Post your racial feats...please?

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It's brought up by several posters that they have made racial feats the more deprived races out there (I am looking at you suli). I am in the process of putting together a freakshow campaign and wanted to produce a a line of feats for the really rare races. However it occurred to me that I could probably reach out out to people who have actually, you know , used their feats and have a real idea about balance in the game. Note I will post some custom feats myself later myself but want to open the floor to more experienced homebrewers.

Follow this link a scroll down a bit. There you will have access to every feat I came up with. Assign them to the races you feel they fit best. Hope this helps!

Arcanemuses wrote:

Follow this link a scroll down a bit. There you will have access to every feat I came up with. Assign them to the races you feel they fit best. Hope this helps!

oh yeah i didn't realize that was you (I have looked at your stuff before, and I like what you did with proficiency feats personally) the Dhampir feats you posted are precisely what I was looking for when I started this thread. So hear are some ideas I have been puttering around for Sulis,

1st feat:
Favored Element
some Sulis are especially gifted with a particular element
They choose fire, acid, electricity, or cold. they gain either an increase for one damage die for elemental assault (changes 1 d6 to a d8) or increase their resistance by 5 to that element.
a Suli can take this feat twice to get the other option not taken the first time.

2nd feat:
Assault Focus
Some Sulis possess the awareness that their elemental assault can be channeled more efficiently through their hands
Suli, improved unarmed strike feat, Wis 11
When they make an attack with their unarmed strike in conjunction with their elemental assault ability, the Suli can instead sacrifice their Elemental assault die for a static +2 bonus to hit and damage. All damage inflicted this way counts as the chosen elemental assault damage.

at Toaster: Hey im also doing a freakshow campaign, I took the kingdom building stuff from kingmaker. So my party is a bunch of freaks, they're in the process of building a kingdom where monsters can be free. So with all that out of the way..Im currently looking for support for my lizardfolk ranger.

+5 Toaster wrote:
Arcanemuses wrote:

Follow this link a scroll down a bit. There you will have access to every feat I came up with. Assign them to the races you feel they fit best. Hope this helps!

oh yeah i didn't realize that was you (I have looked at your stuff before, and I like what you did with proficiency feats personally) the Dhampir feats you posted are precisely what I was looking for when I started this thread. So hear are some ideas I have been puttering around for Sulis,

** spoiler omitted **

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Glad you like my stuff :) As for suli's:

Why not a feat that lets them use ki points to empower their elemental abilities? Great for Ninja and Monk Suli's.

Or suli illusionists with high ranks in bluff could use their bluff checks to raise the DC of their illusion spells and vice versa.

And my "Shared Rage" feats would be cool for catfolk with cat companions.

all great ideas folks, and really that is the point of this whole thread. everyone here so far is on the right so
at arcanemuses, i think i have in idea for a simple feat that could make that idea work, but i need to go to bed so ill post a completed version later.

at teiidae i got no hard feat builds for lizard folk yet but off the top of my head they would concepts such as poison/acid effects and a buff for eating dead bodies (probably similar to the blood drinking bonuses for dhampir) also a later level feat for a true amphibious quality.

for now ill say good night folks.

before I go to work, one idea I am having is for catfolk with animal companions who are also feline to gain pounce against a favored enemy when the other one has set that enemy up to be flanked. It's taking me a little time to consider how I want the language of the feat worded, though I decided to call it Pride Tactics.
P.S. i am also mulling over some lizardman feats
well I am off to work, be back with you soon.

Hey not a problem, I had one idea for lizardfolk, it's a dragon related theme... a feat that gives a breath weapon.

Im also trying to think up some dinosaur related feats.

Teiidae wrote:
Hey not a problem, I had one idea for lizardfolk, it's a dragon related theme... a feat that gives a breath weapon.

hey quick question is your lizard man the custom ARG version or the bestiary version?

Custom ARG version

But I am pretty flexible if that helps.

Ok got some for my lizardfolk cousins out there.

