DeathQuaker RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8 |

Aw, DQ, you suck! I live in Jessup and my power is out. Only through the good graces of Bob Evans in Laurel do I have internet.
Benefits of living in the middle of a well protected power grid near hospitals. :) I hope your power comes back soon. Heard BGE is working hard to get things going for everyone.
On another note, we should have a Paizonians meet up in MD/DC area, I think there are enough of us. *ponders*
And oddly, I think a friend of mine used to work in that Bob Evans. (He did not enjoy it however, but I am glad it's a haven for you.)
DeathQuaker wrote:Hope all are safe and well. Hanging in here in B'more. Haven't lost power (*knock wood*). Went outside once yesterday and then remembered being cold and wet are not things I enjoy. The wind was pretty scary too.Well of course you're okay. You're a time mistress!!!
I don't know, Time Lords tend to get the short end of the stick when it comes to getting in trouble. But it's usually aliens rather than hurricanes. :)

Sharoth |

Sharoth wrote:Wonders what the dragon is going to do with a bunch of lint and a few dozen pennies...Turin the Mad wrote:Sharoth wrote:Please be safe Mr. and Mrs. Turin.We're about as prepared as we can be for our circumstances.
Many thanks, Sharoth! *grins*
~lures Mr. and Mrs. Turin to a "safe place" and then proceeds to removed Mr. Turin's hoard to a completely different "safe place"~
~giggles like a school girl~ LINT AND PENNIES!!! My favorite treat!!!

Abyssian |

Yay! Power's back on!
On another note, we should have a Paizonians meet up in MD/DC area, I think there are enough of us. *ponders*
I think there are. Also, it seems like a whole lot of us are near Baltimore. I know I saw Pasadena in the mix (AA County but whatever...), one in Wheaton (Montgomery...), me in Jessup (okay, I'm in Howard...)...
Yeah, let's have a little *MD/PaizoCon! I suggest Games & Stuff in Glen Burnie as the spot but anywhere will do.

Abyssian |

Not a problem. In case you haven't heard from him- most BG&E/Pepco customers' power is restored and, last I heard, only one Marylander died from Sandy (I don't know where, though). Of my own friends and family, only two (including myself) lost power for anything longer than an hour and only one had any house damage (leaky roof). I hope your brother is okay.