Goblinworks Blog: Time Keeps On Slipping, Slipping, Slipping into the Future!

Pathfinder Online

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Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

If this were in another industry, it would be called a "soft launch". It's something that's kinda-sorta open, but still has some gate to prevent things from getting out of hand. A dress-rehearsal of sorts.

I really like the idea of it being labeled as "Kickstarter Launch" or something similar to let people know that it's launched, but only for the people that helped it get off the ground in the first place.


Sorry, the following also popped into my head based on other comments.
Pilgrim Era
Colonization Launch
Exploration Launch

and similar.

Goblin Squad Member

Ryan Dancey wrote:
It will be largely feature complete code, and there will be alpha and beta tests that proceed the start of the live game, so I think only the stubborn and the malicious will call it either.

Key being that it's launching sans one of your most tauted features (player settlements).

Ideally, it's a scale up phase, and you could call it that. Though I'm not sure why you'd want beta phases with less than 10k or so people. What do you actually gain by doing this rather than adding seven months to your beta phase, and charging for beta access? Certainly not new, and GW2 seriously suffers from a lack of a large-scale, extended public beta.

You get the potential (but not guarantee) for slightly more revenue at the end of those seven months, as opposed to getting most of that money right away. You risk a more disastrous reaction if something bad happens because of higher levels of concurrency, and you are confusing people to the point where even you aren't sure what to call this phase.

Goblin Squad Member

@Xeriar - it will be interesting to see how people engage in social organization in those early months, that 's for sure.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Xeriar wrote:

Key being that it's launching sans one of your most tauted features (player settlements).

Ideally, it's a scale up phase, and you could call it that. Though I'm not sure why you'd want beta phases with less than 10k or so people. What do you actually gain by doing this rather than adding seven months to your beta phase, and charging for beta access? Certainly not new, and GW2 seriously suffers from a lack of a large-scale, extended public beta.

You get the potential (but not guarantee) for slightly more revenue at the end of those seven months, as opposed to getting most of that money right away. You risk a more disastrous reaction if something bad happens because of higher levels of concurrency, and you are confusing people to the point where even you aren't sure what to call this phase.

1) They won't have the code for player settlements, because players won't have the skills to build them for months. It would be like giving a treatise on nuclear arms to stonemen. They don't have a need for it.

2) They gain a chance to build a community. So that when the game goes to an open enrollment period, players will have a world with organizations in place, rivalries to discovered, merchants to work with.

3) It lets them start the community on the right tone. If players are anti griefing, it lays the societal groundwork for years to come. With fewer players, bad behavior can be rooted out quickly. A good launch is something you can only do once. By making it small scale, they can keep the quality high.

If you have any further questions, feel free to ask! I'm also sure Ryan Dancey can answer with far more detail and eloquence.

EDIT: CEO's can't take ninja levels. I read that it is an unwritten rule somewhere....

Goblin Squad Member

Alexander_Damocles wrote:

EDIT: CEO's can't take ninja levels. I read that it is an unwritten rule somewhere....

Nah, we decided to home rule it.

I really can't think of a name for the blog post. Delta is the best I've seen.

Just a big disclaimer saying this game isn't finalized, and is subject to change... Dunno.

At any rate, really excited, and I eagerly await the tech demo.

Goblin Squad Member

I tend to think the PFO.5 idea is a great one, considering the origination of the system. We could even go with PFO.75 if that's better for the joke ;D

Goblin Squad Member

Ryan Dancey wrote:
@Xeriar - it will be interesting to see how people engage in social organization in those early months, that 's for sure.

Well Ryan,

You guys haven't even finnished the Tech Demo and we're already engaging in singnificant social organization ;)

Goblin Squad Member

"The Kickstarter Launch", sounds good, mainly because of the associations and connotations it suggests:

1. Crowdfunded for the people who were most amped for this mmo, first priority.
2. Highlighting kickstarter platform's ability to design a game targetted to a particular niche of people who put their wallets where their mouth was.

