Nether |
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Taking a similar approach as Blackbloodtrolls thread,
I have been having a very difficult time trying to stay with the party recently and the annoying thing is that i feel i didnt do anything to deserve this treatment nor group alienation.
This is a long post so bear with, i feel i should explain how things got to where they are.
All the players are citz of a small but rich kingdom called Frostholme. It sits way up in the north naturally.
My character is a the head of the small official kingdom assassin guild.(Ninja/Monk) He is LE but he is completely dedicated to the protection and safety of his kingdom.
The other player is a CG Druid and things have become difficult at best between our characters, and i have always supported the party at every turn.
The other party members are
Ranger/rogue horizon walker (i dubbed him the nickname 'houndmaster' as he always has about 3 hounds with him.
sorceress/fighter arcane archer who i call frosty because she shot the last guy that made advances on her in the heart.
So we went thru the first campaign, to save Frostholme and potentially all the northern kingdoms from this demonic ice army that was forming on the planar ice lands past the Frostwall. So demonic hordes would start to pour into our realm if the planar ice lands Rift was not closed. So we ventured for, braving this dire wilderness and obtained a wand artifact that would allow us to close the rift. When at the ice citadel, we split into two groups, the druid and I. He doesnt like sneaking around, and in many situations he left me high and dry with all the creatures as he would fly off down the hall somewhere else. This happened a few times and i was left holding the bag and almost died multiple times because of it.
So we seal the Rift, heading back to Frostholme where the ice dragon keeper is no on its way to assault. We catch up with the dragon and a fight goes down. The dragon is much tougher than we are in our exhausted and depleted state, so i opt to use one of the few remaining 20th level scrolls we were given. It was a 20d fireball i believe. I am concerned about placement as i dont want to lay waste to our party, so the gm says at best placement, i have a 35% chance that the fireball will also encompass the druids life long pal the polar bear. I dont hesitate, what is a small risk to possibly saving all our lives? So shizam wham, fireball away. I roll 13 on percentile. The polar bear gets toasted along with the dragon. The druid is livid with me and i think the player was upset i just nuked his furry friend as well. I was a little cold to him after he confronted me, I told him something like 'the cold void sometimes demands sacrifice' and he wasnt to happy with that response.
So we get back to the kingdom and the king has been possessed by a prior demonic enemy established from before that started the Riftwall event. I gave time in the combat for players to try and figure out how to save the king while i studied for death attack, as i had no way of preventing it. No one could figure out how and the king was about to change our lands for the worst. The sorcereress 'forgot' about the item she recieve a while ago just for this scenario which i didnt know about. So death attack it is, i bluffed so he didnt know what i was doing and then wakizashi thru the armpit into the heart. Well the druid didnt like this resolution, and yep, he was ready to have a go at me. He would have won i am pretty sure as i was in bad shape, and he used his heals on himself and none for me. The party held him back, but the druid wanted me to know he would never forget this.
End of campaign 1.
2nd Campaign,
A very large empire called the Republic (yep, simular to rome) which is prolly the largest nation around, decided they wanted our kingdom as it is chalk full of diamonds, minerals, magic resources ext. So the now ruler, the queen sent us to find a way to prevent this. Came up with going into thier lands, joining the military and then as allied envoys we went to the 2nd largest nation, but they use magic heavily. Their generals are called Battle controllers, and the one that could break their alliance and start war between them was the one we needed. Long story short we made it to his lands and went into his fortress outpost to meet him and tell him how much the republic loves him. We were acting as agents of the republic of course. Now this is where things just go terribly wrong for me.
The battle controller is a beholder. The druid starts being all buddy buddy with the controller making friends, chatting it up blah blah blah. I think excellent, i ask if i can study for death attack on it. Gm asks for knowledge check, then bluff check which i both make. So i study. On the last round the druid starts to get suspicious of me and warns the beholder as i attack for death attack. No flat foot, i miss the attack. We have a big ass fight, but the druid for some reason is on the beholders side and wants me dead. So it is us 3 vs beholder and druid. My two party members focus on holding off any reinforcements.. ok, i have the beholder and druid to myself, great...:( I get the beholder down to a sliver of life, then it is the druids turn. ... what do you think that tree hugger does? Ya he heals the beholder! sigh. Fight some more i get the beholder down to low life, it flees. It has a escape route, where it flies off the top of the tower, hovers down to the ground below where a large sewer grate opens for him. I go to the tower edge and look down at the fleeing beholder. I dont have alot of health left again after fighting the beholder health bar twice. It is a long way down, which would kill me, but my dedication to Frostholme has no bounds. So i leap off dual wielding kukri's, aiming my jump to land/strike the beholder and hopefully not kill myself. I hit the beholder but only one kukri successfuly strikes. The beholder is still alive. I make and fail my balance check :( and fall off the beholder but thankfully we are close to the ground. The beholder goes into the tunnels. I now have a whole lotta guards looking at me now and a pissed off druid in bird form swooping down at me. Scroll of obscurring mist, into the grate, pull it closed (i have a great str)and lock it, then pursue the beholder. The druid is blinded by the mist and eventually turns into a big strong beast and rips open the grate. I am bleeding out pretty bad and cant find the beholder. So i barely escape within seconds of the druid swooping in searching like a madman for me. I make way to the city that sits next to this outpost.
So now the druid is trusted to the beholder, and i have no idea why he sided with it. Even worse is the druid vouches for our other two party members as it was all miscommunication except for me, the assissin hidden in our midst. They want me. So i meet up with the other two party members who the druid is having watched. Good thing for lots of skills. Disguise, bluff, stealth ext ext. The beholder now under escort wants to question my party members. I take opportunity and strike, bye bye you ugly ass eyeball.
We escape, the druid comes with us, we are travelling as a party again, but i have to travel a distance behind hidden. Now we have also discovered that there is possibly an artifact that might help protect Frostholme hidden far into these canyone mountains, so we head their. The druid starts to become talkative to me again over this trek, and the hostilities is there but the threats have stopped. Well this character doesnt accept threats. So i leave it be for the time. We get to the top of the canyone mesa where a dragon lives, and its horde possibly has our artifact. The dragon isnt there initially when we get up there, but it returns while we are in ruined tower there. We slay the dragon. I find the hidden trapdoor to the treasure.
That is where we left off.
Next session I am thinking it is time for the druid to go, permanently. No more threats, and all this crazy the druid has been bringing has made thing much more difficult. The other two players try to stay out of the conflict. Sinse we left off there, my current plan is to let him open the treasure door and start searching the horde while i bluff for death attack.
What do you guys think?
Do i sound like i have a reason to you?
Any advice on this situation?

