Mobile polearm fighter


I will be joining a game as a level 9 character and had the idea of making a hit and run polearm fighter. This is what I had in mind for class and feats:
Race Human
Cleric level 3/fighter level 6

Travel for the extra 10 ft. movment and long strider domain spell.

Feats: Dodge, mobility, spring attack, power attack, cleave, great cleave, weapon focus Naginata, weapon specialization naginata, improved critical naginata, and Lunge.

Stat priority: Str, dex, con.

Does any one have any suggestions.

just to be sure, you can not combine cleave and spring attack ( i mean, if that is your idea).

EDIT: if you want to use the tactic of attack and forcethe enemy to move and provoke an AoO, i recomend you lunge and pushing assault.

Nicos wrote:
just to be sure, you can not combine cleave and spring attack ( i mean, if that is your idea).

I took great cleave to combine with lunge to deal with groups of weaker enemies.

Nicos wrote:

EDIT: if you want to use the tactic of attack and forcethe enemy to move and provoke an AoO, i recomend you lunge and pushing assault.

Does pushing assault work with cleave?

Thisguy wrote:

Nicos wrote:

EDIT: if you want to use the tactic of attack and forcethe enemy to move and provoke an AoO, i recomend you lunge and pushing assault.
Does pushing assault work with cleave?


Thisguy wrote:

So pushing assault sounds to good to be true. You could use pushing assault to push someone into a trap, over a cliff, or into some on going spell effect.

Now if you push some one out of a threaten square does it provoke an AoO, seeing its not technically a 5ft step?

I doubt it but i really do not have any quote to prove it. Note however, taht pushing assault have a limiting factor, the size of the target.

Generally speaking, I don't think forced movement provokes AoOs.

Johnico wrote:
Generally speaking, I don't think forced movement provokes AoOs.

Just looked it up it does not provoke and you can not use it to push some thing into an unsafe area.

Nicos wrote:
I doubt it but i really do not have any quote to prove it. Note however, taht pushing assault have a limiting factor, the size of the target.

Hopefully the party wizard will be kind enough to pick up enlarge person.

Imo go dwarf and get the "I cleave everything" feats.

Don't go into cleric, not yet. Level 11 is when you get the awesome Rapid Attack, you're starting at 9, hold out for it.

Get Lunge, Whirlwind Attack, and Dazing Assault and Pin Down once you have the BAB / Fighter level for them. With Rapid Attack, you can move and full attack by forgoing the first attack. WWA is a full attack, so this will allow you to hit all but the enemy you start closest to. Lunge extends your reach for the WWA, and Dazing Assault means anyone you hit must save or be dazed for a round.

Also check out Furious Focus + Dreadful Carnage. Latter (like Dazing Assault and Pin Down...grrr....) requires level ~11, but gives a free demoralize to all foes in 30 ft each time you drop someone.
You should stay in Fighter till at least 11, if you can stick it out till 12, you can combine the bonus feat and the swap out to pick up 2 feats and by level 12 have Dazing Assault, Dreadful Carnage, and Pin Down.

EDIT: Wrote this assuming you meant the Mobile Fighter archetype.

I would look into the "Combat Patrol" feat and all its prereq's myself. With a reach weapon you end up with something like a 15' or 20' threat area!

It's pretty bad-ass to have that many AoO's (if backed with a proper Dex score) to unleash on bad-guys trying to get past/move through your area.

This is not a focus to your post, but it's a FINE feature for any pole-arm player to consider adding into the mix.

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