Marsh Adapted
your lizardfolk's marsh born ancestry shows through
you gain the hold breath monster ability (see universal monster abilities in the bestiary) and a 15 swim speed

and the second
Water Adapted
your lizardfolk has achieved true adaptation to the water
Lizardfolk, Marsh Adapted, character level 2nd
you gain the amphibious monster ability (see universal monster abilities in the bestiary) and gain an additional 5 feet to your swim speed

what do ya know, I got another in me ;)
Tribal Scavenger
your lizardfolk excels at finding the food that so many cultures refuse to eat
you gain carrion sense (as the Tengu racial ability)

hope these help though admittedly they are mostly flavor packed

oh I like these, made a lizardfolk thread so we should add that their. I want to turn that thread into a lizardfolk compilation.

ok one last lizard folk one then i am going to try a few other races

Komodo's Bite
eating carrion can have some pretty nasty side effects...just not for you
lizardfolk, character level 2nd
once per turn, when you make a bite attack your opponent must make a fortitude save DC 10+your con modifier, or become sickened for 1 round.

Isn't the Komodo Dragon's bite actually poisonous?

And what of a Gila Monster's bite, then? An actual poison bite.

Icyshadow wrote:

Isn't the Komodo Dragon's bite actually poisonous?

And what of a Gila Monster's bite, then? An actual poison bite.

komodos don't have poison glands, their bites are terrible due to the bits of rotten flesh in them (to which the komodos developed a immunity). to me a lizard race famous for eating carrion should have this as an option. though poison would make for a good alternate racial ability.

+5 Toaster wrote:
Icyshadow wrote:

Isn't the Komodo Dragon's bite actually poisonous?

And what of a Gila Monster's bite, then? An actual poison bite.

komodos don't have poison glands, their bites are terrible due to the bits of rotten flesh in them (to which the komodos developed a immunity). to me a lizard race famous for eating carrion should have this as an option. though poison would make for a good alternate racial ability.

you know what i forgot that they actually did have poison glands too. though the way i see it, something like that as a feat is similar to having a feat to grow a limb. i am just going to stick with the lore that standard pathfinder lizardfolk don't have poison glands. that's what alt racial traits are for ;.

Here is an idea, some reptiles have a mild form of regeneration,so a feat that lets you regain double con modifier of hitpoints or double your level+con mod when you sleep.

back to business then

Wing Strike
Strix, Str 15, BAB 1
You gain a wing natural attack (see universal monster rules for damage based on size)
If you have the Wing-Clipped racial trait you must also posses the Stretched Wings feat to qualify for this feat.

a correction for favored element

Favored Element
some Sulis are especially gifted with a particular element
They choose fire, acid, electricity, or cold. they gain either an increase for one damage die for elemental assault (changes 1 d6 to a d8) or increase their resistance by 5 to that element.
a Suli can take this feat twice to get the other option not taken the first time, they must choose the same element taken as the first choice.

anyone else think its wrong the ARG gnoll has no bite attack.

Jaws of the Hyena
Your bite is far worse than any bark
Gnoll, BAB 2
you gain a bite natural attack, in addition you are always treated as one size larger when determining the damage of this bite.

edit: also a tribal scavenger change
Tribal Scavenger
your people excels at finding the food that so many cultures refuse to eat
Lizardfolk or Gnoll
you gain carrion sense (as the Tengu racial ability)

"sigh" ill try this again, hears one for the Nagaji

your body is flexible like a serpent
Nagaji, Dex 15
you gain a +2 bonus to your CMD and Escape Artist rolls. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 hitdice you possess

we'll see if this sparks a new interest in this topic.

i like the Nagaji feat, but I would do this instead: +2 to CMD and Escape, also for squeezing you count as a size smaller and maybe you dont take penalties. Tell me what you think?

Teiidae wrote:
i like the Nagaji feat, but I would do this instead: +2 to CMD and Escape, also for squeezing you count as a size smaller and maybe you dont take penalties. Tell me what you think?

like it, probably more appropriately powered. so how about...

Your body is flexible like a snake.
Nagaji, Dex 15
you gain a +2 to CMD and Escape Artist checks. In addition when squeezing through a confined space you count as one size smaller.

edit:by the way i can always count on you teiidae, kinda sucks this hasn't garnered much interest though.

I would totally post some... if I had some. Dot for future reference is the best I can offer I think. If I come up with some, I'll be sure to put em here.

yay now one to celebrate

Supportive Tail
your tail strength exceeds the norm
Merfolk, Strongtail racial trait
your base land speed increases by 5 feet. You also gain the slow and steady racial trait.

edit: and why not another
Call of the Ocean
You feel a kinship with Aquatic life
You gain a +4 bonus on Diplomacy and Handle Animal rolls when dealing with creatures with the Aquatic subtype.