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This sounds horribly one sided. To be honest, I want to know more about this druid and his player before I make any decision on if he deserves your assassination.
How long have you played this group?
Have you had problems with that player before?
What exactly is the player saying out of game about the situation?
What is the druid saying in game about his reasons to hate your character?
While the other players are staying out of it, what are they saying despite that?
What does your GM say about all this?
What have you done to harm/fix the situation?
How experienced is your group?
Are you sure this is the best way to handle the situation?
How would the druid's player handle it?
We honestly have only a general idea of what is going on. You gave the major points of the game but few points as to why there is tension between the two characters. All I see is that you killed a polar bear animal companion and now the druid purposefully goes out of his way to screw you. I think there is more to this, and we need to figure that out first.

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He's playing a Chaotic Good Druid? So a houserule on the 'Neutral only' thing, yes?
How is siding with the bad guy (I'm assuming the Beholder was a bad guy, not just misunderstood) a 'good' act?
How is siding with the local (evil) authority a 'chaotic' act?
Are you sure he wasn't secretly being mind controlled or something? Could be a cunning GM plot-point you're meant to notice? ;/
Personally I'd avoid assassination, mostly because killing characters (PCs or NPCs) is the most boring thing you can do to them. Better to have fun with it and torment the guy (the character that is... no tormenting fellow players, please!) in some way. Massive stealth capabilities make a character an ace practical joker... :)

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So you are a LE & the Druid is a CG, of course there is going to be friction between you both, if each of you are playing your characters according to your alignments.
Druids are usually not very sneaky or damage dealers(depends on the
Could have the Beholder have had the druid under a mind-affecting spell?
Your character is the head of a kingdom, in trouble with an open rift that is letting demons, etc thru. The party (including Druid)come to help deal with this problem. Could your character be treating the other characters as if they are a lower caste? Could you be treating the other people at the table the same way?

Nether |

TLDR. Feel free to try and assassinate the player character, and fully expect the player to punch you in the face for being, well, kinda a tool. Be honest, when you made an ASSASSIN character, you were hoping for an eventual opportunity to kill a PC.
No. I have been playing dnd for 15+ years and I have never had a problem like this show up, except about 5 years ago in a campaign there but those problems started before i even joined it. Then 2 of the players then became bad guys when it was a epic adventure storyline, again nothing to do with me, and I was playing a Cleric in that.
I did not create an assassin to mess with another player at all. I actually do not make any of my characters to compete with players. I created the assassin to be the blackhand of the kingdom.

Nether |

This sounds horribly one sided. To be honest, I want to know more about this druid and his player before I make any decision on if he deserves your assassination.
How long have you played this group?
Have you had problems with that player before?
What exactly is the player saying out of game about the situation?
What is the druid saying in game about his reasons to hate your character?
While the other players are staying out of it, what are they saying despite that?
What does your GM say about all this?
What have you done to harm/fix the situation?
How experienced is your group?
Are you sure this is the best way to handle the situation?
How would the druid's player handle it?We honestly have only a general idea of what is going on. You gave the major points of the game but few points as to why there is tension between the two characters. All I see is that you killed a polar bear animal companion and now the druid purposefully goes out of his way to screw you. I think there is more to this, and we need to figure that out first.
The player is a friend of one of the players.
I am good friends with all the other players and gm + his gf.Tim is the druid.
He is a nice guy, i have been out to the bar with him and others at times. He strikes me a little weird but again, nice guy.
The group has been togather for just these two campaigns. All of us minus Tim have been togather for many years prior.
As the description of the tale, I have only tried to support the group and prop it up. I play my character as die hard loyal, and the party members are Frostholme citz, and friends, which would have his utter loyalty. I have played the character this way at all times.
The character is only LE because he will kill anyone the king/queen say is a threat. If they are not specific, but ask me to fix something, it is assumed they know i kill people first unless other espionage is asked for. I do not question them, i do my duty, my honor is my word and deed.
Tim i would consider a 'newer' player, with about 2 years exp.
I have talked to him about it out of game to make sure it is only a game thing and he seems to agree with me and leave it at that. But no matter what we talk about for what happened in game, he still has a hard on for my character.
I do not antagonize him or insult him in game or out. We seem to get along fine out of game. But his character in game decisions again, do not make sense to me. He said he is just playing character, but to me it comes across as no logic in his thought process at all.
It just feels odd that I have been all for party and kingdom, yet I am getting the outsider treatment from him and the other two are staying out of it.
I have talked to the gm, he doesnt understand his logic either, but lets him play his character as he will. The gm btw is not against pvp in group though. I am close friends with the gm.

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What is the reason for the CG alignment when druids are supposed to be neutral only?
Also, you are still being a little too general and vague. What exactly has he been saying are his reasons? Surely he has been saying something. He doesn't seem to the subtle type that keeps his mouth shut about such issues.
My advice, talk to the other players. Make it clear that they are going to have to take a side if this things comes to a head and that you would rather have them be on your side than his. Ask them what they think about this whole ordeal, why they think it is happening, and if there are any solutions. There might be something you are missing and that will make you regret killing him if it comes out later.
Also, you might want to be pretty blunt with the guy about where this is heading. Your characters have been around each other for some time now, and the druid should know better. A simple, "Dude, I need a really good reason why I shouldn't kill your character," would be blunt enough I think. That should at least give you more information on what is happening.

Nether |

He's playing a Chaotic Good Druid? So a houserule on the 'Neutral only' thing, yes?
How is siding with the bad guy (I'm assuming the Beholder was a bad guy, not just misunderstood) a 'good' act?
How is siding with the local (evil) authority a 'chaotic' act?
Are you sure he wasn't secretly being mind controlled or something? Could be a cunning GM plot-point you're meant to notice? ;/
Personally I'd avoid assassination, mostly because killing characters (PCs or NPCs) is the most boring thing you can do to them. Better to have fun with it and torment the guy (the character that is... no tormenting fellow players, please!) in some way. Massive stealth capabilities make a character an ace practical joker... :)
It has been a while sinse i checked druid align req, as i do not often play them, but i do know his alignment is CG. It doesnt really bother me, but that is more of an issue between him and the gm.
Yes, the beholder was the bad guy. We were pretending to be from the repulic kingdom, then we kill the battle controller (ie beholder) which causes problems between the two larger kingdoms and takes immediate plans and focus off of our little homeland.
So why he sided with the beholder is beyond me. I have asked but i dont really get a good answer out of him. Not sure he even knows why other than I killed his bear, then the king, therefore i am the utmost evil and he will side with the badguys against me.?
He even joined the beholder in searching the city for me, and i worked my skills like no tomorrow to avoid capture. Many times i thought i might get caught, but dice rolling however seems to really favor this chharacter. The fight with the beholder in the tower was amazing on dice rolls for me.
I nor any other player have ever gotten anything that suggests the druid was mind controlled. He has been very erratic from the first campaign, he has been the same up to this point. I have never played with any other character of Tims before, so i do not know what to expect.

