Niilo John Van Steinburg |

I've been sifting through forum posts on the Holy Vindicator PrC and clerics of Gorum, since I'm making such a character right now, but I haven't seen this discussed. The first ability of the HV is the Vindicator's Shield - a bonus applied to your shield. However, the favoured weapon of Gorum is the greatsword, seeming to make flavourful clerics of Gorum and the HV slightly incompatible.
My GM has kindly said he'd allow me to apply the effect to my armour. As I tend to be a GM myself, I like to weigh the impacts of any rule change carefully. Does anyone see any problems with changing the effect in such a way?
I was wondering if such a bonus to AC was considered too much to give to a two-handed combatant (and/or a ranged combatant). Otherwise, I'm not seeing a problem. It is still dissipated upon being hit (and perhaps sooner, since the character will have a lower overall AC without the shield).
I appreciate any thoughts on the topic.
- Niilo

Cheapy |
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Probably not. The class IS going for a more defensive feel, I think, but it should be alright. One thing to keep in mind is that it ends on hit, and without the bonus to AC from the shield, that'll happen more easily. With the shield, the AC bonus might last for a bit longer than it would without the shield.

gustavo iglesias |

I don't think it'll break anything. However, I'd also point that not *every* follower of a religion (including their priest) *have* to use the favored weapon. Paladins and vindicators of Pharasma don't go to war using dagger and shield. So it's also perfectly possible that "shielded vindicators" of Gorum use some other weapon, such as a warhammer or longsword. I'm quite sure that Gorum's mounted paladins use lances, for example.

Icyshadow |

I don't see a problem with placing that Vindicator's Shield bonus to the armor when it comes to a Gorumite. If the DM didn't allow that, I'd just grab a buckler, since I can still swing with a Greatsword while having one, right? And Gustavo, it's been said that Gorum frowns at his followers using shields, and he is far more war-focused than any other deity (with a very zealous clergy too) so it would make sense that only a rare few would stray from the wielding of a Greatsword, the exceptions being among the strongest and most skilled warriors.
Basically, the only ones who get to wield a shield among the clergy of Gorum are the guys who bash your face in for criticizing them. With a shield.

wrack |

Thread resurrection. Oops.
I ran into the same question, and ultimately chose to use a greatsword and buckler. Zealous adherence to the greatsword was too appropriate for the character to abandon it. I use Sacred Shield primarily during buff rounds, before the brawl starts.
IMHO, having a shield-style bonus on a 2H-fighter is a little to much without some sort of trade-off. (Let's face it, an HV of Gorum with a greatsword, a few levels under his belt, and the Versatile Channel feat? That may be the best possible mix of brute force and divine might yet.)