I know what you mean Toaster, It's the same thing with my thread, Rise of The Lizard Lords, i've so much school work, but soo i get a 5 week break so i will be doing alot of homebrewing then.

Teiidae wrote:
I know what you mean Toaster, It's the same thing with my thread, Rise of The Lizard Lords, i've so much school work, but soo i get a 5 week break so i will be doing alot of homebrewing then.

cant wait to see it, curious about the lizard kings.

It's an idea I had, a page all about lizardfolk and other scaled figures. So i plan on making evolution feats based on lizards in life, maybe throwing some dragon stuff, Im going to make a better lizardfolk, the current on is nice but alittle dull. I would love to make a Paragon class or feat chain like drow nobles but instead the lizard would become large, bonus NA, maybe some dinosaur themed stuff.

And feel free to post stuff about the scaly in there, I would love to see peoples custom items,feats,ideas,etc.

Teiidae wrote:

It's an idea I had, a page all about lizardfolk and other scaled figures. So i plan on making evolution feats based on lizards in life, maybe throwing some dragon stuff, Im going to make a better lizardfolk, the current on is nice but alittle dull. I would love to make a Paragon class or feat chain like drow nobles but instead the lizard would become large, bonus NA, maybe some dinosaur themed stuff.

And feel free to post stuff about the scaly in there, I would love to see peoples custom items,feats,ideas,etc.

feel free to use some of the stuff i posted, ill try to develop some more as they come to me.

Now if only I had ways to contribute as well...

Thanks Toaster, i will make sure to give credit where it due, plus your link in the thread, so i will tell people to checkout your work.

Icyshadow wrote:
Now if only I had ways to contribute as well...

it's cool, just glad to see some people taking an interest. By the way if anyone has a request ill try to comply.

Shadow Lodge

One i've been batting around since the innersea bestiary came out

Taste of Love

Thanks to your special diet and training regime you have made your taste intoxicating to those who find you delicious.

Prerequisites: Ghoran, Delicious trait, CHA 15

Benefit: You may charm person or animal at will as a supernatural ability with some minor adjustments. The range of this effect is changed to touch and requires a Fort save to negate. This ability can be activated as an immediate action when bitten or grabbed by a creature using a bite attack. When activated in such a manner the biter receives a -2 penalty. Caster level is their character level with a DC equal to 10+1/2 character level+Con or Cha. Those who are immune to disease or other drug effects are immune to Taste of Love

Special: A Ghoran must take up a special diet in which they imbibe or consume special foods and substances daily in order to keep this effect. Food and beverages are usually those found to promote feelings of love within their consumers and usually appear as aphrodisiacs or sweets in most cultures (like chocolate). If a Ghoran cannot find foods to meet this requirement taste of Loves abilities suffer with the DC reducing by 5 each day they go without consumption. Second this ability counts as a drug for all game purposes and can create all the complications for those exposed including addiction.

nice doc, god i want the innersea bestiary.

gonna keep trying to go

Frog Blooded
Your frog-like build has its benefits
you are always considered to have a running start when making Acrobatics checks to jump.
Grippli's with the Jumper racial trait instead gain the camouflage racial trait

sometimes i think this forum hates my thread.
by the way, looking for ideas for gillmen feats. i was glancing through the ARG when I noticed they had no racial feats...none, nada. I figure a race with their rich flavor deserves as such. come on folks, lets do this. one

Eldritch Ancestry
Your able to tap into your ancient magical heritage to protect you.
Gillmen, character level 5th
Pick one of the following; spells, spell-like abilities, or supernatural abilities.
your +2 racial bonus now applies to saving throws from any creatures using that choice.
You can take this feat multiple times. You may only take it once every 5 levels. Every time you take it you can choose another type of saving throw in addition to your first choice. In addition every time you take this feat after the first, the bonus on your previous choice increases to +4.

Along the same lines, something that turns that enchantment resistance back on some enemies seems kind of thematic.

Force of Will
Your exposure to aboleth minds has strengthened your own.

Gillmen, Cha 13, Character Level 3rd

Whenever you cast an enchantment spell, add +2 to the DC of all saving throws made against that spell by non-aboleth targets. Was originally thinking non-aberrant, but figured it might be worth keeping it along the same lines as the enchantment resistance. Also not sure if that's accurate wording.

Dunno if it's on par for balance exactly, but it's a thought (no pun intended).