The Shogun of Harlem |
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Druids are hippie tree huggers that smell of patchouli, not to be trusted. I say you character should off him for getting in the way of Queen and Country, and of course for being a hippie. Darn dirty druids.
Seriously though, if it is in character (which is sounds like it is) and there will be no seroius out of game drama off the dude. Bear in mind sometime you have to fudge the "in character" stuff of the "good" of the group. There are many facets, man.

Nether |

So you are a LE & the Druid is a CG, of course there is going to be friction between you both, if each of you are playing your characters according to your alignments.
Druids are usually not very sneaky or damage dealers(depends on the
built).Could have the Beholder have had the druid under a mind-affecting spell?
Your character is the head of a kingdom, in trouble with an open rift that is letting demons, etc thru. The party (including Druid)come to help deal with this problem. Could your character be treating the other characters as if they are a lower caste? Could you be treating the other people at the table the same way?
Alignment for us is there to represent what you have been doing, or your actions. It is not there to force yourself to play along guidelines x.
When we play any character, play them to a concept and dont worry about alignment, as alignment will be established based on how you play.
Again, i dont know why there is friction, as it wasnt there initially, but over time i get the impression the player just doesnt like rogues or any rogue like characters.
My character does not look down on anyone, treat anyone like crap ext. He is a man of few words most of the time and lets his actions speak for him. He follows his assissin code very stricktly and is a fairly honorable person overall.
Last, i am not the head of a small kingdom, i am the head of a small assassins guild in the small kingdom. It isnt nearly as prestigious as saying being bigwig in saying praying mantis guild or anything like that. The assassins guild is like black ops spooks of the cia for the US type of deal. I try to play them very clandestine.

Nether |

CalebTGordan wrote:A simple, "Dude, I need a really good reason why I shouldn't kill your character," would be blunt enough I think. That should at least give you more information on what is happening.+1
In game his character threatens to kill me all the time.
I have never threatened him in game yet as I play my character in the manner that, if he threatens someone, then I will just kill them instead. Threats are just unecessary talk, waste time, and ultimately give away your stealth card. Dont telegraph, just kill from the blindspot.But as well, the reason i havent 'threatened' him at all over 2 campaigns is because i dont want to 'have' to kill his character. But technically, if this was an npc he would have died a long time ago. So i am using meta game to 'not' kill him because he is a player.I have killed two characters in the past, in the same game that was 5 years ago and two of the players turned evil badguys. Choices they made before my character had anything to do with them, and they now wanted to rule the world for evil god and his undead/golem children. This current group knows nothing about this campaign or events.
Out of game, i have tried talking to Tim, and said to him many times that I should kill his character for this stuff he has been doing as it is traitorous to our characters kingdom. He laughs and says that he wants to kill my character too. I'm like, ok.

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Make sure that every time your group cooks something for dinner you make a comment like, 'Ah - smells like barbecue polar bear!' - if his character's going to hate your character, you may as well enjoy it! ;)
On a slightly more serious note, if he's doing it for the role-play of the thing, then there's nothing wrong with going along with it (as long as you can enjoy a little inter-character friction too), but killing the other character ends that, and whatever fun may have been had with the situation. If you (as a player) aren't enjoying it, then probably best to mention that to the chap out of character, and try to come to some middle ground so that you can both enjoy the game.

Nether |

Make sure that every time your group cooks something for dinner you make a comment like, 'Ah - smells like barbecue polar bear!' - if his character's going to hate your character, you may as well enjoy it! ;)
On a slightly more serious note, if he's doing it for the role-play of the thing, then there's nothing wrong with going along with it (as long as you can enjoy a little inter-character friction too), but killing the other character ends that, and whatever fun may have been had with the situation. If you (as a player) aren't enjoying it, then probably best to mention that to the chap out of character, and try to come to some middle ground so that you can both enjoy the game.
Haha, that would be funny and very antagonistic, though which this character is not.
I love in game banter similar to what you mentioned, but the problem here is my character is literally the one that has to travel in disguise and concealed in these lands because of the druid. It would be far to obvious if I rode with them and the kingdom saw a group of 4, but the 'one' they want isnt there but some other person is, well hmm, lets bring him in for questions and a game of guilitine.
It has gotten to the point that i am tired of being the character ostracized from the group when it should be him. It is also annoying that the other two players have taken sitting on the fence so much that they wont get involved. The archer, her player just doesnt care but agrees with me, she even suggested a long time ago i kill him. The houndmaster, who is good friends with tim, i think isnt getting involved because it is his friends character and doesnt want to appear to be taking sides, but he has mentioned to me he agrees with me.

RumpinRufus |

I don't know if this really fixes anything, but could you trick him into transgressing? Technically, he should already have lost all his druid abilities if he's CG, but maybe you can somehow trick him into "sealing the deal" so he becomes an ex-druid. Of course, then he could just atone and revert to an allowed alignment, but that might get him off your back a bit (or it could backfire dramatically, but it just seems like more fun than straight-up killing him.)

Javaed |
If you guys aren't having problems out of game, then he's probably decided that his character would 'bear' a grudge against your character.
Rather than rashly taking matters into your own hands, you should talk to the other player and let him know that you feel like a conflict is inevitable between your two characters. He may agree, and then ya'll can have fun figuring out when / how to trigger a battle or he may disagree and then ya'll can figure out to get the two characters working together.

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Jubal Breakbottle wrote:CalebTGordan wrote:A simple, "Dude, I need a really good reason why I shouldn't kill your character," would be blunt enough I think. That should at least give you more information on what is happening.+1In game his character threatens to kill me all the time.
I have never threatened him in game yet as I play my character in the manner that, if he threatens someone, then I will just kill them instead. Threats are just unecessary talk, waste time, and ultimately give away your stealth card. Dont telegraph, just kill from the blindspot.But as well, the reason i havent 'threatened' him at all over 2 campaigns is because i dont want to 'have' to kill his character. But technically, if this was an npc he would have died a long time ago. So i am using meta game to 'not' kill him because he is a player.I have killed two characters in the past, in the same game that was 5 years ago and two of the players turned evil badguys. Choices they made before my character had anything to do with them, and they now wanted to rule the world for evil god and his undead/golem children. This current group knows nothing about this campaign or events.
Out of game, i have tried talking to Tim, and said to him many times that I should kill his character for this stuff he has been doing as it is traitorous to our characters kingdom. He laughs and says that he wants to kill my character too. I'm like, ok.
I think you misunderstood my advice. You clearly believe you have every reason to kill this PC, but he probably doesn't realize he hasn't given you a reason not to. Bluntly saying what I suggested isn't for you to get any reasons not to kill him. It is to force him to stop and think for a moment about how his actions are going to have consequences. He may be thinking that it is all in good fun, that the jokes about killing your character are fine and dandy, that he doesn't have to worry about anyone punishing him for anything he does.
Be blunt, force him to think, and use his reaction to make your decision.

