Enchanting Doubleguns = double cost?

Rules Questions

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This popped upin a game last weekend. I cannot find any rules specific to it.

Surely enchanting a double gun costs double if

double weapons cost double

Even a shield without spikes needs 2 enchantments (1 for damage, 1 for defence)

insaneogeddon wrote:

This popped upin a game last weekend. I cannot find any rules specific to it.

Surely enchanting a double gun costs double if

double weapons cost double

Even a shield without spikes needs 2 enchantments (1 for damage, 1 for defence)

Always assumed it didn't but now that you mention double weapons there might be an argument for double enchants. There is a special rule for "magic double-headed weapons" but no mention of "double-barreled weapons". I think a clarification/erratera is needed to answer this. Be interesting to have different enchants on different barrels and see what happens. Balance wise it's a tough call, I don't see either call being so unbalanced the answer is obvious.

It would most likely work the same way a Halberd does, you enchant the whole metal bit, since they're not separated by more than an inch. However I would treat the stock of a Gun as a different "weapon"(ie a greatclub or something) and thus enchant that individually.

Anyway it's not really good to enchant the GUN in most cases, get +1's, only distance and reliable are worthwhile, all other enchants should go to your bullets.

Its not good to enchant the gun? Why is that?
I could see because of the missfire chance causing the gun to be destroyed
I could also see enchanting bullets costing quite a bit more, simply because ammunition runs out and you have to re-enchant the new batch.
Anything I am missing?

Sorry if I was unclear(I'm pretty tired at the moment) but I mean after Seeking, Reliable, and maybe Distance, enchanting a gun with stuff like fiery and holy isn't as worthwhile as it is for a sword. Getting flat bonuses to it is just fine. Keeping a bunch of Cold Iron Holy Axiomatic Bullets for demons and fey, silver for lycanthropes, holy and fiery for vampires, etc is a great investment and at mid levels(10+) you should be stocked with versatile rounds. Think about all the times you wish you had a ghost-touch weapon.

Your standard rounds would likely have a bunch of crazy damage bonuses like fiery and acid splash, but a small amount of special bullets is always good. The typical archer has a bit of an advantage in this market because of the existence of durable arrows, but enchanting ammo is pretty cheap(though one time use) compared to a weapon and you still use your weapons enhancement bonus when firing along with it's other properties,though they and the bonus don't stack with the bullets.

Kolfinna wrote:

It would most likely work the same way a Halberd does, you enchant the whole metal bit, since they're not separated by more than an inch. However I would treat the stock of a Gun as a different "weapon"(ie a greatclub or something) and thus enchant that individually.

Anyway it's not really good to enchant the GUN in most cases, get +1's, only distance and reliable are worthwhile, all other enchants should go to your bullets.

Distance hardly matters with a shield it's the same thing you're enchanting twice on an object whose face is both used for offence and defence. Petty sure the two ends of an enchanted quaterstaff touch someplace in the middle.

It does lower the balance issuse of double firearms a little,but still means they are better then revolvers.

Well they're certainly not double weapons so they are certainly enchanted as any other gun.

Certainly? is queationable.

There is a definite assosiation.

Anyone with any experience or sense knows that in any game system the further from the original rules a supplement gets the more likely the authors don't relate it back to the base rules in a way that doesn't allow dubious players wiggle room.

The authors play a certain way, assume certain levels of common sense and assume players care more for their games then individual power trips. Granted all bad assumptions considering the standard fare that roleplays.

Double guns are better already then more advanced firearms.

Evenifyou use double enchanting or single shot firearms, users still do great dpr, consistantly and are balanced with other characters.

(Nevermind in a campaign with uniqu monster types not just beastery CR fare and where the DM cares/is skilled enough to play opponents well and not out of the box so their AC and abilities tend to be above 'average for level CR' just as players with int over 10 tend to be more then the average example characters).

I would say no. It specifically says on some gun pages (like the Sword Cane Gun) that they count as double weapons for the purpose of enchanting.

Seems to me that if they had intended for double guns to be treated that way then they would've said so specifically like they do for some of the examples.

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