Wizard - Tired of getting robbed...


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Liberty's Edge

KHShadowrunner wrote:

If it really does turn out to be that way, again I'd do something just completely out there. Like vow to take revenge the next time something is stolen and completely disregard where the plot is taking you.

You're off to find so and so in this town and you come across a cave, explore teh cave and come back t ofind your stuff stolen. Again.

That's it, you proclaim, as you storm off in x random direction away from the town.

Perception check your way and hopefully find a track. Otherwise head back to the previous town and ask for the nearest bandit location. If none are found, backtrack more until you have nowhere left to backtrack.

Then just go North West.

Either the party will follow, and the DM will have to create a whole new theory of questing and structure, the DM will confess that he's been overabusive and "find" a way to get you your stuff back or know that it won't be stolen again, or.. it'll turn to OOC conversation and it will be discussed out.

The end answer is: Are you having fun? If you're not, the DM is not succeeding. And as such the whole group isn't. If you're the -only- one not having fun, well. That typically speaks volumes :( I'm afraid.

I like this.

Also, remember to play your character's fury to the hilt. Kill bandits you find, even if they are not the ones who did it, burn their houses. Maybe let one survive to spread the story of your power and ruthlessness.

Go to the authorities and ask them to find the thieves and bring back your belongings. If they refuse to do it or are just incompetent, then you are fully vindicated into taking things in your own hands.

If your alignment obliges, you can even kill and burn innocent bystanders and houses to incite any and all to bring your thieves asap. It might be a good time to consider changing your alignment too.

A wizard's spellbook is his life. He values it on par with his loved ones' lives, maybe even more. Roleplay it for all it is worth. Make every NPC understand why it is not a good idea to mess with your character (and his friends).

Bookplate of recall, and make sure your bonded item is a ring, and that you have someone to guard you while you sleep. In a few levels you can start going to your demiplane to sleep and most of this wont be a problem.

Personally it sounds like your GM is targeting you, which can be very fluffy but would leave a sour taste with me. Its fine if someone attempts to take my things, but give me a chance to fight back. 12 times is nuts.

tony gent wrote:
Sounds like a GM problem to me are all the players getting robbed or is it just you ?

are all the players leaving spellbooks / expensive gear unattended in wagons while they go inside a tower to camp, or just him?

perhaps the GM is 'targetting him' somehow, but being blatantly non-protective of such important gear is rather asking for it IMHO.
I don't know, maybe the GM is deciding to teach him a lesson by having this sort of thing happen ALL THE TIME, even though it wouldn't necessarily be that common, but I really have to ask why this player isn't getting the hint and changing his ways, protecting his gear properly? If you lived in a rough neighborhood and stuff would be stolen if you took your eyes off of it for one second, you would just take really good care of your gear and never let it out of your sight or leave it somewhere unprotected... You wouldn't just let your stuff keep on getting robbed because you couldn't bother to take basic defensive precautions.

Petty Alchemy wrote:
If you steal a wizard's spellbook, their most precious possession, they will come after you. They will bend reality to find you

Well, maybe, except the particular Wizard that is the OP's character, who hasn't seemed to do any of those things.

The idea that leaving his spellbook unattended outside a castle/dungeon entrance, in a wagon or on his horse, because he was worried about AoE damage to the spellbook is just a bit... dubious. Your worn/carried items are only ever effected by AoE damage if you roll a Natural 1, and even then they get to roll themself. If an item is inside a container, the container is blocking Line of Effect, and so must be destroyed first before it's contents can be effected. VS. leaving a really expensive, crucial to using your class abilities item basically unprotected for hours on end with anybody able to investigate and rip it off. I say you reap what you sow if that's how you treat your precious gear.

Quandary wrote:

are all the players leaving spellbooks / expensive gear unattended in wagons while they go inside a tower to camp, or just him?

perhaps the GM is 'targetting him' somehow, but being blatantly non-protective of such important gear is rather asking for it IMHO.
I don't know, maybe the GM is deciding to teach him a lesson by having this sort of thing happen ALL THE TIME, even though it wouldn't necessarily be that common, but I really have to ask why this player isn't getting the hint and changing his ways, protecting his gear properly? If you lived in a rough neighborhood and stuff would be stolen if you took your eyes off of it for one second, you would just take really good care of your gear and never let it out of your sight or leave it somewhere unprotected... You wouldn't just let your stuff keep on getting robbed because you couldn't bother to take basic defensive precautions.