John-Andre |
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Honestly with that beholder crap, I don't see how the entire group didn't gang up and kill the beholder and then his character. Oh, he was mind controlled? We can sort that out after we speak with dead to see if he's worth raising.
And as far as him saying 'my character is Chaotic Good', kindly show him page 49 from the Core Rulebook, where it says 'Alignment: Any neutral.' Also show him page 51 under the 'Ex-Druids' heading where it says "A druid who ceases to revere nature, changes to a prohibited
alignment," (emphasis mine). Then congratulate him on becoming an Ex-Druid. There went all his spells, druid powers and animal companion.
THEN nuke him.
Your GM is perfectly within his rights to refuse to allow you to indulge in PvP. However, unless he's made that house rule perfectly clear to all players (which it sounds to me like he hasn't), then he needs to follow the rule about druids & alignment. If he isn't going to do this, pack up your things and find another GM.

Misunderstood Monk |

Bottom line here is Tim is being a b$*&+$#& player. I dunno if his character deserves to be killed for it but if it weren't fantasy land he probably would've been a while ago. In addition, your GM should not allow a single character who is playing so outside of the group's collective goals to carry on this way. When our group had this problem the offending player opted out and made it easy on us. Killing a PC should be the absolute last resort. Now...watch me make my acrobatics check to get down off my soapbox.

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For the thread the OP was referring to, see here.
That's an example of how this kind of thing goes down.

Lyarie |

My favorite phrase to hate is "It's what my character would do."
You play your character. You decide what he will or will not do. You decided to bring a LE PC into the game. The same applies to the other player, his actions, and his alignment. Personally I never seen PC-PC killing as an option. You need to take the situation out of game because if you just kill him off then you're the one being the jerk (and to be fair you did kill his animal companion).
You said that you let your actions speak for themselves - some people can't pick up on that stuff as easily as others. Bring it into the open and deal with it. Don't be afraid to lose your element of surprise because you should never have one against another player (unless you have preset your playstyle accordingly and everyone is aware of this).

Adamantine Dragon |

How was it a problem to kill his polar bear? At the level you all are playing raising his dead animal companion should have been no problem. He's a druid, he hasn't yet created, or paid for, a raise animal companion scroll? Heck at your level he should have been able to just memorize it that night and raise the bear the next day.
I don't get the CE druid thing either. If this sort of thing is going on in your games, all bets are off.
I hate PVP. I don't play this game to get into emotional conflicts with my friends around the table, I play to have fun. Even my evil characters avoid inter-party conflict since it's generally not in their best interest.
If I were in your situation I would probably retire my character and come up with a new one that didn't conflict with the druid, or see if the druid player would do the same, or perhaps both of you come up with new characters. My goal would be to come to a workable solution that allowed your characters to cooperate.
I am all for role playing, in fact I role play to the hilt. I generally don't like metagaming. But the exceptions I make are frequently around this point. I don't play the game just to wear the skin of my character and to hell with the other players. I play the game to have a nice evening socializing with friends in a fantasy world environment. So metagaming to ensure the game is fun and not emotionally draining or devolving into conflict is the sort of metagaming I am good with.
If I can't do that, I'll just find a new group.

Shadowlord |

PvP isn't always a good option, but it can work out. It can even be the most productive option in some cases, especially if your DM and the other players are on the same page. Some things to consider:
1. Did you ever make any real attempt at making up for killing his animal companion? Yes, he seems to be playing like a real jerk, but maybe he was very attached to the character, and his bear. You kill it and don't seem to really care; maybe all this is over that fact.
It would be worth pulling his character aside, in game, and acknowledging what you did, and that it was an accident. Maybe ask if there is a way you could atone with him and nature.
2. The Druid siding with the Beholder is a pretty clear indication that he is not in line with nature. Beholder's are not natural, and are quite Evil. He is outside his alignment and should probably be an ex-Druid at this point. This could be an extension of the betrayal he may feel from your killing his animal companion (understanding that is not just some worthless animal, but probably his best friend). However, the fact remains he is far off base with these decisions.
3. Don't kill the Druid in front of your party unless you are sure they are all ok with you taking that course of action, and making that decision on your own. I have never killed another party member, but I have run games where PvP was not restricted. In these games the core of the party was a cohesive unit and good friends. On at least three occasions new players would come in and try to be disruptive. One time the antagonizing character was thrown off a building to his death by a party member he antagonized (the rest of the party was ok with it, and that guy re-rolled a useful character). One tried to steal all the loot from the party, he was caught and one shot killed by the Fighter (subsequently becoming a much friendlier character in his later sessions). And a third was forced to retire his character when he killed another party member. The rest of the party came together and told him to leave or he would be executed, he left and re-rolled a more useful character.
I have seen unproductive, unjustified PvP, even at non-PvP tables also. That is unproductive, hinders the game, destroys party cohesion, and generally ends up with one or more characters dying or re-rolling. Your situation doesn't sound like this type of PvP.
4. You said the majority of the group has been together a while and you and the DM are pretty good friends, but this one guy is new-ish. Is your character (and by extension, you) an Alpha in the party? Do you make a lot of decisions, are you generally the one with the plan, does the story sometimes seem to mold around decisions you personally make?
If you are an Alpha than it could be the new guy trying to challenge you for that spot, in which case you have two options. 1. Drop him to 0 HP and bleeding out, then let him be healed and tell him when he wakes up that was the only warning he's gonna get. Maybe just kill him or 2. Let him be Alpha for a while and make decisions. Though it doesn’t sound like he is making fit choices for leading.
5. Handle this in AND out of game! Before your next session when everyone is sitting down to get started just be direct. "Hey, this stuff has got to stop, I am not sure if you're still mad at me or what but it's going to end. I see this headed toward an in game conflict if it doesn't, so we can either work it out or things are going to rapidly escalate." Let the whole party and the DM talk about this for a bit OOC and get a feel for how things are going to go in game. Once the game has started wait and see how he will act. But the first time he threatens you don't let it go or back down. Confront him right there and tell him IN CHARACTER, "Look, I've given you a great deal of latitude because you have been a companion and friend. But that is quickly wearing thin and this is going to come to an end, one way or another, in very short order! We could talk this out, or it could go another way but this ends!
I would try to resolve it in another way, but I also would not shy away from drawing swords if it comes to that.

