About models and maps...


Hi there!

(Once again please forgive my lack of vocabulary in English for what will follow) I'm looking for two things:

1) I bought the PathFinder monsters models box (containing more than 250 creatures images to place on game maps when PC are fighting), and now I'd like to know if something equivalent, even from other games, would exist for playing characters.

2) After searching in several shops, I couldn't find "map tiles" which would permit me to create whatever kind of dungeon interior I’d like (most of the time what I found are preformatted dungeons map tiles). So now I'm wondering if we could find on Internet "map tiles" we should arrange ourselves to create our own maps. Doing a map by hand using Excel (for example) is not complicated, but it ends up with simple white pages with black lines representing the walls. Filling that white space between walls with colors/decoration would be nice, as long as we can find such "quare decoration" on the net ^^ Any hint on this?

Thank you in advance for any help on the matter!

Dark Archive

are you looking for something like dundjinni ?

Ho YEEEES! THAT'S PERFECT!!! :D Thank you so much r-Kelleg! Now it will be as fun for me to create map as for my players to play them ^^

Would you also have any advice regarding PC models?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

The NPC Codex Pawns due in January would be your best bet. There are pawns for Elf/Dwarf/Human Wizards, Clerics, Rogues & Fighters in the beginners box as well.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

r-Kelleg wrote:
are you looking for something like dundjinni ?

Note that--to the best of my knowledge according to the Dundjinni forums--this product has not been updated or actively supported in a few years. You can purchase and install the download version, but don't expect updates. I've heard good things about the program (I use CC3 with Dungeon Designer, but that's more of an investment and probably more than you're looking for), but just bear in mind the support issue. I also strongly suggest Googling mapping software and the like and seeing what else you might find. Some people I think even use MapTool (which is intended as an online dungeon tile tool) to print dungeons (I can't tell you if it's possible as I've entirely been unable to make head nor tail of that program).

I don't think you can get them separately, but the Beginner's Box has PC tokens based on the iconics whose character sheets are included in the Box, if that's something you were thinking of getting.

You could also buy some cardstock and print your own tokens.

In january?! But my first adventure is next moooooonth ^^' Anyway thank you for the info. Right now I'll use what is available in dundjinni (there is a "character" addon), and see what I can do :)

@DeathQuaker: as you'ce seen, it's too late: I've already bought dondjinni ^^ I'll let you know what I think about it :)

Dark Archive

perhaps the inked adventures terrain ?


RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

MamorukunBE wrote:

In january?! But my first adventure is next moooooonth ^^' Anyway thank you for the info. Right now I'll use what is available in dundjinni (there is a "character" addon), and see what I can do :)

@DeathQuaker: as you'ce seen, it's too late: I've already bought dondjinni ^^ I'll let you know what I think about it :)

I hope you enjoy it... I just also hope you're happy with it as is. It does have a very strong community supporting it, and I hope they can help you should you end up needing anything.

I do strongly urge anyone looking for programs like this to do lots of research before purchasing... getting excited by a program or opportunity is very easily and can cause us to make rash decisions. One has to bear in mind that most game support software is developed by small companies (often run only by a handful of people at most) and can disappear or go down the tubes if the one person ends up getting sick or has personal emergencies, something that can happen all too easily. Seeing who publishes something, what kind of updates they release and at what rate, what kind of customer support they have, and what kind of community surrounds the project is all as important as the look and feel of the product itself.

Unsolicited "caveat emptor" aside, I hope you have good luck and tremendous fun preparing for your campaign.:)

Well up to this point I'm satisfied with Dundjinni. It has a lot of tools permitting to create variety of terrains, and it's all I needed ^^ There is also a possibility to create a whole campaign, by setting the rooms/monsters characteristics, but that I won't use: I'm still too attached to the old paper/pencil system ^^ Anyway, it seems that your program would have been better probably, but right now I'm happy with my purchase :)

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

I actually don't recommend the program I use for what you want so that's all good. Glad it's working out!

MamorukunBE wrote:

1) I bought the PathFinder monsters models box (containing more than 250 creatures images to place on game maps when PC are fighting), and now I'd like to know if something equivalent, even from other games, would exist for playing characters.

Question: Did you already look at the ones in the Beginer Box? It has quite a few character or NPC pawns as well as the four iconics.

The fact is that I couldn't find that "beginner box" in French, so I directly went to the different rules manuals :) But that's OK, I baught also that "monster box", and Dundjinni permits me to print prety things for the players ^^

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