Paizo Prawns

Off-Topic Discussions

Liberty's Edge

In a recent thread we discovered from F. Wesley Schneider that Paizo is working on an upcoming line of Prawnfinder books, starting with the Prawnfinder Adventure Path. I'm excited by this turn, and thought a thread for speculation on upcoming books might benefit the community (and I wouldn't be further derailing the thread about excellent artwork).

Let me get the ball rolling:

Prawniary 1

From Prawn to Wereprawn to Prawnmen to Half-Prawn to Prawnfolk, a bestiary full of all things prawn!

Shell & Tail: Ultimate Exoquipment

The last word in every adventurer's carapace-related needs!

Player Companion: Blood of Prawns

With parentage hailing from the Celestial realm of the 7 Prawny Seas, these adventurers have a bit of a tail to tell...

Prawnfinder Campaign Setting: The Obari Ocean

You won't be able to tell your home campaign from a clam bake when it comes from the rich spawning grounds of the Obari Ocean! The first Campaign Setting book to devote an entire chapter to the tides and currents of Golarion!

The Internet is my prawnfinder.

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