Nether |

PvP isn't always a good option, but it can work out. It can even be the most productive option in some cases, especially if your DM and the other players are on the same page. Some things to consider:
1. Did you ever make any real attempt at making up for killing his animal companion? Yes, he seems to be playing like a real jerk, but maybe he was very attached to the character, and his bear. You kill it and don't seem to really care; maybe all this is over that fact.
It would be worth pulling his character aside, in game, and acknowledging what you did, and that it was an accident. Maybe ask if there is a way you could atone with him and nature.
2. The Druid siding with the Beholder is a pretty clear indication that he is not in line with nature. Beholder's are not natural, and are quite Evil. He is outside his alignment and should probably be an ex-Druid at this point. This could be an extension of the betrayal he may feel from your killing his animal companion (understanding that is not just some worthless animal, but probably his best friend). However, the fact remains he is far off base with these decisions.
3. Don't kill the Druid in front of your party unless you are sure they are all ok with you taking that course of action, and making that decision on your own. I have never killed another party member, but I have run games where PvP was not restricted. In these games the core of the party was a cohesive unit and good friends. On at least three occasions new players would come in and try to be disruptive. One time the antagonizing character was thrown off a building to his death by a party member he antagonized (the rest of the party was ok with it, and that guy re-rolled a useful character). One tried to steal all the loot from the party, he was caught and one shot killed by the Fighter (subsequently becoming a much friendlier character in his later sessions). And a third was forced to retire his character when he killed another party member. The rest of the party came together and told him...
I am the alpha in the group, and i tend to fall into the leadership roles wheather i want it or not, as it drives me nuts when the group cant stay on focus or they just cant make decisions. Usually the groups let me hash out the battleplan and i~m good with that, then they add to it what they can.
So even in this game my assassin is the defacto group leader, lol, go figure.
I did not appologize for killing his polar bear, nor will i ever. The concept would never do it, and i dont feel like breaking that in game part for a little bit of hugs out of game :)
When the polar bear / ice dragon fight occurred and the gm said there was a chance i might get the polar bear, tim right away was shaking his head that I better not do it.
Then there was the return home finally to find the king demonically possessed and none of us could find a solution to save him, even though the arcane archer chica had an item for this that she forgot about. So again, when I gave the king the boa noite cinderella, he was pretty upset with me again, and this was all in one long session that both events happened.
The druid siding with the beholder i thought was crazy, and so far everything says he did it solely because he didnt want me to assassinate him too (beholder) and when he played his druid chasing after me after i dove off the tower and onto the beholder, you could see his character was putting in the most effort he possibly could to get me. That was prolly the most lively i have seen tim in a game session.
Our two campaigns have been running about 6 months now, we play once a week, the odd double a week and have overall done alot, so my description above is just the major highlights to this issue.
Well that is the reason for this thread is to find any possible alternate avenues to resolve this.

Nether |

How was it a problem to kill his polar bear? At the level you all are playing raising his dead animal companion should have been no problem. He's a druid, he hasn't yet created, or paid for, a raise animal companion scroll? Heck at your level he should have been able to just memorize it that night and raise the bear the next day.
I don't get the CE druid thing either. If this sort of thing is going on in your games, all bets are off.
I hate PVP. I don't play this game to get into emotional conflicts with my friends around the table, I play to have fun. Even my evil characters avoid inter-party conflict since it's generally not in their best interest.
If I were in your situation I would probably retire my character and come up with a new one that didn't conflict with the druid, or see if the druid player would do the same, or perhaps both of you come up with new characters. My goal would be to come to a workable solution that allowed your characters to cooperate.
I am all for role playing, in fact I role play to the hilt. I generally don't like metagaming. But the exceptions I make are frequently around this point. I don't play the game just to wear the skin of my character and to hell with the other players. I play the game to have a nice evening socializing with friends in a fantasy world environment. So metagaming to ensure the game is fun and not emotionally draining or devolving into conflict is the sort of metagaming I am good with.
If I can't do that, I'll just find a new group.
Well actually I would like to hopefully complete this campaign alive and then retire the character. He has gone thru hell and none of the other party members have been focused on as hard as my assassin in this game over the 2 campaigns and by all rights, this character should have died so many times in the past, but literally luck of rolls has saved my bacon so many times. For eg. the beholder fight on the tower, it is just me fighting the beholder while the other two party memebers take out the guards and the druid calls for help and then heals the beholder. But anyway, if that wasnt tough enough, the beholder on his second bar of health uses disintegrate ray on me which i had to roll a natural 19+ on d20 to save or die. I was like no way, I was sure i was dead right there but the dice saved me. Then jumping off the tower after the beholder was a bit crazy as i couldnt survive the fall, but the character is committed to Queen and Country no matter the personal cost. Then the druid hunting me down, the man hunt thru the city, and one of the close calls there was when after ambushing the beholder and finishing the deed, then everyone and the druid chasing me, i manage to escape and as i smuggle myself out of the city on a farmer wagon full of hay, the guards at the gate use a pitch fork to stab the hay to make sure no one is in there. So the d20 rolls came up again and i felt i did all i could to minimize my profile and give me best odds, and the dice saved me again.

Nether |

So Tim though isnt just joking when it comes to always threatening me. He really is trying to back up some of his threats by joining the beholder, making them aware of me and my abilities, helping them to capture/kill me. I have already killed a general for the republic prior to these events but Tim wasnt able to intercede because his character knew nothing about the Queens request as he isnt an assassin. But he did try to find things out even using meta game knowledge to become involved in this semi side quest while we were in the republic lands, but the gm stopped him.
But i am pretty sure that if Tim would have had his druid anywhere in the area he would be trying to warn the general so that they could try to ambush me, this i am sure of as it was what he was trying to do when the gm stopped him from interferring.
I have just talked to tim about some of this as bluntly as i could but i am crunched for time and will post the convo result when i get back.

papabearshane |
It sounds to me as if your character is always in the action/decision role about everything in game. Queen giving you orders that no one esle gets, Assasinating the big bad guys, casting a fireball that wins the day and kills the poler bear. Have you talked to tim and the others about there roles or what they would like to do? I have played in many games where there was friction due to not sharing info or goals. This is partly the GMs doing if he is assigning you extra hidden tasks, and partly your partys fault for not talking situations out and just letting them simmer. IMOP.

