Why doesn't the bible talk about computers and artificial intelligence?

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and Alan Turing.

One theory posits "It does. Humans are just AIs when you take the God perspective."



The Exchange

The only computer you need is a human brain...good luck getting data from it though. The HDD is glitchy, The AI is having a panic attack about the Earth not being flat, and as soon as you ask big questions stalls.

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Not to mention getting Error 404 when you look up "common sense" or "world peace" as well as many other things.

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I'd imagine if you twist it enough it will.

Liberty's Edge

Atheism killed more people in the 20th century than all the wars of the Bible put togther.
Stalin. Pol Pot. Hitler. Mao. 25 million + 2 million + 11 million (not counting combat deaths) + ah, well, nevermind. I'm wrong somehow I'm sure.
Have fun berating me. Bitter/self-absorbed must be the new happy.

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Templeton Algrith wrote:
Bitter/self-absorbed must be the new happy.

Well, you certainly have the bitter part down.

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Don't feed the trolls.

Probably because the authors lacked a time machine. :)

Bibles can talk?

Terquem wrote:
Bibles can talk?

Excellent point. :P

I wonder what Jesus' opinion on internet trolling would have been.

Templeton Algrith wrote:

Atheism killed more people in the 20th century than all the wars of the Bible put togther.

Stalin. Pol Pot. Hitler. Mao. 25 million + 2 million + 11 million (not counting combat deaths) + ah, well, nevermind. I'm wrong somehow I'm sure.
Have fun berating me. Bitter/self-absorbed must be the new happy.

Killing (and getting killed) in the name of God... don't forget God killing almost everyone with a flood.

The Friendly Lich wrote:
I wonder what Jesus' opinion on internet trolling would have been.

the same as his opinions in South Park? (being cut/censored)

The Exchange

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bugleyman wrote:
Probably because the authors lacked a time machine. :)

Book of Revelations: 'Abbadon Destroys Lucifer' Abbadon is a reference to a Bottomless Pit (aka black hole). Lucifer is a Reference to the Planet Venus.

'Black hole destroys Venus' That looks like they knew or are pretending to know what was going to happen when we create a black hole in the atmosphere of Venus - thus burning off the toxic atmosphere and burning oxygen and hydrogen at the edge of the atmospheric fire storm and creating an alternate reality where life exists there in a water world Venus.
Given the experiment was my suggestion...

smug-mode :)

Just as a guess, an illiterate sheep/goat herder isn't really going to have much to go off of when describing it. He hasn't seen anything like it, doesn't even words to describe it, and he probably hasn't spent much time speculating. When someone tries something similar, we end up with the visions of Ezekiel.

So, why would he? If I was in his position, I'd mention the things I could at least describe and seemed somewhat relatable. Plus, what reason would God have for mentioning it? It isn't really applicable to the people he is talking to, and they don't have much to do with salvation and keeping commandments.

On the other hand, he probably already knows about it.

Grand Lodge

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Why doesn't the Bible mention Justin Bieber? We could have avoided some horrible music if it had.

Why does it need to?

http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/ievil_spock_47i/11608842/1001688/1001688_600 .jpg

Kryzbyn wrote:
Why does it need to?

to prove god wrote it and not a bunch of dudes 2500 years ago

Electric Wizard wrote:
to prove god wrote it and not a bunch of dudes 2500 years ago

Even if god did write it I doubt the dudes 2500+ years ago would have had a frame of reference to understand artificial intelligence.

Grey Lensman wrote:
Electric Wizard wrote:
to prove god wrote it and not a bunch of dudes 2500 years ago
Even if god did write it I doubt the dudes 2500+ years ago would have had a frame of reference to understand artificial intelligence.


why would our god not tell us about computers since they are changing us, even spiritually?


Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Electric Wizard wrote:

why would our god not tell us about computers since they are changing us, even spiritually?


Because computers don't change us. They have no more awareness than a doorknob. The historical forces that run our societies are economic not cybernetic, and the same principles that ran history back then haven't really changed today.

The commodities may be different but the rules are still the same.

Liberty's Edge

Electric Wizard wrote:
why would our god not tell us about computers since they are changing us, even spiritually?
LazarX wrote:

Because computers don't change us. They have no more awareness than a doorknob. The historical forces that run our societies are economic not cybernetic, and the same principles that ran history back then haven't really changed today.

