David C Smith |

I am wanting to add racial bloodlines for non-sorcerers in my homebrew/store campaign and need a little help from the community with ideas. The first bloodline I want to work on is an Angelic bloodline, but here are my issues.
1) Need another name besides bloodline to seperate it from sorcerers.
2) I liked the idea of racial paragons so gonna kinda use them to template.
3) Thought about using a class based (prestige like) setup using about five levels.
4) Not opposed to the idea of using a purely racial based ability (like half-angelic) but think that might be to powerful.
In my campaign worlds, Angels are Lawful Good Outsiders from the plane of Heaven.
So what should the class/race have.
1) Must be lawful good.
2) Hit Dice d8
3) Skills 2 + int
4) Any simply or martial weapons
5) Light or medium armor
6) Full BAB (I know)
7) Good saves
8) Angelic Blood
9) Low light vision
10) Darkvision 60'
11) Tongues
12) Resistance to acid and cold
13) Good protections abilities
14) Maybe some minor spell likes
Any thoughts?