Shadowlord |

I am the alpha in the group, and i tend to fall into the leadership roles wheather i want it or not, as it drives me nuts when the group cant stay on focus or they just cant make decisions. Usually the groups let me hash out the battleplan and i~m good with that, then they add to it what they can.
So even in this game my assassin is the defacto group leader, lol, go figure.
That is funny. I have found myself in similar situations a few times.
I did not appologize for killing his polar bear, nor will i ever. The concept would never do it, and i dont feel like breaking that in game part for a little bit of hugs out of game :)
When the polar bear / ice dragon fight occurred and the gm said there was a chance i might get the polar bear, tim right away was shaking his head that I better not do it.
Fair enough. Is, lying to further your goals in the character concept? It doesn’t have to be sincere. Also it doesn’t have to be an apology. Just an acknowledgment that you didn’t kill his best friend on purpose, you are not a mage and don’t fully understand magic (therefore can’t be expected to fully control what happens when you use it). Just a thought.
The other side of this is, he should accept death as a natural cycle in life. Yes it was his friend but sinking into corruption is not how he should remember that friend’s sacrifice.
Then there was the return home finally to find the king demonically possessed and none of us could find a solution to save him, even though the arcane archer chica had an item for this that she forgot about. So again, when I gave the king the boa noite cinderella, he was pretty upset with me again, and this was all in one long session that both events happened.
He actually shouldn’t have cared at all about this. He is a Druid, civilization’s leaders are not a concern of his as long as it doesn’t affect the natural state in the country. At this point he is letting his own personality and feelings seep into the actions of his character – IMO.
The druid siding with the beholder i thought was crazy, and so far everything says he did it solely because he didnt want me to assassinate him too (beholder) and when he played his druid chasing after me after i dove off the tower and onto the beholder, you could see his character was putting in the most effort he possibly could to get me. That was prolly the most lively i have seen tim in a game session.
And here is the fall, right off the deep end. The DM probably should have stepped in at this point and the said something like, “You feel the soothing energies of nature slipping away and though you focused your mind, nature does not hear you… your spell fails.” He has become far from Neutral.
Well that is the reason for this thread is to find any possible alternate avenues to resolve this.
Well, his actions with the Beholder actually present you with an excellent option you may not have thought of yet. He has gone against Queen and Country. He has directly interfered with the execution of lawful orders handed down by the Queen. His actions were directly responsible for the temporary escape of an enemy of the country and nearly responsible for the capture, torture, and death of a lawfully operating agent of the Queen while on clandestine assignment.
What is a loyal agent of the Queen to do…? I see two clear options:
1. Take care of the problem yourself and execute him for treason.
2. Turn him in for treason. Write a full disclosure of his actions and send it to the Queen. He may become an exile from his own country. He may be arrested upon return and given a life sentence. He may even be executed. I don’t know of any government that would overlook such actions. This is especially true if he is affiliated with your countrie's military. I couldn't tell from your post if you all joined your own military, or if you joined enemy military as spies so you could travel freely. At any rate, the only three reactions I can imagine the Queen having will all effectively force him to retire the character:
a. Arrest for treason and life in prison: He basically has to re-roll at this point. If he does escape he should become an NPC controlled by the GM and hunted by his country, possibly even the party.
b. Execution: Not really coming back from this.
c. Exile: No more freely roaming his home country. Exile also makes it an unlawful act for you and your fellow party members to travel with, aid, or harbor him in any way. That pretty much forces him to re-roll, unless your whole party is willing to go against you, your Queen, and your Country to keep him around.

![]() |

Hang about, I think I've got it! Your guy killed the demonically possessed king, and the possessing demon jumped into the druid! Classic possessing demon schtick! Can't think of a better explanation of why a Chaotic Good druid would side with an evil aberration like a Beholder... and even if it's not true, feel free to tell everyone in character that's what happened... ;)

Nether |

It sounds to me as if your character is always in the action/decision role about everything in game. Queen giving you orders that no one esle gets, Assasinating the big bad guys, casting a fireball that wins the day and kills the poler bear. Have you talked to tim and the others about there roles or what they would like to do? I have played in many games where there was friction due to not sharing info or goals. This is partly the GMs doing if he is assigning you extra hidden tasks, and partly your partys fault for not talking situations out and just letting them simmer. IMOP.
Well yes and no.
Yes I do tend to influence alot but that is because I have alot of ideas and I do try to help other players as much as i can, as i want them to succeed and overall make the group stronger.
As for character focus, the gm has equal side adventures for each character, i didnt mention what theirs was. The druid was suppose to reach out to a factions of druids 'The Gate Keepers' which is a planar druid group that watches over planar gates that are all over the world. Frostholme just happens to have the biggest gate of them all where the 'One' will enter from if it ever came to that. Not sure who the One is but i am guessing he is a big badass that will let the world burn. Anyway, the Gm has a point system to how successful you were, and the group as a whole needs to gain so many points in this case to save Frostholme. The druid did good in making friends with the gate keepers but he didnt mention or say anything about getting their support in Frostholme as the gates need more protection. I just think the player is easily distracted and doesnt 'stay on target' very well.
As for my tasks and information i find out, I always share it regardless that in this case i am a secretive assassin. If anything it is the druid and arcane archer that seem to 'forget' to share their info with us and we will have difficulty there. Kind of like the possessed king, if some of us knew about the item and the prophecy she got with it we might have been able to remind her of it and actually save the king vs the coup de grace.
I find it all to common that information is not shared enough, even amongst vet gamers. I go out of my way to dig for info that they 'might' want to share.

Nether |

How was it a problem to kill his polar bear? At the level you all are playing raising his dead animal companion should have been no problem. He's a druid, he hasn't yet created, or paid for, a raise animal companion scroll? Heck at your level he should have been able to just memorize it that night and raise the bear the next day.
In most of our games we actually dont like ressurection being so common, nor being something to bring a character back from the dead just because you died in scenario x. We make it pretty rare, and the spells have additional requirments, like certain holy sites, the god or power needs a real good reason why you and your faith should bring back this person, requires a huge tribute ext. Alot of things combined make it really difficult, and actually convining the divine power it is in their best interest is actually the hardest part. So divine characters have slightly better odds for getting rez, but dont count on it.
So for rezzing the bear it wasnt really an option. Unlike Marvel comics, we want death to be a pretty permanent thing.

