This is the discussion thread for two campaigns:

The Mead Hall (EverQuest RPG PBP)

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

I digs it. I think keeping the awesome high of the nat 20 and the prickling of doom when the nat 1 hits is appropriate. The double rolling for the confirm crit/fail is groovy. Extra suspense, dun, dun, dunnnnnn!

As far as making up, or using a crit fail/hit table, we could just do that for flavor writing. Since we typically go back and edit the post when we see a 20 come up, as far as rolling to confirm and whatnot. Throw a little bit of flavor writing in, and if Xenh gets wet in the panties by the awesomeness of what he reads, he might be inclined to add some bonuses to the crit (impaired movement, loss of limb/eye/tentacle, etc).

Female Nymph Touched Angelkin

i think i might join

though i need to know what everyone else is playing so i can decide from there.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Lumiere Dawnbringer wrote:

i think i might join

though i need to know what everyone else is playing so i can decide from there.

The last two are NPCs.

Touch base with me in private messages with what you're considering, once you've downloaded/bought the books.

Since you're asking, critical failures test my suspension of disbelief. I can tolerate the occasional weapon fling or pratfall, but to actually hit yourself? It's a serious game, and you take it seriously; just look at your negative reaction to my little comedy routine at the entrance to Kaladim. (I've worked entrance security at county courthouses, and thought I was being pretty funny.) So you shouldn't make it into a Three Stooges sketch yourself.

Building on that, the crit squared idea is horrible. You're trying to take something that you dislike and make it rarer, but really you're just turning it into an iceberg where only a little bit shows above the surface -- a cauldron shark where you just see the fin approaching -- and then all of a sudden, it renders an encounter trivial or kills a PC outright. No. Please don't. I would much rather that you eliminate critical failures, or else restrict them to imposing negative conditions.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Fredrik wrote:

Since you're asking, critical failures test my suspension of disbelief. I can tolerate the occasional weapon fling or pratfall, but to actually hit yourself? It's a serious game, and you take it seriously; just look at your negative reaction to my little comedy routine at the entrance to Kaladim. (I've worked entrance security at county courthouses, and thought I was being pretty funny.) So you shouldn't make it into a Three Stooges sketch yourself.

Building on that, the crit squared idea is horrible. You're trying to take something that you dislike and make it rarer, but really you're just turning it into an iceberg where only a little bit shows above the surface -- a cauldron shark where you just see the fin approaching -- and then all of a sudden, it renders an encounter trivial or kills a PC outright. No. Please don't. I would much rather that you eliminate critical failures, or else restrict them to imposing negative conditions.

There was no negative reaction to your comedy, simply the DM being consistent with the established "professional, no-nonsense" attitude of dwarves in guard positions. They escorted Gwendalyn out and welcomed her back when she could comply with their monarch's edicts, making it a simple redirect of approach to achieve expected results.

It is in that consistency that I personally see being the core of us suspending our disbelief, and as long as we are consistent I think we're fine. By that I mean it would seem strange to imagine that someone couldn't hit themselves with a weapon (1980s craze about nunchaku...eek) in the heat of the battle, but to fully accept dragons, magic, gods, et cetera.

With consistency as our foundation I am seeking what would add to everyone's fun, so we can establish that as part of the fabric of our make believe world.


My personal stance is a critical fumble table would be fun, though a tad unwieldy, since it would put your fate in the hands of the fates, rather than the DM being the sole dispenser of beatings. To this point I have been mainly falling back on disarms and falls, with the occasional sprained ankle, so I tossed in some hit self mechanics to open things up a bit (you're not a fan, no worries, it can be removed), but I'd like some more options : )

This was the fan-generated critical fumble table I was using:
1-25 = miss
26-50 = drop weapon (unarmed or natural attacks = fall prone
51-75 = attack ally (you reroll an attack against an adjacent ally still having to hit their ac, and still able to crit them)
76-87 = attack self (you roll an attack against your own flat footed ac.)
88-95 = break weapon (weapon gains the broken condition)
96-99 = confused (player loses their next turn.)
100 = roll twice on this table.

I've seen people with a critical fumble deck (not sure what the critical success deck is called, maybe just simply critical success), so if someone has one we could maybe come up with some fun ideas as a group.

I am totally fine with just making it an auto success/failure, and ditching the critical part of it.