There's definitely a vibe that these ppl helped make it happen and it's a game for them. People can see how it turned out for "them" and that the feedback is about making the game very targeted to these people. Not some mainstream effort to cater to 100% of everyone!

I dunno if there's any problem with using KS label, if anything just promotes the platform more. Perhaps the next launch,subsequently could be "The Riff-Raff Launch"! :p*

Goblin Squad Member

hmm "genesis" sounds pretty good, although i'm not a big fan of christian ideology and a lot of people are gonna make that connection.

not sure if someone already brought "origin" up



1350–1400; Middle English < Latin orīgin- (stem of orīgō) beginning, source, lineage, derivative of orīrī to rise; compare orient

1. root, foundation. 4. birth, lineage, descent.

it fits in my opinion very nicely.

on the other hand i think PFO.75 is awesome aswell :D

Goblin Squad Member

What if we just didn't use "launch" in the language. Perhaps call it a pilgrimage?

Goblin Squad Member

Dak Thunderkeg wrote:
What if we just didn't use "launch" in the language. Perhaps call it a pilgrimage?

Or how about kickoff?

"The River Kingdoms Kickoff"
"Pathfinder Online Kickoff"
"Golarion Kickoff Bash"

Whatcha think?

Goblin Squad Member

Dak Thunderkeg wrote:
What if we just didn't use "launch" in the language. Perhaps call it a pilgrimage?

yeah launch is kinda redundant.

pilgrimage is a little misleading since we don't really go somewhere but rather build something.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Wave testing. Wave implementation.

Tide or tidal.

Goblin Squad Member

People are moving into the game world.

As in the waves being considered "First, second, third pilrimages"

Goblin Squad Member

Dak Thunderkeg wrote:

People are moving into the game world.

As in the waves being considered "First, second, third pilrimages"

ah i see, didn't look at it that way.

interesting approach right there.

Goblin Squad Member

I think some people may be missing the point that I at least took from this. This is not meant to be a part of PFO's lore and roleplay. They are trying to coin a new term that we can use with people outside the PFO community to explain this launch. A new industry standard term like Alpha or Beta.

Any term we coin here should make just as much sense if this was a game about mechs and spaceships, or a modern military based MMO, or an MMO where you play an animal in the wild, or any conceivable MMO. It shouldn't be exclusive to PFO. It should be able to summarize any MMO that lets the players into the game progressively via small blocks of people, building up the game around them as they do.

So far the best terms I have caught are:

  • Delta Launch
  • Limited Release
  • Founder's Launch
  • Progressive Launch

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

And while "wave testing" works with the River Kingdoms water theme, but not so much it can't be used generically.

What I don't like is tides rise and fall, there are high tides and low tides.

And as other people are making nice comments about mine let me return the favor and mention my favorites so far: spearheading, colonizing, and honorable mention to seeding.

Goblin Squad Member

I honestly think pilgrimage works on those levels. It's a lofty term for sure, but it at least is not genre specific.

Goblin Squad Member

Ajaxis wrote:

And while "wave testing" works with the River Kingdoms water theme, but not so much it can't be used generically.

What I don't like is tides rise and fall, there are high tides and low tides.

And as other people are making nice comments about mine let me return the favor and mention my favorites so far: spearheading, colonizing, and honorable mention to seeding.

Wasn't aiming that comment at you Ajaxis. You're ideas are good. I'm pretty sure you came up with one of those 4 terms on my list didn't you?

Dak Thunderkeg wrote:
I honestly think pilgrimage works on those levels. It's a lofty term for sure, but it at least is not genre specific.

It's less of a simple generic and simple term than I would vote for, but it certainly is better than some alternatives I've seen. Some of which mention River Kingdoms and Golarion in the name.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Dak Thunderkeg wrote:
I honestly think pilgrimage works on those levels. It's a lofty term for sure, but it at least is not genre specific.

Pilgrim/pilgrimage is just barely too "religious" for me, but it may be what Ryan wants to indicate the testing is special or magical. For that matter, avatar is a religious term used in video games quite perfectly.

Goblin Squad Member

If you are looking for an option that is as generic and simple maybe "wave" is sufficient. Its about as generic as it gets and allows for the numbered entry model PFO seems to want to go with.

