Benly |
Tieflings can also just plain get +1 nat armor to AC with another swap. And darkvision. And immunity to person spells (though reduce person is nice...).
Sylph...I forgot the elemental schools, I guess those work, too. But if I can't oppose divination, I'd want to be a foresight diviner. Otherwise, having divination opposed is hardly even a penalty. 2 cantrip slots for detect magic and a bunch of downtime spells take more slots to use. Oh well.
"Immunity to person spells" is not imo as big a deal as everyone makes it out to be. It's nice, but not incredible. I agree that tieflings are a good wizard race, but I don't think they blow sylph out of the water as you suggest.
The thing about spontaneous divination is that normally, a good part of the reason divination is such an easy dump is that it's full of highly situational spells - things that would be great to have when you need them, but you need them so uncommonly that you'd never have them prepared in advance. Spontaneous divination means you actually have those spells at the right time, making them suddenly good - but not if you have to spend slots on divination anyway, which a diviner does. Foresight diviner gets great school powers, but I don't feel they're great enough to lock your bonus slot into divination for a character who has spontaneous divination. I'd probably go with teleportation conjurer or something instead.
edit: Actually, I'll modify that - I had been misrecalling a detail of spontaneous divination. I was thinking it didn't let you sacrifice school bonus spells, probably because the similar ability clerics get specifically excludes domain spells. It actually has no such restriction, so you're free to prepare whatever divination you want in the bonus slot and then sac it for whatever you end up actually needing. Given that, it's not so bad.
KaptainKrunch |
Aunt Tony |
I disagree, I like the traditional races, and many of the new ones just seem mary sue or special look at me races that don't bring anything I like to the table.I like the advanced race guide, but 1/3 of the races are just human/animal hybrids, 1/3 are human/elemental hybrid, 5 or 6 are the traditional fantasy races, that leaves 5 or 6 that are good original races.
But most of the problem is that many of those races don't really lend themselves to a good world building.
Because god forbid we allow players the freedom to design and play the Mary Sue of their choice, right? Flaws and Drawbacks don't exist at all as mechanical options... There's nothing Mary Sue-esque at all about playing Elves and Ninjas...
Come on now, seriously. You didn't even respond to my point which was that the ARG allows groups to design new races from the ground up. You don't have to use ANY of the already-established races. And in what sense are pre-designed races "original" in the first place??