My question was:

Are all players losing everything that is being left behind? I mean, if a thief (or band of such) came across a cart full of "stuff", completely open and not defended, I'm pretty sure that entire cart is getting boosted. Literally, if not figuratively. They wouldn't scrounge around looking through debris for "that one spell book that 'might' be there", they'd grab and go.

I don't know the answer to that yet though. And if it is the case, the wizard is clearly just picking up what the rest of the party is doing which is "forget it, we'll restock later"

The idea that leaving his spellbook unattended outside a castle/dungeon entrance, in a wagon or on his horse, because he was worried about AoE damage to the spellbook is just a bit... dubious. Your worn/carried items are only ever effected by AoE damage if you roll a Natural 1, and even then they get to roll themself. If an item is inside a container, the container is blocking Line of Effect, and so must be destroyed first before it's contents can be effected. VS. leaving a really expensive, crucial to using your class abilities item basically unprotected for hours on end with anybody able to investigate and rip it off. I say you reap what you sow if that's how you treat your precious gear.

We don't know the circumstances. On my very first adventure my war-trained pony was obliterated by wolves. We are now setting off again for the second time, am I going to do the exact same thing and leave my new pony in harms way? Of course not, I'll do my best to play it safe. It's likely that this character KNOWS that AoE is an issue, and in fact has probably had to deal with it before.

Your worn/carried items are only ever effected, if they're not knocked out of your hand or otherwise knocked loose. Then they're easy pickins. If it's inside a container, you run a stupid high risk of that container catching fire, or being sundered in a single round. Then it'd be stolen again.

And that's fine, if it happens one or twice, sure. Three times ok. Four times I pretty much have determined that this is not what I should do for a living and five times tells me the gods agree.

10 times?

I'm pickin' up a shovel, cuz it's time to trounce some dirt into neat piles.

Staff is pretty much the hardest item to steal because its obvious, large and you cannot NOT be aware of it.

A ring is easy to steal. People loose rings all the time, any good pick pocket can take one from you.

Liberty's Edge

Quandary wrote:

the players leaving spellbooks / expensive gear unattended in wagons while they go inside a tower to camp, or just him?

perhaps the GM is 'targetting him' somehow, but being blatantly non-protective of such important gear is rather asking for it IMHO.
I don't know, maybe the GM is deciding to teach him a lesson by having this sort of thing happen ALL THE TIME, even though it wouldn't necessarily be that common, but I really have to ask why this player isn't getting the hint and changing his ways, protecting his gear properly? If you lived in a rough neighborhood and stuff would be stolen if you took your eyes off of it for one second, you would just take really good care of your gear and never let it out of your sight or leave it somewhere unprotected... You wouldn't just let your stuff keep on getting robbed because you couldn't bother to take basic defensive precautions.

Quandry, he did that ONCE.

A GM that feel that he should punish a player for that error for 9 levels has some problem.
And "teaching a lesson" is generally the excuse of bullies.

BTW: the book wasn't simply stolen from the unprotected wagon, the wizard was mugged and robbed of everything.

Puggeh wrote:

the second time that i can remember was we were traveling to the capitol city and in the night my bag had been taken ( I was only like level 3 or something at that time) by an unseen assailant. I'm thinking were rats or something to that effect.

So the big question is: the wererats stole the masterwork or magic weapons of the other party members?

It happened in a inn and his was the only room targeted?
There was someone on guard?

We miss the answer to several questions so it is hard to judge.

In my group if someone had this kind of problem the rest of the party would try to help him protect his stuff. It is a question of self interest. A gimped wizard isn't the same asset of a full strength wizard.
Generally everyone take guard duty when in unsafe territory, with the spellcasters taking first or last turn. If the guard is regularly "missing" the guys targeting the wizard there is a problem.

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