Joanna Swiftblade |

Okay, I'm trying to get heavy armor prof on a level 3 inquisitor without spending a feat, or dipping into fighter. I know there are ways of getting weapon proficiency like your deities favored weapon, or racial features, or traits, but what about armor?
The method used must be by-the-rules. No home brew, asking favors of the GM, etc.
If it's not possible then I'll learn to cope, but I have a feeling that someone out there has figured out the solution to my problem already if there is one.

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The choices for proficiencies are
1. Race (none have armor proficiencies, so kind of a deadend here)
2. Class (Archtypes might have it, such as the crusader archtype of clerics or armored hulk barbarians, however there are no inquisitor archtypes that provide Heavy armor proficiency)
3. Feat (which you said you didnt want)
4. Traits (like races only apply to weapons and not armor proficiencies)
5. Prestige Classes (such as Holy Vindicator, provide heavy armor proficiency).