Defensive Parry (Aldori) discrepancy

Rules Questions

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Simply, the Aldori Swordlord Fighter Archetype has this wording (note bold):
At 3rd level, when an Aldori swordlord makes a full attack with an Aldori dueling sword, he gains a +1 bonus to AC against melee attacks until the beginning of his next turn. This bonus increases by +1 every four levels after 3rd.

Meanwhile, the PrC Aldori Swordlord has this wording:
At 3rd level, an Aldori swordlord gains a +1 bonus to AC when making a full attack with an Aldori dueling sword. This AC bonus increases by +1 for every four levels after 3rd. If an Aldori swordlord is also a fighter with the Aldori swordlord fighter archetype, levels in this class stack with his fighter levels to determine the AC bonus from this ability.

Note that the Archetype doesn't specify that the AC bonus is only against Melee attacks. So how does this stack? Is the archetype wrong? Is the PrC wrong?

Ah that's a good question. I think the intention was to perfectly duplicate the ability in both the archetype and the prestige class; the trouble is, I don't know which one is supposed to be the correct one. ^__^ I suspect it's the archetype's, which specifies melee attacks only, as this not only makes more sense in the context of a duelist class, but it just seems more likely that they left out a word than they accidentally inserted one. As a GM, I think this is how I'd rule.

But purely by RAW, the PrC's text should supersede the archetype's; in other words, if you just have the archetype, Defensive Parry only applies to melee attacks - but once you pick up the PrC and earn that Defensive Parry, then it then applies to your AC in general.

Actually, a very very strict reading could interpret these two abilities as being different, and thus overlapping. They have the same name and similar effects, but they do function differently and thus are different. They're both untyped bonuses, so they should stack. But that's pretty stupid and completely flies in the face of RAI.

I haven't seen any changes to either of these abilities, still wondering how to handle them.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm curious about this too. I have absolutely no idea how the two are intended to interact.

Okay, so in the Adventurer's guide, the Aldori Defender(the fighter archetype, with a new name)'S Defensive Parry grants a shield bonus to AC against melee attacks.

The Aldori Swordlord's Defensive parry is a dodge bonus to AC. If the sword lord has any levels in Aldori defender, he counts his fighter levels as well as his class level for his swordlord.
By Raw this means at defender 7/sword lord 3 you get a +2 shield bonus against melee attacks and a +2 dodge bonus to AC.

By RAW, the sword lord caps at +2, though the scaling would allow it to go higher.

Liberty's Edge

To me it sounds like you use the prestige class rules, as it is the prestige class rules that let them stack and they also say this ability. Also the prestige class needs more reason to take more of its levels.

I think they are separate abilities (prestige class is a dodge bonus; and levels in prestige class add to fighter levels for shield bonus)

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

As written there is no possible way to determine how they are intended to "stack together."

Does the shield bonus become a dodge bonus?
Does the dodge bonus become a shield bonus?
Do you get both, if so, why mention stacking; is it not understood?
Do you use the prestige class progression?
Do you use the archetype progression?
Some combination of the above?

The whole thing is bizarre.

Ravingdork wrote:

As written there is no possible way to determine how they are intended to "stack together."

Does the shield bonus become a dodge bonus?
Does the dodge bonus become a shield bonus?
Do you get both, if so, why mention stacking; is it not understood?
Do you use the prestige class progression?
Do you use the archetype progression?
Some combination of the above?

The whole thing is bizarre.

Erf... I've tried to do a Fighter Aldori Defender 5/Aldori Swordlord 5 then 6 in Herolab to see how the program handle it... And it's... strange... :p

A Defender 5/Swordlord 5 got : +2 Shield bonus against melee(if full attack), but a Defender 5/ Swordlord 6 got a +3 Dodge against everything...
And here it become even stranger, if I make a Defender 6 / Swordlord 5 the bonus is +3 Shield Bonus against melee attack... :D

Ok... It's really, really not clear... Need explanation on this... :)

The way I read it, stacking just means you get more shield bonus. You still get the dodge bonus.

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I have a simpler question for the PrC ability. As written, it only applies during the swordlord's own attack. So, unless you manage to provoke an AoO during your full attack, the bonus will never come up in the first place.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Doesn't it say it lsts until the start of your next turn?

Not on the prestige class ability.

Adventurer's Guide wrote:
Defensive Parry (Ex): At 3rd level, an Aldori swordlord gains a +1 dodge bonus to his AC when making a full attack with an Aldori dueling sword. This AC bonus increases to +2 at 7th level. If an Aldori duelist is also a fighter with the Aldori defender fighter archetype (see page 22), levels in this class stack with his fighter levels when determining the AC bonus from this ability.

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I think you have to assume it lasts until then, or you have to believe that the game designers like to put in useless abilities.

Like to? No. Have a history of? Yes.

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Well it's one thing for the ability to be useless all the time and for the ability to be useful with one assumption and useless with another.

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