Darkwolf117 wrote:

Along the same lines, something that turns that enchantment resistance back on some enemies seems kind of thematic.

** spoiler omitted **

Dunno if it's on par for balance exactly, but it's a thought (no pun intended).

that's what i'm talking about.

(holds up hand for a high five...)

+5 Toaster wrote:
(holds up hand for a high five...)

*high fives back*

here's another attractive one for gillmen

Infused Arcane Essence
Your magical heritage makes it easier to enchant items that share a special connection
Gillman, arcane bond class feature (item), caster level 3rd
When you enchant your bonded item you reduce the cost by 300GP per caster level, up to half the normal cost of the enchantment.

Edit; hah managed to slip another one in, just in time.
Azlanti Legacy
Your closer to your ancestors true heritage than others
Gillman, no ability score below 10
You gain the human subtype and count as human for all effects related to race. You also gain a +1 on all wisdom based checks.

Shadow Lodge

Well since everyone's talking about one of my favorite races I thought I might as well leave one that should make teiidae all atwitter.

Lizardfolk Autotmy:

You may shed portions of your body in order to escape danger and the hazards of life.

prerequisites: Lizardfolk, Con 16

Benefit: As a free action you may shed a limb (including your tail) in order to grant you statistical benefits in various situations. A lizard folk may lose a limb during a grapple check to immediately escape a grapple, shedding one of his limbs in order to escape. In addition if the lizardfolk was being grappled by a creature with an intelligence score of 2 or less he may make a bluff check against the creature with his lost limb to distract the creature. Success causes the creature to focus on the lost limb continuing to grapple the wriggling appendage.

The lizard folk may also lose a limb as an immediate action to escape any continuous energy damage that involves continued contact with the body (i.e. catching fire, having a limb soaked in acid, etc), losing the most effected limb and ending the effect.

Finally, whenever an autotmic lizardfolk is exposed to a disease or poison through an injury he may chose to lose the injured limb through which he was exposed to said affliction. This ability must be activated before the affliction has been able to take effect lest the affliction has spread beyond the area of infection and is no longer useful. For diseases or poisons with incubation of a day or more the lizard folk has 24 hours to lose the limb or when the affliction activates whichever happens first.

characters with limbs lost in this way suffer penalties as if they had lost them due through other means (as laid out in the peglegs & eyepatches mod to death by massive damage from the skull & shackles players guide). A loss of tail causes the lizardfolk to lose access to his swim speed and take a -5 penalty on acrobatics checks to balance until their tail regenerates. These limbs regenerate over the course of a month.

Special note: As part of their natural defense mechanisms lizardfolk with this ability would naturally fight in such a way as to allow attacks to hit their autotopic limbs rather then their invaluable core if they cannot be avoided. With this in mind allow players to make the decision of whether they want to lose the limb or just take the brunt of these effects rather then ruling attacks to just "hit non losable limbs. Do not make them feel penalized for picking up this feat.

Lizardfolk Regeneration:

You have unlocked the secrets of your reptilian regeneration abilities and can harness them in ways few lizardfolk can imagine

PrerequisitesLizardfolk, Lizardfolk Autotmy, Con 20, character level 5

Benefit: You may tap into your innate reptilian healing factor hidden deep within your genes. As a free action you may gain regeneration 5 (fire or acid) for 1 minute. during this time all lost limbs are regenerated at the end of this duration or can be reattached as a move action. You may avoid damage that would cause your regeneration to stop by using your lizardfolk autotmy to shed damaged limbs and negate the damage. This option is negated by any damage that would cause death by massive damage (50+ or more then half your hp in a single hit). Once the minute time passes the lizardfolk becomes exhausted, the sheer strain they have put on their body pushing them to their absolute limits. Once this ability is used it cannot be activated again for 1 week and all limbs shed during this time do not begin to regrow until this ability has been recharged.

awesome doc, teiidae is sure to be pleased

Shadow Lodge

Yeah I'm surprised he hasn't responded yet lol. Anyways will have to throw of some more ghoran feats here in the next couple days unfortunately for you guys it's game day today so gotta focus on that. Luckily though they are running into some lizardfolk so we're having fun tonight.

I just got back from class. I'm rubbing an errand so I will pose my joy in 14 minutes


Teiidae wrote:
I just got back from class. I'm rubbing an errand so I will pose my joy in 14 minutes

...heh, is it gonna be an expressive pose?

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