The commodities may be different but the rules are still the same.

This is an entire debate all by itself: we should start a new thread; I would love to hear your perspective.

LazarX wrote:
Electric Wizard wrote:

why would our god not tell us about computers since they are changing us, even spiritually?


Because computers don't change us. They have no more awareness than a doorknob. The historical forces that run our societies are economic not cybernetic, and the same principles that ran history back then haven't really changed today.

The commodities may be different but the rules are still the same.

computers tell you what to do


Why bother talking about something that's only going to exist for 50 years, from 1960 or so till the destruction of the world in 2012?

Templeton Algrith wrote:

Atheism killed more people in the 20th century than all the wars of the Bible put togther.

... Hitler...

...wasn't an atheist, he had god on his side.

---This post is troll food and not for human consumption---

Electric Wizard wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:
Why does it need to?

to prove god wrote it and not a bunch of dudes 2500 years ago

God didn't write the bible Himself. Dudes 2500+ years ago did. Most Christians know and believe this.

Muslims don't belive Allah wrote the Qaran himself, either.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Andrew Turner wrote:
Electric Wizard wrote:
why would our god not tell us about computers since they are changing us, even spiritually?
LazarX wrote:

Because computers don't change us. They have no more awareness than a doorknob. The historical forces that run our societies are economic not cybernetic, and the same principles that ran history back then haven't really changed today.

The commodities may be different but the rules are still the same.

This is an entire debate all by itself: we should start a new thread; I would love to hear your perspective.

I would suggest that you go and actually READ some of the works of Karl Marx and Hegel. Everyone thinks they know what they are talking about when they bandy about the terms Marxism, Dialectical Materialism, when they use those terms in debate, but 90+ times out of a hundred all they know is third or worse hand discussion.

Sociology is a very heady and nuanced science. While most people associate Marx only with what came about in Russia and China he's recognised as the pretty much the top candidate as the "father of modern sociology."

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Templeton Algrith wrote:

Atheism killed more people in the 20th century than all the wars of the Bible put togther.

Stalin. Pol Pot. Hitler. Mao. 25 million + 2 million + 11 million (not counting combat deaths) + ah, well, nevermind. I'm wrong somehow I'm sure.
Have fun berating me. Bitter/self-absorbed must be the new happy.

That's pretty much bullocks, as is the claim of wars being started over religion. While both may be used as rhetoric to motivate patriotic speeches, when you get down to the root causes of any significant conflict, you'll find that it's all economics, with other things thrown in pretty much for propaganda reasons.

Liberty's Edge

With the possible exception of Revelations, the Bible mostly talks about events that happen at that time or events that happened before, not events that will happen centuries in the future.

I think a much better question is why does the Bible not mention dinosaurs? Seems like a pretty big thing to neglect talking about ...

Because it's just a book written a long time ago.

Edit: Made a little less snarky. (just a little)

Marc Radle wrote:

With the possible exception of Revelations, the Bible mostly talks about events that happen at that time or events that happened before, not events that will happen centuries in the future.

I think a much better question is why does the Bible not mention dinosaurs? Seems like a pretty big thing to neglect talking about ...

The old testament speaks of leviathans in a few places. Dunno what that exactly entails, as it doesn't go into great detail.

Could be dinosaurs, dragons or cthulu for all I know...

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Marc Radle wrote:

With the possible exception of Revelations, the Bible mostly talks about events that happen at that time or events that happened before, not events that will happen centuries in the future.

I think a much better question is why does the Bible not mention dinosaurs? Seems like a pretty big thing to neglect talking about ...

The Bible's focus is on Man. Given that the last dinosaurs were wiped out millions of years before Man enters the picture, they don't need any page space.

Also remember that what you know of the Bible is a relatively recent creation that was put together at the Council of Nice in the third century A.D. And it was the end result of choosing which of the collected writings that were brought to the table would be included and which would not be. (otherwise known as Apocryhal writings)

More importantly it can be said that unless you're going to adopt an attitude of an extreme Literalist Fundamentalist, the Bible like any great religious work, is more about using metaphors to guide the reader to harmony with divine purpose than intended to be a literal history.