1st Wave, Second Wave, etc.

Goblin Squad Member

but you could possibly confuse it with waves of ska and eighties music? :P

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Or hair styles, or Arena cheers for the home team.

Level Zero

Goblin Squad Member

I think "Wave Implementation" with "1st Wave", "2nd Wave" etc. is a good term. It conjures the idea that is trying to be conveyed without being overly complicated or genre specific.

The other idea I was just thinking of is Gradual Release. It's a simple term anyone should be able to understand that quickly summarizes the entire process to a level anyone should be able to gain a rough understanding right in the name. Very non-genre specific as well.

To me it's a slightly easier to understand term than progressive even though they are both good terms, and conveys the message that this will be a process that takes place over time better than even a term like Gradual Launch would. Launch just seems to have an air of suddenness about it like. "I launched myself at him with a strangled cry." and release more like "I'm going to start releasing hostages two at a time now!"

Goblin Squad Member

When I think of game terms, Gradual Release does not come to mind. For one reason or another it seems off.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I have two suggestions:

Living Playtest, and Incremental Launch (or Ongoing Launch)

Daron Woodson
Abandoned Arts

Goblin Squad Member

Players And Team Helping Found Intricate Neophyte Developmental Evolving Reality

The best part is: You already own the copyright!

Goblin Squad Member

Abandoned Arts wrote:

I have two suggestions:

Living Playtest, and Incremental Launch (or Ongoing Launch)

Daron Woodson
Abandoned Arts

I really like "Living Playtest"...nicely done!

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

What do people think about "The Pilot Program", like the pilot before a series starts...

Goblin Squad Member

I initially thought of Genesis so like all of those variations.
I also quite like Pathfinder Online: The Patricians

Goblin Squad Member

Ryan Dancey wrote:
What do people think about "The Pilot Program", like the pilot before a series starts...

I think that works. "Join us for this Beta" "I am taking a few days off for Pathfinder Online's Pilot."

I could dig it.

Goblin Squad Member

Ryan Dancey wrote:
What do people think about "The Pilot Program", like the pilot before a series starts...

I like it, however my only concern is that it sounds a lot like EVE though. Could make things interesting...

How about "The Pilot Rivers" or "The Pilot Wave"??

Goblin Squad Member

Pilot Program is pretty good. I also like Core Testing, or Core Launch.

Goblin Squad Member

Ryan Dancey wrote:
What do people think about "The Pilot Program", like the pilot before a series starts...

I like it. When there's a Pilot TV Show, I think people are accustomed to realize it might not get picked up, or it might get picked up with a significantly different cast, etc.

I also think it rolls off the tongue more naturally than "Delta Launch".

The Pilot Program works. Something to denote the first steps into a new frontier. I liked the ideas around "pioneer" for the same reason.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Not a huge fan of The Pilot Program. It doesn't really tell me what is going on. It makes sense, for a TV show. For a game launch? I just don't know.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Ryan Dancey wrote:
What do people think about "The Pilot Program", like the pilot before a series starts...


1. Generic.
2. Everybody knows what a TV pilot is.
3. Years of network advertising gives the word "pilot" a positive image.
4. Pilot is reminiscent of pathfinders and river pilots (depending on the amount of Mark Twain you read.)

1. I don't grok "pilot", because like immortal Highlanders, you can have only one. You talking about a special preview, or a limited release. Month six is not a pilot.
2. Why wouldn't pilot testing apply to alpha or beta testing?
3. When I hear someone is involved in a pilot test, I think they're trying it out (like a school board trying ipads, somewhat applicable) or they are thinking of buying an airplane.

My 2 copper.

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think "Crowdlaunching" would be a good term for the phase of the game, since you are looking to the crowd to help develop ideas for the game.

Goblin Squad Member

Pilot is good as it's identifiable (being widely recognizable in tv media). Yet, could be pointed out it's then just a synonym for beta?