Another thought: we could just leave it up to each player to punish themselves as a result of a nat 1, and reward themselves for a nat 20. We could come up with an approximation of what each result would look like, so everyone is using the approximate same power level of each.

p.s. We could consider only putting critical fumble/success on the first attack of the each round, so we're not punishing higher level characters with a higher degree of suckage.

p.p.s. I think by the rules you only auto-fail/succeed on attack rolls and saves, not skill and ability checks. Not sure though.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

Welcome Lumiere to the game : )

Jinx will be played by Lumiere until we see if there is a gibing with the group. If so the NPC will be phased out and replaced with another character of their making.

is this Alias approved for Jinx?

closest thing i could find to a Mad Halfling berserker.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Champion Jynx wrote:

is this Alias approved for Jinx?

closest thing i could find to a Mad Halfling berserker.

Works for me as long as your sentences start with capitals : )

Small voice squeaks out, "He's kidding!"

<giant foot crushes the owner of the small voice, leaving behind a sickening flesh-coloured paste> he's not.

Female Nymph Touched Angelkin
Xenh wrote:
Champion Jynx wrote:

is this Alias approved for Jinx?

closest thing i could find to a Mad Halfling berserker.

Works for me as long as your sentences start with capitals : )

Small voice squeaks out, "He's kidding!"

<giant foot crushes the owner of the small voice, leaving behind a sickening flesh-coloured paste> he's not.

I will try to remember the Shift key. my lack of ability to reliably reach that button Irks me.

Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)

Welcome Lumiere!

male Half Elf Rogue /Markus Vardin Human cleric (Giant Slayer Blackguard Kwenilithmor Eridosan)

Welcome indeed.

Female Nymph Touched Angelkin

Thank You. Currently Working on Ilina the Barbarian Warrior.

male Half Elf Rogue /Markus Vardin Human cleric (Giant Slayer Blackguard Kwenilithmor Eridosan)

Will post when I get home from Lowes tonight. Right now I've lost my job at Terumo, I did get offered contract work at TCVS I have until monday to respond.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Kwen wrote:
Will post when I get home from Lowes tonight. Right now I've lost my job at Terumo, I did get offered contract work at TCVS I have until monday to respond.

Sorry to hear that (heartless bastards!), and congrats if you respond!

Female Nymph Touched Angelkin

i didn't know what gear would be approved for Ilina so i went with the following combat items

+1 Falchion (close enough to Jinx's Earthbreaker, although a delay phase faster and better crit range)

Masterwork Suit of Full Plate Armor (What high level warrior doesn't wear full plate?)

Masterwork Composite Longbow (Mighty +6 Strength Rating)

120 arrows (for dealing with those pesky fliers)

a 3.0 or 3.5 character would have a lot more magical bling.

i also noticed a lot of the characters have temporary stat boosts. are those from items? or from spells?

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

The strength bump is from Gwen's Totem Spirit which allows her to turn various spells into near permanent versions of the normal spell. Fredrick could tell you exactly how it works.

Other bumps are from such things like the Dervish rings that some of still wear.

And a some late welcome to the game :)

Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)

@Sajeek: Just to make sure you know, a spell cast as a free action does not provoke attacks of opportunity (top of pg. 174).

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

Welcome back Mike!

Hope you had a great trip : )

male Half Elf Rogue /Markus Vardin Human cleric (Giant Slayer Blackguard Kwenilithmor Eridosan)

Okay so I know that tomorrow I am supposed to start posting for the evil game, as many of you know I was laid off from my main job Terumo Heart. It was a mass lay off (hur hur you said lay.) However Terumo Cardiovascular systems has offered me a temp job which I am going to take, in theory I will be starting there tomorrow so the evil game might be in a back burner. I might delay the posting to the evil game by a week, this is not a canceling again it is just a week Hiatus until I get things worked out with the H.R. department. My other job (Lowes) wants me for full time employment but I've told them that unless the temp work doesn't pan out they will only have me for part time cashier work.
Short story Corp lay offs are no fun.....

Lumiere Dawnbringer: Did you want to be added to the Evil EQ group, we are looking for players, keep in mind we are playing party cohesion for the evil group, so try to keep the megalomania to a minimum :)

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.
Xenh wrote:

Welcome back Mike!

Hope you had a great trip : )

Thank you sirrah!

Twas a great one indeed, except for the lack of internets.

I have read through the copious posting and am preparing a post for today. It should show up in a little while.

Oh, and I gave access to the glossary doc to a random stranger who requested it. She was a girl, so....


Female Nymph Touched Angelkin
Kwen wrote:

Okay so I know that tomorrow I am supposed to start posting for the evil game, as many of you know I was laid off from my main job Terumo Heart. It was a mass lay off (hur hur you said lay.) However Terumo Cardiovascular systems has offered me a temp job which I am going to take, in theory I will be starting there tomorrow so the evil game might be in a back burner. I might delay the posting to the evil game by a week, this is not a canceling again it is just a week Hiatus until I get things worked out with the H.R. department. My other job (Lowes) wants me for full time employment but I've told them that unless the temp work doesn't pan out they will only have me for part time cashier work.