![]() |

Lol, this is sounding like the problem I had not too long ago.
I am still serious about my advice, but I am curious to read what was said in the conversation you mentioned. My biggest question for that is if he realized his character is developing a death wish.
Look, to be honest I have this feeling that you have made up your mind on what to do but want a peer group to validate and approve it. If you have already decided in some way that you are going kill this guy, then do it. You don't need to ask our permission or defend yourself to us. If the GM is okay with it and will back you up on it, then just do it.
It might turn out that Tim freaks out and a session ends up turning into a group therapy session if it isn't handled delicately. Worst case scenario, which in all likelihood won't happen, is Tim physically attacks you. Best case scenario, with a much higher chance of happening, is that Tim takes it like a man, laughs about it, and makes a character that he doesn't use to exact revenge.
Most likely to happen is that he plays it off like he is cool with it and then seeks to ruin or harm your character in more subtle ways.

Nether |

Nether wrote:I am the alpha in the group, and i tend to fall into the leadership roles wheather i want it or not, as it drives me nuts when the group cant stay on focus or they just cant make decisions. Usually the groups let me hash out the battleplan and i~m good with that, then they add to it what they can.
So even in this game my assassin is the defacto group leader, lol, go figure.That is funny. I have found myself in similar situations a few times.
Nether wrote:I did not appologize for killing his polar bear, nor will i ever. The concept would never do it, and i dont feel like breaking that in game part for a little bit of hugs out of game :)
When the polar bear / ice dragon fight occurred and the gm said there was a chance i might get the polar bear, tim right away was shaking his head that I better not do it.Fair enough. Is, lying to further your goals in the character concept? It doesn’t have to be sincere. Also it doesn’t have to be an apology. Just an acknowledgment that you didn’t kill his best friend on purpose, you are not a mage and don’t fully understand magic (therefore can’t be expected to fully control what happens when you use it). Just a thought.
The other side of this is, he should accept death as a natural cycle in life. Yes it was his friend but sinking into corruption is not how he should remember that friend’s sacrifice. Also I saw it stated up-thread, why didn’t he try to bring the bear back if it was so important?
Nether wrote:Then there was the return home finally to find the king demonically possessed and none of us could find a solution to save him, even though the arcane archer chica had an item for this that she forgot about. So again, when I gave the king the boa noite cinderella, he was pretty upset with me again, and this was all in one long session that both events happened.He actually shouldn’t have cared at all about this. He is a Druid, civilization’s leaders are not a concern of his as long as it doesn’t affect the...
Even though my character has a good bluff skill, i actually dont lie very much at all, though i do use silence and unanswered questions alot, or I will let them make false conclusions and 'appear' to agree with that.
The thing with the fireball nuking his bear, it really was down to a tpk as we were all low health, low on resources, and dragon was still strong. My sin isnt very big on sharing emotions or comforting others emotionally, he is more like a tough guy soldier, that even though he is bleeding all over, has a fever, arrow thru his leg, broken arm and some cracked ribs, he isnt going to complain about what is wrong, but he will point out he can still stab you with his good arm, or even better, stab you with the bone sticking out of his other arm. I wasn't hugged when i was a little kid, :)

ub3r_n3rd |

It's time to do away with the threat. After reading this whole thread and all of the comments, Tim's character needs to die.
I'd talk to the GM about it and have a plan in place to set up an assassination of the druid. I'd carry through with it and see if Tim decides to stay with the group and roll up a new character who isn't as stupid in terms of getting along with the party. In high powered games like you are in, it's vital that everyone works together to meet their common goals, what Tim has been doing with his druid from what I've read is to only hinder you and/or the party as a whole. It's time to end it before it ends in the death of your character because of his silly vendetta for a polar bear. Your actions will speak louder than words when his PC is laying there bleeding out. Hopefully Tim will get the point.

Shadowlord |

Even though my character has a good bluff skill, i actually dont lie very much at all, though i do use silence and unanswered questions alot, or I will let them make false conclusions and 'appear' to agree with that.
The thing with the fireball nuking his bear, it really was down to a tpk as we were all low health, low on resources, and dragon was still strong. My sin isnt very big on sharing emotions or comforting others emotionally, he is more like a tough guy soldier, that even though he is bleeding all over, has a fever, arrow thru his leg, broken arm and some cracked ribs, he isnt going to complain about what is wrong, but he will point out he can still stab you with his good arm, or even better, stab you with the bone sticking out of his other arm. I wasn't hugged when i was a little kid, :)
Alright, definitely an understandable character type and party situation. What about this part of my post then:
Well, his actions with the Beholder actually present you with an excellent option you may not have thought of yet. He has gone against Queen and Country. He has directly interfered with the execution of lawful orders handed down by the Queen. His actions were directly responsible for the temporary escape of an enemy of the country and nearly responsible for the capture, torture, and death of a lawfully operating agent of the Queen while on clandestine assignment.
What is a loyal agent of the Queen to do…? I see two clear options:
1. Take care of the problem yourself and execute him for treason.
2. Turn him in for treason. Write a full disclosure of his actions and send it to the Queen. He may become an exile from his own country. He may be arrested upon return and given a life sentence. He may even be executed. I don’t know of any government that would overlook such actions. This is especially true if he is affiliated with your countrie's military. I couldn't tell from your post if you all joined your own military, or if you joined enemy military as spies so you could travel freely. At any rate, the only three reactions I can imagine the Queen having will all effectively force him to retire the character:a. Arrest for treason and life in prison: He basically has to re-roll at this point. If he does escape he should become an NPC controlled by the GM and hunted by his country, possibly even the party.
b. Execution: Not really coming back from this.
c. Exile: No more freely roaming his home country. Exile also makes it an unlawful act for you and your fellow party members to travel with, aid, or harbor him in any way. That pretty much forces him to re-roll, unless your whole party is willing to go against you, your Queen, and your Country to keep him around.
If you don't want to kill him, would this be helpful?
Otherwise I agree with just killing him. Like ub3r_n3rd said.

Sethizar |

Jubal Breakbottle wrote:Out of game, i have tried talking to Tim, and said to him many times that I should kill his character for this stuff he has been doing as it is traitorous to our characters kingdom. He laughs and says that he wants to kill my character too. I'm like, ok.CalebTGordan wrote:A simple, "Dude, I need a really good reason why I shouldn't kill your character," would be blunt enough I think. That should at least give you more information on what is happening.+1
Simple solution, bring this to your GM, get his ok with it first. Do the deed, give no quarter. When Tim pipes up, calmly explain that you spoke to him about it and could see no other way of preserving the relationship, you are an assassin and one does not go around threatening to kill an agent of the Kingdom, especially one who's purpose is murder. Key to remember also, is that there is more to being an assassin than just deathstriking everyone. That would make it clear who killed him. Accidents DO happen, remember?
A more dastardly thing to do, however, is to get some high level thugs to try and kill the druid. Have your character step in and save him from the brink of death. Now your surly druid is your new best buddy, or at least is in debt to you for saving his life.

