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![]() Well up to this point I'm satisfied with Dundjinni. It has a lot of tools permitting to create variety of terrains, and it's all I needed ^^ There is also a possibility to create a whole campaign, by setting the rooms/monsters characteristics, but that I won't use: I'm still too attached to the old paper/pencil system ^^ Anyway, it seems that your program would have been better probably, but right now I'm happy with my purchase :) ![]()
![]() In january?! But my first adventure is next moooooonth ^^' Anyway thank you for the info. Right now I'll use what is available in dundjinni (there is a "character" addon), and see what I can do :) @DeathQuaker: as you'ce seen, it's too late: I've already bought dondjinni ^^ I'll let you know what I think about it :) ![]()
![]() Hi everyone! following the rules, when a character is surprised, he loses his bonuses to his armor class. If you take two characters with only their DEX bonus to their armor class, one with high DEX (positive bonus), and the other with very low DEX (negative bonus), if they're both surprise, the one with high DEX will lose a lot of armor class points, while the low DEX player won't lose anything! But for me, a character with low dexterity should be -more- surprised than someone with high dexterity, but here the rules lead to the opposite situation (no “surprise” notion at all for the low DEX character) :( Am I mistaken somewhere? ![]()
![]() Hi there! (Once again please forgive my lack of vocabulary in English for what will follow) I'm looking for two things: 1) I bought the PathFinder monsters models box (containing more than 250 creatures images to place on game maps when PC are fighting), and now I'd like to know if something equivalent, even from other games, would exist for playing characters. 2) After searching in several shops, I couldn't find "map tiles" which would permit me to create whatever kind of dungeon interior I’d like (most of the time what I found are preformatted dungeons map tiles). So now I'm wondering if we could find on Internet "map tiles" we should arrange ourselves to create our own maps. Doing a map by hand using Excel (for example) is not complicated, but it ends up with simple white pages with black lines representing the walls. Filling that white space between walls with colors/decoration would be nice, as long as we can find such "quare decoration" on the net ^^ Any hint on this? Thank you in advance for any help on the matter! ![]()
![]() Hello all! Still reading the rules book, but not in the combats section yet, if I understood well with all I've read so far the critics applied in a combat are just a matter of multiplying the hit damages. That'd be fine, but I remember that 20 years ago, when I was playing LOTR, we had in that game a "critics table" far more fun to play: depending of the critics dies roll, and the type of weapon used, the results were different. For example, a natural 20 resulted in a head cut (in case of a cutting weapon), a head smatched (in case of a blunt weapon),...Lesser die result leaded to a hand or a leg cut, for example, with HP loss and also some other negative points. Does such a table exist for PathFinder? Else I'll probably try to create one myself. ![]()
![]() Haaa, thank you very much! So as I thought, a "+x" means a bonus to apply to own “difficulty level tests”, while "x" simply means a damage reduction number against the given element/attack. I was not sure because seeing the average damages of first level players attacks (1d4), a "5 damage reduction" seemed to me too powerful ^^’ ![]()
![]() I haven't read that in items descriptions, but in players’ classes descriptions. Once again I'm not sure if my French to English translation are correct, but an example would be a "sorcerer which would have had a dragon link in his family": he has a power called "dragon resistance" which, at level 3, give "3 points" of resistance against his chosen dragon energy type, and "+1" to its natural armor class. ![]()
![]() Hi all! still continuing to read the rules manual, and found a point I'm not sure to understand. Can someone explain me what is the difference between "a X resistance of 5", and "a X resistance of +5". The second one (+5) I understand, it's the bonus to apply to a "difficulty level" (not sure if its the correct translation in English) when checking if one can resist or not to an X attack. But what is the first one? It's like "5 points of damage reduction when hit by an X attack"? ![]()
![]() Thank you all very much for your advices! About all I've read those points will be very useful: 1) remember the players about the timeline when needed (I didn't even think about that solution! Why has only the GM to be stressed by the deadlines?! ^^) 2) keep some small fights in reserve in case of a chapter goes too fast 3) foreseen some part of each chapters I could remove to speed things up (probably the most important advice for me ^^) Also, thank you very much Bart and Karkon for the fights estimations. It will be very useful when I'll create the scenario! :) PS: Bart, yes indeed, I'm from your country ;) But reading your name, I would say that I'm more "from the south" :) I'll PM you more details, in case of we wouldn't be so far from each other ^^ ![]()
![]() Thank you both for your comments :) Buying directly from DeviantArt artists themselves would probably be out of my budget (I was hoping to be able to buy reproduced prints in place of originals), but if really I cannot find that "cheap way" I'll probably follow your advice. And about what I'm looking for, it's more landscape I'd like to find, because it would automatically give an "open space" atmosphere to the playing room which, being in the basement, has no window already. And yes, I should have said "heroic fantasy" and not "RPG", as indeed the place is supposed to hold PathFinder games ^^ ![]()
![]() Thanks for your answer Addicted2Fail. As I'm not sure about what you're speaking about, permit me to give an example of what I have in mind: let's say that the group has to find the culprit of a murder in a town X. They'll have to check the murder scene first and find hints. There they'll have their first main fight. Then with the hints they'll know that they'll have to go to town Y. They will then start their travel, where the second main encounter will occur. Finally, they'll reach town Y where they'll have to find the hiding place of the culprit, so looking for hints again and make their third big fight. Finally, as they find the culprit hide place, they'll fight him in the final fight. That would make four chapters:
If I want to make that possible in one night, let's say a 8 hours of straight playing (that would make about 2 hours per chapter), how should I build each chapter? May I add additional “secondary” fights, or should I keep only the main fight of each chapter? To tell you my level of knowledge, I don't even know how much time would take a single combat with a lone monster ^^, ![]()
![]() Hello everyone! I'm new in the PathFinder world, and actually reading the rules (in French). Meanwhile I'd like to start creating a first adventure for my comrades (they are four in total, and we all are 20+ years old (I'm actually 36)). My problem is that I'd like to find a link between an "adventure's chapters" and its playing time. I'd like to have that so I know in advance what I should put into the adventure to be able to make my friends play during x hours. I remember when I was a player myself at university, what I hated most was to almost never finish quests because of the playing time timing (generally only the week-end). So my question would be: how much playing time should I consider for an adventure’s chapter (introduction + search part + combat part + conclusion), taking into account that there will be 4 players, and that it will be the very first time we all play PathFinder (but we're not new at AD&D world)? When I know that, I’ll know how much chapters I can add in a playing session adventure ^^ |