Questions about playing in First Steps / dying in First Steps

Pathfinder Society

Hi there,

I made my first PFS character not so long ago and played First Steps Part 1. Loved it, had a great time. Played Part 2 this week, and my character was killed dead fairly early in the mod.

My question is: can I play Part 3? Or do I have to pick up in a new scenario with my new character? Also, my new character will have a "-2" after my PFS number, correct, as it's my second character?


The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Yes, you can play Part 3. They are independent of one another.

Better yet, the First Steps series (and only a couple other adventures) are designed to be replayed. So your new character (and yes, it would be xxxxx-2) would be able to plays parts 1 and 2.

An excellent question!

Thanks for the quick response!

Sczarni 5/5 * Venture-Lieutenant, Washington—Pullman

And hey its not always gonna end in a death. It just sometimes happens.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Just for my curiosity, what killed your PC?

The ghoul?

kinevon wrote:

Just for my curiosity, what killed your PC?

** spoiler omitted **

Yes, that was is; it was also combination of bad rolls on my part, and quite frankly I was the only warrior, so the avg damage output was low. Combined w the you-know-what status effects, it was effectively a tpk 20 minutes into the mod.

My personal feeling is that this could have been GM'd a bit better, but I do not know if PFS allows the GM to say things like, "After seeing the warrior go down, you sense that you have bitten off more than you can chew". A simple hint to get the party to retreat; obviously, I could not contribute to this as my character was already downed.

Really bad rolls + bad tactical choices + too-powerful encounter = dead fighter.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Yeah, it helps if you have at least two damage dealers in the party, and/or you have spent some of the first scenario's money on improving your armor.

Or have a Cleric who knows how to use his class abilities, of course.

A ghoul is only CR1, and it doesn't hit anyone with a good AC very often, unless the GM rolls well consistently, which does happen. And the save DC means that a typical fighter should need a 10 or less to save against the paralysis.

Then again, if the party sees Bad Things Happening(tm), they should know enough to run away. ;)

Then again, if they knew that, Ledford's body count would probably be lower, too, then.

Liberty's Edge 2/5 *

We had an interesting time in that mod. We had a Paladin , two Wizards (one of them being me) and a Fighter and apparently we did things in a stranger manner. I can see why you might of found that encounter difficult


Yeah, when I have run/played that one the combat did not seem too bad, but a little bit of bad luck, and things can turn south fairly quickly.

The two times I ran it the most difficult part was actually the Blindheim later on. Almost TPKed a party on that one. The only thing that saved them was the small helper they had obtained along the way.

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