Nether |

So i talked to Tim and the Gm today and alot of similar comments were made. The gm was here for this chat as well.
I asked him why he sided with the Beholder and against kingdom, country and the party.
He said he didnt, but he said we could have made the beholder an ally and we should have talked to him first to see if he would help us.
I reiterated the plan the Queen suggested and what we came up with; "The major nation the Red Republic which sits to Frostholmes south wants to take us over and rape our beloved nation for all its high resources, many of which are very rare and only found there. The magic kingdom Arculos which sits to the south of the Red Republic wants our nations magic resources. Both nations can easily swat our kindgom. So we were to 'pretend' to join the Red Republic nation, join it's military and then as envoys to the southern magic kingdom that the beholder is a part of, we kill the battle controller so this instigates a feud and eventually war between the two nations. This was the idea handed down to us from the Queen."
I also mentioned that even if we made allies of Arculos, what do you think they would want in return? It was also suggested by Queens advisors from Arculos's history that they would just replace our leadership with theirs, drain us dry including the lands and then leave us as one of their barren states.
So the idea was to cause enough problems between these two great nations so that they changed their gaze from the jewel of Frostholme towards each other instead. This would give us much more time to develop other strategies ext for the future, but in the now, we need to stick to plan and not just improvise random things on the fly.
He said his character hates mine, for his bear, our king and my method of killing instead of pulling out the tea set, sitting down and having a jolly ol time while making new friends... (i add libbed there :) but essentially what he said). I told him you cant talk your way out of everything. If a demon wants to eat you, it is going to try to eat you weather you say to it, 'can't we just talk about this and get along?'
So he sees siding with the beholder as 'peace talks' which also would completely reveal Frostholmes invovlment in this and put us under another big gun that tells us how it is. I told him what he has been doing has been traitorous, and has been risking changing the campaign completely into a new direction, which is in a downward spiral.
The gm told us that our actions determine the fate of our nation and right now the only reason things are ok is well, because of the body count i have been leaving of everyone that Tim has been talking to to cover our tracks. I have killed the Red Republic General, now the Beholder Battle Controller of Arculos which has shown militarization along the two nations boarders as each thinks the other is preparing for war. The hound master has successfully hired mercenaries as a 'Arculos' agent to start raiding key defense spots on the Red Republics boarders, and Frosty our ice queen maiden has successfully 'adjusted' the Red Towers Mage Society of the Red Republics magic user mystic library to allied elves that are from her distant family to support Frostholme. Tim's druid though succeeded in making friends with the Gate Keepers but failed to arrange any kind of support or protection for the major gates that exist only in our kingdom. He didnt even mention it, and this was over two long sessions where the gm and sarah, the ice queen suggested to him to get thier help.
The gm said that our actions will dictate the outcome, and he will destroy, plunder, convert ext Frostholme if we fail which is very plausible.
Well Tim still thinks he is right and I didnt want to get into a arguement with him over it. I mentioned that we 'have' conflict, and he was well his character despises mine and he has been trying to 'kill' me, just not directly.
I have been trying in the past to win him over which usually works, as i do genuinely want his allaince and sort of friendship, but there is a massive shadow always looming over that (death of bear) and then i end up adding more bodies to the count and ya, he wants my character to burn in hell, lol. So ok. Those bodies ironically tend to be people Tim has dealt with, or ie made tea party friends with..
I kind of wonder if he can grasp the story and consequences of our game as it looks like he is missing it.
I also feel i have worked pretty hard in game to try to help tim, but at a certain point enough is enough, so if he doesnt want the olive branch i have offered in the past (not killing him, never threatening/intimidating him, trying to help him).
I know the gm likes a little bit of social friction between players characters in the game as it makes it more lively and realistic of personalities (he's a psych major, go fig) and i know he will play off of this, which in the end will be more of Tim doing crazy chit like allying with the beholder. That was why i suggested this thread to see if there was anything i havent thought of reasoning wise.
The party thinks Tim is nuts, and they would be fine if 'conflict' ensued (death) the gm has nudged me for stronger conflict. So i am pretty sure this saturday i will have my plan worked out (i always have a plan, and i love it when a plan comes togather :) ) and then put it into action and see how things turn out.

Nether |

TLDR. Feel free to try and assassinate the player character, and fully expect the player to punch you in the face for being, well, kinda a tool. Be honest, when you made an ASSASSIN character, you were hoping for an eventual opportunity to kill a PC.
Why would it be a jerk thing to do?
Because it ruins his fun?Is his fun more important than the groups fun?
Only kids think there is no consequences to actions in life, or in this case game.
I have seen heated arguments come up between players at games in the past but i have never seen physical confrontation occur. I dont think that will happen here either.
So you think it is ok to get that upset over him being ruining group fun and having no regard for our characters or the game, but yet me possibly killing his character as consequence of things gone to far in game that it justifies him giving me a real physical punch?
I already know how to fight and decently, so i have no concerns in this regard, nor do i expect anything like this to every happen unless he is a total psychopath. Based on Tims desire to 'talk' everything thru, i am pretty sure he isnt' one of the mentioned and is a decent guy with a good heart, just maybe short a few sandwiches in the picknic basket.

Dragonamedrake |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

I really dont understand the whole "Dont kill another player... ever" attitude. Sometimes it is called for.
A few rules I usually follow.
1. It has to be... It HAS TO BE character motivated. This can not be an out of game rivalry... that is rule numro uno. You seem to have this covered.
2. It has to be understood that this might happen. All the players and DM have to understand that as a RP game sometimes characters die, and sometimes those characters dont get along. The problem comes when players dont seperate the character from the player. The character killed your character. If RULE 1 is being followed... it isn't personal. As long as everyone signs off on this it can be a healthy part of the game.
3. DMs should NEVER punish a player who is killed by another player. Let him bring in a new character with full WBL and the same level as the rest of the party. I know some DMs who have new characters bring in new characters at a level lower then the party. This should be waved in this case.
4. A player who is killed should never bring a new character in to "compete with" or "get back at" the character that killed his old character. This goes back on rule 1 and 2. Dont take it personal. Its a game and stuff happens.
Its possible that because most of my players are also Vampire players they have a better handle on this. In Vamp player vs player isnt just a part of the game... its encouraged by the rules. PVP can be a sign of a game falling apart... if its handled poorly. If kept in perspective (no punching someone in the face... Jesus... really?). It is fine.