Ridiculous items

Forum Games

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Nod of Lordly Might - Sacred bobble-head of rulership. Must be worn on the head to activate. No one knows what it actually does because no one's been brave enough to look that stupid.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Chancellor pudding head's hat of infinite pudding. No one ever tried to make her bow to them because her hat would dump pudding on them.

We should number this so you can generate treasure in Limbo.

Stick of Limbo - A permanent gate to Limbo, but only when held by two people while a third traverses the gate while leaning as far back as possible.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Big Stick - Makes everyone speak softly.

Amulet of inescapable location.The wearer, and only the wearer, will be unable to leave the area where the amulet was donned. They will seem to run into a wall of force every time they try to leave, till the amulet is removed by a remove curse.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Amulet of attention seeking: by donning this amulet, the wearer is immediately compelled to always seek out attention (normally from hazardous sources). This cursed item is unable to be removed from the wearer, be it either physically or magically, but it can be taken from them once they are deceased.

Non magic wand(It's a stick)

Sovereign Court

Non magic amulet... it's pretty!

Blank scroll. Is it used or can it be used to hold spells? How can you tell?

April fools post.:)

Scarab Sages

Scroll of Doom: Readers of this seemingly endless parchment foretelling woe and wickedness beyond description must make a Will save or succumb to a special type of crushing despair that is cumulative with itself, AND must make another to stop reading; those who fail must again save versus crushing despair, and must save again to stop reading...and so on....

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