Short story Corp lay offs are no fun.....

Lumiere Dawnbringer: Did you want to be added to the Evil EQ group, we are looking for players, keep in mind we are playing party cohesion for the evil group, so try to keep the megalomania to a minimum :)

i will gladly join the evil group too.

Female Nymph Touched Angelkin

Ilina for Xenh's group.

it is a rough draft. the only thing i am unsure of, is the equipment.

Game master


Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

If anyone has any advice for a new player joining one of my games, please feel free to provide it, perhaps touching on lack of experience awards, group initiative, how crazy I am about the once per day posting minimums, or my general state of psychotic beatings I inflict...

Lumiere Dawnbringer wrote:

Ilina for Xenh's group.

it is a rough draft. the only thing i am unsure of, is the equipment.

Start to polish up details like background (there's a nice write-up of your race and the first few pages of the Player's Handbook tells you about the world you're in), please "Clear" your skills and start over with only EverQuest skills, find an EQ alignment, making an alias, linking your Myth-Weavers link in your race slot (do a search in this Discussion Thread for details), description, Myth-Weavers character picture, et cetera.

Equipment will come when the character is ready to go, but it will be much more bare bones than what you have, and will include no magical items. Start with 4500gp.

We are approaching a point where Ilina could be added into the game easily. If we miss that window, then it will have to be after we go through the cursed building, which will be awhile from now.

Mike/Revery and Fredrik/Gwendalyn have been the fine-toothed comb fact checkers for the game to this point, so I will leave it to them to go over your character. Please heed what they ask for your character, as we are trying to uniformly set each character to be the same to make everyone's life easier.

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

Okay, I will take a look when I get a chance.

Two things I noticed:
- Are +6 STR bows allowed? My reading of the PHB suggests +4 is the max, but I don't have any other books so I'm not sure.
- To make your skill ranks add up, I suggest putting your language ranks in the Misc Mod column. Also CC means cross class, so for class skills this check box should be cleared (I know, this is somewhat unintuitive). You should have 11 x 4 skill points?

Xenh, does she get the starting ability point bonus we got?
- Ability scores (27 point buy)
- 5 extra ability points (max 18 before racials)

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Revery wrote:
- Are +6 STR bows allowed? My reading of the PHB suggests +4 is the max, but I don't have any other books so I'm not sure.

A Shadewood +5 mighty bow is the maximum STR bonus for a non-magical bow. They cost 300gp.

To delve deeper into bows and stuff you'll want to take ranks in the tradeskill fletching.

Revery wrote:

Xenh, does she get the starting ability point bonus we got?

- Ability scores (27 point buy)
- 5 extra ability points (max 18 before racials)

No, the +5 attribute points were to rectify the power advantage Gwendalyn had as a barbarian, but since he is also one he starts like Gwen.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

This failing of mine has been bugging me for a bit...

Reminder: For some irrational reason I cannot comprehend I hold pure melees to logical restrictions on their movements, but in the same breath accept magic permitting people to do crazy things as a matter of course. If a pure melee is trying to do something out in left field please remind me that I am trying to balance them out against magic-wielders.

e.g. of a reminder:

"Jinx's corded muscles flush with blood as he works to knock a horse out in a single punch, and stop it dead in its tracks."

Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)

I'm glad that I was able to get some good posting in over the weekend, but I probably won't have another chance until this evening.

ETA: Never mind, I had a chance just now.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Champion Jynx wrote:
you forgot my round 6 post above

If you have out of character stuff to speak to, this is the thread, not the IC thread.

Xenh wrote:
Champion Jynx wrote:
you forgot my round 6 post above

If you have out of character stuff to speak to, this is the thread, not the IC thread.

Sorry; i helped Rake Kwen with a Charging Flank. 23 to hit for 32 damage to the gnoll. it is right above Gwendalin's Round 5 post.

male Half Elf Rogue /Markus Vardin Human cleric (Giant Slayer Blackguard Kwenilithmor Eridosan)

Nice, glad to see that even while tripping my boys off, I can do some helping out, stupid 5% fail chance.....

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Champion Jynx wrote:
Xenh wrote:
Champion Jynx wrote:
you forgot my round 6 post above

If you have out of character stuff to speak to, this is the thread, not the IC thread.

Sorry; i helped Rake Kwen with a Charging Flank. 23 to hit for 32 damage to the gnoll. it is right above Gwendalin's Round 5 post.

