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When I attained a high enough level, I'm going to take Channel Smite, then take Alignment Channel, Evil Outsider, in order to harm Evil Outsiders with my attack. Can these abilities all be combined into one attack? I realize that to use the Paladin's original Smite is a swift action, while the Channel Smite is also a swift action. However I should be able to Smite one turn then Channel Smite on the next turn for massive damage, since the Paladin's Smite continues till the opponent is slain. Also thinking of taking Improved Channel and Extra Lay On Hands. So what does everyone think? Can these Feats all be combined into one badass Outsider-Slaying Paladin, or am I hoping for too much here? ;)

Corlindale |
Yes, that will work. As you noted, it's just a matter of using Channel Smite on any subsequent round, since you only have 1 swift action per turn.
Whether its worth it is another matter. I personally wouldn't invest that many feats into something that the paladin is *already* really, really good at (killing demons). Often you'll probably find that 1 round of smites is enough to destroy a demon - in which case you won't even get to use Channel Smite.
Also, using your LoH attempts for offense reduces your ability to heal yourself with swift action, one of the paladin's most powerful tricks.
But if you think it's cool and really want that focused, demon-slayer, then of course go for it! Oath Against Fiends might be another thematic fit for such a character.