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Looking at this, would like suggestions.
Not going away: Martial Artist archtype. Like limited but not extreme dumping.
Race Assamir (Garuda, +2 Wis +2 Dex)
Alig: CG (Via Martial Artist)
Str 15 (7pts)
Dex 15 (3 Pts)
Con 14 (5pts)
Int 8 (-2pt)
Wis 17 (7pt)
Cha 10
1st Crane Style, Dodge
2nd Improve Grapple
3rd Dragon Style
5th Dragon Ferocity
6th Improved Bull Rush
7th Crane Wing
Stat increases 4th Wis, 8th Str, 12th Dex
After that not sure. As a martial artist I qualify for fighter feats after 5rd level. Also after 5th level I would consider adding levels in either Rogue or Barbarian.
So pointers?
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With a Martial artist you will be using your swift action every round for exploit weakness which makes it a little tough to switch fighting styles. So you may want to pick one style and stick to it or plan to spend a feet to change as a free action.
Like this?
Race Assamir (Garuda, +2 Wis +2 Dex)Alig: CG (Via Martial Artist)
Str 14 (5pts)
Dex 16 (5 Pts)
Con 14 (5pts)
Int 8 (-2pt)
Wis 17 (7pt)
Cha 10
Str 14 (5pts)
Dex 15 (3 Pts)
Con 14 (5pts)
Int 10
Wis 17 (7pt)
Cha 10
1st Crane Style, Dodge
2nd Improved Grapple
3rd Power Attack
5th Crane Wing
6th Improved Bull Rush
7th Crane Riposte
Problem I see here is my to hit.
Str 16 (10pts)
Dex 15 (3pts)
Con 12 (2pts)
Int 8
Wis 17 (7pt)
Cha 10
1st Improved Initative, Dodge
2nd Improved Grapple
3rd Dragon Style
5th Dragon Ferocity
6th Improved Bull Rush
7th Dragon Roar?
Odd Gospel |
Something like that.
Power attack actually isn't the best feat because it's hard for you to make up the attack bonus lost vs weapon using classes. This is especially true with crane style because of the penalty due to fighting defensively. Maybe weapon focus unarmed to later qualify for specialization?
For your dragon build you can't actually take take roar at lvl 7, a prereq is 8 ranks in acrobatics.
Darth Grall |
Power attack actually isn't the best feat because it's hard for you to make up the attack bonus lost vs weapon using classes. This is especially true with crane style because of the penalty due to fighting defensively. Maybe weapon focus unarmed to later qualify for specialization?
This. Since when you FoB you'll always be taking the penalties for TWF, Power Attack sucks for a monk because its another penalty you'll take and you'll never get the 1.5 bonus since you can't 2H it.
Personally I second the need for WF... But if you're going Crane I'd recommend pumping the crap out of dex and taking advantage of it since it will boost your AC too. So don't boost STR with your level ups, since it doesn't help it too much.
And to that end, I recommend you pick up Weapon Finesse(since it would net you a +1 to hit anyways): Also, deflect arrows over Improved Bull Rush since Bull Rushing is sorta weak and only circumstantially useful imo, as where deflect arrows is marginally more useful. Plus being able to deflect 1 ranged and 1 melee a turn is just good synergy.
1st Crane Style, Dodge
2nd Improved Grapple
3rd Weapon Finesse
5th Crane Wing
6th Deflect Arrows
7th Crane Riposte
Then for 9th I'd pick up WF.
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1st Crane Style, Dodge
2nd Improved Grapple
3rd Weapon Finesse
5th Crane Wing
6th Deflect Arrows
7th Crane RiposteThen for 9th I'd pick up WF.
Str 10, Dex 17/18, Wis 17, Con 14/13 Int 10 Cha 10
1st Weapon finesse, Dodge
2nd Improved Grapple
3rd Crane style
5th Crane Wing
6th Deflect Arrows
7th Crane Riposte
9th Weapon focus
10th Medusa Strike
11th Greater Weapon focus
Str 10, Dex 16, Wis 19/18, Con 12/14 Int 10 Cha 10
1st Weapon Finesse, Dodge
2nd Improved Grapple
3rd Snake Style
5th Weapon Focus
6th Deflect arrow or Improved trip
7th Weapon Specialization
9th Vital Strike
10th Medusa Strike
11th Greater Weapon focus
Darth Grall |
Str 10, Dex 17/18, Wis 17, Con 14/13 Int 10 Cha 101st Weapon finesse, Dodge
2nd Improved Grapple
3rd Crane style
5th Crane Wing
6th Deflect Arrows
7th Crane Riposte
9th Weapon focus
10th Medusa Strike
11th Greater Weapon focusor
Str 10, Dex 16, Wis 19/18, Con 12/14 Int 10 Cha 10
1st Weapon Finesse, Dodge
2nd Improved Grapple
3rd Snake Style
5th Weapon Focus
6th Deflect arrow or Improved trip
7th Weapon Specialization
9th Vital Strike
10th Medusa Strike
11th Greater Weapon focus
Um... with the later, do you mean when you say medusa strike?
Regardless the former option is the way to go. Medusa's Wrath is super conditional even with the higher DCs for stunning fist. Also a dip into Snake isn't needed since both your AC and Touch AC should be higher(or able to get higher) than your skill check if you go crane and use your exploit weakness to get 1/2 your level to AC. Also you can't FoB with Vital Strike so it's not a favorite pick imo.
So in summary, go Crane and replace Medusa Strike with Spring Attack(for the times when you need to hit and move).
Dabbler |
I will add one thing...you have split points between Dex and Str. Looks like a good idea, but it isn't. You'll lag behind hitting chances badly - I would suggest that you pick one, and max it out. If it's Dexterity, you will need Weapon Finesse but you will have a much better AC, and with the ability to bypass DR, your low damage output can be made up for by multiple attacks - Snake Style and Panther Style are very good for this!