Thanks for the reminder, forgetting is my norm : )

My plan was to resolve Round 6 and have everyone come into Round 7 as a unit.

This was a weird combat : )

p.s. if you're waiting for a tag, it's a perfect time for some role playing fluff

Female Barbarian Ilina Warrior

It is hard finding images of tall, muscular, silver haired, silver eyed, barbarian women in full plate.

Female Barbarian Ilina Warrior

Lot of masterwork stuff is fine if i have the funds?

I have nothing magical at the moment.

Female Barbarian Ilina Warrior

Updated Ilina

Are Fletching and Smithing Valid Tradeskills?

male Half Elf Rogue /Markus Vardin Human cleric (Giant Slayer Blackguard Kwenilithmor Eridosan)

Yes they are, at least as far as I've read from the EQ players handbook

Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)

@Sajeek: Minor Healing costs 2 mana, not 1. You got it right the first time, but not the next four, so you only have 5/30 mana left.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
"Flesh-Raker" Ilina wrote:
It is hard finding images of tall, muscular, silver haired, silver eyed, barbarian women in full plate.

You could always change the hair colour and run with the avatar for the boards:


"Flesh-Raker" Ilina wrote:
Lot of masterwork stuff is fine if i have the funds?

Yup, dig in to as much masterwork as you can handle.

"Flesh-Raker" Ilina wrote:
Updated Ilina

Just waiting on the fine-toothed combers to go over her so I can sign off.

<tag Mike and/or Fredrik>

"Flesh-Raker" Ilina wrote:
Are Fletching and Smithing Valid Tradeskills?

There are almost no duds in terms of tradeskills.

I am impressed with the work that you have put into this, and the speed. Jinx will now exit stage left and I will tag Ilina in my next post, as she is traveling with the cleric Nogglegrop.

All characters have progressed to the next level, including Ilina.

p.s. Your title, as a level 5+ warrior, is champion.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

As always you will DING to the next level when they have been checked over by Mike/Fredrik and have had a full night's sleep.

Please post here when your character is done so they can search through your pockets for loose change.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

Nogglegrop is ready to be gone over with fine-toothed comb.

Make sure you go over his back hair thrice!

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

DING Revery.

Female Barbarian Ilina Warrior

Ding Ilina.

Female Nymph Touched Angelkin

i have a family Reuinion this weekend and will be out of town, and potentially very far away from internet. i may have issues from friday till sunday.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Lumiere Dawnbringer wrote:
i have a family Reuinion this weekend and will be out of town, and potentially very far away from internet. i may have issues from friday till sunday.

Thanks for the heads up.

Count your limbs when you return. Things tend to go missing around here.

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

Hmmm, today I learned that Dogs (bol locks) is censored when you spell it correctly. That made me laugh, almost uncontrollably.

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

and Sajeek is ready for the look over

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

Oops, missed Revery's Greater Enchantment.

Is there any information about using the trade skill to create magic items I should know about? How does that work?

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

- no issues found.


- You need a speed and armor type.
- +11 with your masterwork bow.
- Why is your slam at only +14? Is there a penalty in there?
- Rapid Strike presumably gives your falchion a quick delay? But where does this come from?
- Why are you +12 on damage with your falchion? I only see +11 (two handed).
- I see three feats from training and three from your class - I see improved slam, WF, WS, PA, "Rapid Strike" - is there another? It would be easier to tell if you specified. I usually use a shorthand like "W2: Power Attack" for warrior feats and "TF1: Improved Slam" for trained feats.
- You have cold resistance (3) as a Barbarian.
- We usually put languages in the language section, with the rank (not total plus) in brackets, I.e., Barbarian (4).
- Your skill count is off because CC means cross-class. Reverse all the check boxes except for Smithing and they add up, I think. Also, sort them alphabetically by clicking on "Skill name" at the top of them.
- Your equipment needs weight.

That's all for now...

Female Barbarian Ilina Warrior

by Rapid Strike, i meant double strike, the 9th level warrior feat that reduces your delay with a weapon by 1 step.

Parry is a Warrior bonus

Slam is a barbarian bonus

Power Attack is 1st level feat

Weapon Focus is 2nd level feat

Weapon Specialization is 5th level trained

Double Strike is 9th level trained

i am still a feat behind. guess i could refund those 7 training points,

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

Clarifying in my little head..

L1: Power Attack (1st level feat, which I forgot)
WB2: Weapon Focus
W3: Taunt
WB4: Improved Slam
W6: Parry
WB9: Double Attack
TF: Weapon Specialization
TF: ?
TF: ?

Or you could take a point of Dex and bump your bow attack, reflex save, and AC...

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