Eidolon vs. mage's disjunction? Does the eidolon stay or go?

Rules Questions

.Question about Eidolons and magic.
.Eidolons are a "summoned creature".
.The rules concerning eidolons say that " The eidolon cannot be sent back to its home plane by means of "dispel magic".
.Would a "mage's disjunction" (9th level spell) send the eidolon back to his home plane?

Or would he stay since mage's disjunction says " spells and spell-like effects are unraveled and destroyed completely (ending the effect as a dispel magic spell does)"
.I am confused.

I thought a "mage's disjunction ended all spell effects and sent summoned creatures back home.

.P.S. as a side note, we used to believe that when an eidolon went home that any gear it was wearing stayed here on the material plane. Yet we cannot find that in the rules anymore. Was that in the beta and has since been removed?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The Eidolon is neither a spell effect nor an ordinary summoned creature.

It stays.

Now if you could banish or otherwise send away the SUMMONER.....

.I saw what James Jacobs said about how a "maze" spell works normally on an eidolon, but what happens if you use a "maze" spell on the summoner? Does the eidolon stay now that the summoner is in the maze's extradimensional space?

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