I still like the idea of "Kickstarter Release" ('launch' sounds inauspicious!). It's for these specific people and it's actually a release THEY'LL be happy with (& early too) and further developed with THEM in mind. Takes the emphasis off the state of the game and onto where it should be: The community. Also doubles up as: Reward for investing trust/cash while the project is/was still a vision.


"Pathfinder Online: The Primer"

Goblin Squad Member

@Ryan, yeck! The Pilot Program doesn't hit any of what comes to my mind whenever you described the way the game would be upon launch... whichever name we end up with.

The term Pilot makes me think that the actual launch could be a different game. Also, it leaves the possibility that the game may fail.

I think Doggan nailed it.

Core Launch.

Ryan Dancey wrote:

Most Theme Park games are what they are once they're in public beta. You can see how they'll work and the only real questions left are scalability and balance. Maybe there are systems that are too ragged for deployment, or systems that are stubs waiting for future development, but by and large, the game you see is the game you get.

We hope to be a little different in that regard in that we'll have a lot more stubs than normal when we get to that point, because we want to build those stubs out in consultation with the community.

Paizo released the Core Rulebook. The basics... then they said, "This is what we would like to do," and gauged fan/customer reaction. They utilized fan feedback, just like Goblinworks is now.

Like the saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

Core Launch

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Ryan, I'm not sure what message you want to send out, or how you define this phase.
My take is that it is not a test/rehearsal but a release of the actual game to a smaller group in order to start building the world and setting the seeds and direction for further development. This phase yet to be named will presumably last until capacity catches up with demand at which point the game is de facto open to all.

-Delta launch etc catch the essence that this is a different kind of launch somewhere between beta and full public release.
-Trailblazing, first wave, pioneer launch, etc catch the essence of a select few starting out in an 'empty' world.

My issue with 'Pilot' is that I see the Tech Demo as being a pilot. Pilot smacks of "we made this to see if you like the concept enough that we should develop a full game". It feels the wrong name for a phase where 5000 people are playing the actual game and starting to shape the persistent world.

A name that covers both the world-shaping, player base growth and game development could be "buildup phase"

Goblin Squad Member

Core Launch > Pilot Program

One sounds like there is the possibility of failure, one does not. Both are generic enough to not be specific to PFO or the genre. Both have a ring to them.

Oba makes a great suggestion.

Sczarni Goblin Squad Member

I like that the ephasis on "pilot" because it gives a general idea about how what phase of development that you are in; however, im not sure if it will stick specifically because the term "pilot" carries with it negative conotations of having the possibility of being unsucessful.

I have done a lot of thinking these past few days about what I think would be a good name for this type of release, specifically oriented around the idea that players will be basically building the infastructure for other players to enjoy while working within the lines of the developers rules and using player feedback to strengthen the experience. That being said, here's what I came up with.

"Player SPAWN Program/process/test/etc..."

I took this one step further and came up with an acronym for SPAWN that I think really encapsulates what you guys are trying to do.


Goblin Squad Member

"Core Launch" sounds awesome too.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member


What do you think the last word should be?

X subscription.

What do you want to emphasize?
Increasing subscriptions by month?
That this a New game.
That this is a sandbox.

(edited to change theme box to sand park, or something)

Sczarni Goblin Squad Member

But its not a theme park. At least not in the traditional sense. I think what Ryan was looking for was a name for the process of implementing players into the world to help develope parts of the game that are going to be mostly "sandbox" components and provide feedback that will help provide a more polished experience for players later on. As to the part of your question about what it should be called. Thats kind of part of this naming process and is something that could be left up to the developers to determine or the players. Ultimately I think it just comes down to who thinks what sounds best.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Core implementation sounds good.

Core test, not so much.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Gerrik wrote:


But its not a theme park. At least not in the traditional sense.

I wrote theme park. I meant sandbox.

Silver Crusade Goblin Squad Member

Pulsing subscription model.
Condensation implementation.
Granulatied infinity.
Magnetic implementation.

My 10 year old son likes spearheading the best of the ones listed so far. He wasn't fond of pilot testing. He thought wave testing was a middle of road choice, but liked it more when he found out it was my suggestion and he wanted dessert.

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