource efficient bodies, originally ment to explore other worlds. Or damaged transmissions put into the bodies.

Oh now that WOULD be funny.

Maybe the androids WERE the original race that flew the Silver Mount. They wre full on V'Ger style explores that crashed into Golarion when some of their samples broke free.

Or maybe deep beyond the stars all the Andorids are actually explorer drones for alien minds.

Grand Lodge

*casts a spell of thread resurrection*

I'm using a pair of android twin npcs in my kingdom game. In my version, all androids are part of a loose network, tied in to the main AI in the silver mount, which I named Melchizedek after the (evil) computer from Gunnm/Battle Angel Alita. They function as basically Mel's senses, learning more about this world, accumulating more and more data, for currently unspecified reasons.

What makes this more interesting, is that the kingdom has become magically disjointed from the rest of the world, disrupting their network back to Melchizedek. So now you have a pair of LN androids who are going to start doing everything in their power to re-establish contact. Oh, did I fail to mention that they also serve as the king's most trusted bodyguards? *evil grin*

Still many questions that need answers.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Anybody been watching "Almost Human"? That show seems like it'd be good "research" for how to roleplay the race. The main android character even has glowing blue lines.

Nate Z wrote:
Anybody been watching "Almost Human"? That show seems like it'd be good "research" for how to roleplay the race. The main android character even has glowing blue lines.

I am so glad I am not the only one who thought of Dorian(DRN) being a fitting Android. Though he probably would lose the Emotionless Trait and be able to benefit from Morale Bonuses. So maybe more of a Half-Construct.

I very much desire more to do with androids and robots! I love the Coboys vs aliens feel and would love to see androids get the Full races treatment. How cool would a little robot drone familiar be? I look forward to changing some of the new upcoming clockwork enhancements into robotic cybernetics for my game. Please keep this coming Paizo!

Reminds me of:

The book might give some ideas for a campaign.

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