Power Attack variant rule

Rules Questions

I cannot help but think I have seen a Power Attack variant, in which allows you to convert your attack roll penalty into an Armor Class penalty instead. For the life of me, though, I cannot seem to recall where I have read that. It might have been a racial feat, an archetype ability, or something along those lines.

If anyone knows if what I'm talking about is PF material, or not, please chime in. Thanks a lot!

I don't think it's a variant. I think it's a Barbarian Rage Power (Reckless Abandon).

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
PRD wrote:

Reckless Abandon (Ex)

Benefit: While raging, the barbarian can take a –1 penalty to AC to gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls. The AC penalty increases by –1 and the attack roll bonus increases by +1 at 4th level and every four levels thereafter.

This is a rage power. Is this it?

EDIT: ninjas.

No, I am confident it was not Reckless Abandon. I have been reading a lot of orc and half-orc material, in an attempt to make a brutish rogue. It is not under the half-orc rogue favored class Skulking Slayer or the orc fighter favored class Dirty Fighter.

This is driving me crazy!

Grand Lodge

Panther Style?

No, it is not Panther Style. The effect was quite literally being able to convert your attack penalty from Power Attack to an Armor Class penalty instead. Maybe I imagined it. :\

That's what Tiger Pounce does...

I think BBT may have mistaken one cat's style for the other.

Scarab Sages

I feel like there's a rogue talent that does this.... Or maybe a halfling specific feat...? You're not crazy it does exist.

Gr'Rakt wrote:

I cannot help but think I have seen a Power Attack variant, in which allows you to convert your attack roll penalty into an Armor Class penalty instead. For the life of me, though, I cannot seem to recall where I have read that. It might have been a racial feat, an archetype ability, or something along those lines.

If anyone knows if what I'm talking about is PF material, or not, please chime in. Thanks a lot!

You might be thinking of the Shock Trooper feat from the 3.5 book Complete Warrior? It was a tactical feat which allowed you to put your to hit minus from power attaackin into your AC instead when charging.

Ah hah!! It was Tiger Pounce. Good call! Now my mind can stop whirling around trying to remember this. Thanks!

Grand Lodge

Cheapy wrote:

That's what Tiger Pounce does...

I think BBT may have mistaken one cat's style for the other.



There is also a Halfling racial feat that basically does this - Risky Striker or something I think?

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