Sovereign Court

Templeton Algrith wrote:

Atheism killed more people in the 20th century than all the wars of the Bible put togther.

Stalin. Pol Pot. Hitler. Mao. 25 million + 2 million + 11 million (not counting combat deaths) + ah, well, nevermind. I'm wrong somehow I'm sure.
Have fun berating me. Bitter/self-absorbed must be the new happy.

Wow, that must be the worst troll of the year.

Liberty's Edge

Electric Wizard wrote:
why would our god not tell us about computers since they are changing us, even spiritually?
LazarX wrote:

Because computers don't change us. They have no more awareness than a doorknob. The historical forces that run our societies are economic not cybernetic, and the same principles that ran history back then haven't really changed today.

The commodities may be different but the rules are still the same.

Andrew Turner wrote:
This is an entire debate all by itself: we should start a new thread; I would love to hear your perspective.
LazarX wrote:

I would suggest that you go and actually READ some of the works of Karl Marx and Hegel. Everyone thinks they know what they are talking about when they bandy about the terms Marxism, Dialectical Materialism, when they use those terms in debate, but 90+ times out of a hundred all they know is third or worse hand discussion.

Sociology is a very heady and nuanced science. While most people associate Marx only with what came about in Russia and China he's recognised as the pretty much the top candidate as the "father of modern sociology."

I'm pretty well-read of these particular philosophers (the whole useless PhD thing, you know?). I think you misunderstood my previous comments--I'm interested in your perspective of, and with specific regard to computers and associated technology causing no transitional or transformative effect on mankind.

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LazarX wrote:
Electric Wizard wrote:

why would our god not tell us about computers since they are changing us, even spiritually?


Because computers don't change us. They have no more awareness than a doorknob. The historical forces that run our societies are economic not cybernetic, and the same principles that ran history back then haven't really changed today.

The commodities may be different but the rules are still the same.

Economics doesn't explain everything. Also, technology impacts our neural structure.

LazarX wrote:

Also remember that what you know of the Bible is a relatively recent creation that was put together at the Council of Nice in the third century A.D. And it was the end result of choosing which of the collected writings that were brought to the table would be included and which would not be. (otherwise known as Apocryhal writings)

1) It's Nicea. Nice is in France. Nicea is in Turkey.

2)That's not actually true.

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Templeton Algrith wrote:

Atheism killed more people in the 20th century than all the wars of the Bible put togther.

Stalin. Pol Pot. Hitler. Mao. 25 million + 2 million + 11 million (not counting combat deaths) + ah, well, nevermind. I'm wrong somehow I'm sure.
Have fun berating me. Bitter/self-absorbed must be the new happy.

Holy non sequitur Batman!

Funny, that I'm an atheist and I was completely prepared to come into this thread and defend the cultural value of the Bible. As a cultural and religious edifice I don't think it needs to prognosticate future events at all.

Believers don't need it to, and non-believers shouldn't have to wonder at all, they can simply look to known history. These topics don't really enter into the discussion of faith vs. skepticism.

But since you decided to preemptively insult my beliefs with a spurious claim, I guess I'll pass.

You're right, it was fun berating you.

The computer is telling you to get back to work.


Will it be the end of us?

http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-205_162-57553942/will-artificial-intelligence-b e-the-end-of-us/


Define us.

Electric Wizard wrote:

Will it be the end of us?



Define us.

Maybe, but might also be the opposite in some way; AIs might save us from ourselves.

Electric Wizard wrote:

The computer is telling you to get back to work.


All hail the Computer in its great and infinite wisdom algorithms.

Hopefully I can work hard enough to be promoted out of infrared status.

http://www.tgdaily.com/trendwatch-features/67679-cambridge-center-to-study- tech-extinction-risks



Because computers did not exist back when the Bible was written.
Back then people didn't even know what Earth was.



What about the Antikythera mechanism?

The bible didn't even get facts right that were contemporary or even in the past when the first parts were written. How do you expect it to predict the future with such a track record?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Electric Wizard wrote:
Kryzbyn wrote:
Why does it need to?

to prove god wrote it and not a bunch of dudes 2500 years ago

Actually more on the order of 1700 years ago. The Bible as we know it was first assembled in the third century during the Council of Nice.

There was a council made of nice people?

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