Elibdis Killstrokian's page
Organized Play Member. 23 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.
If I have 2 Vestigial Arms, then take Aspect of the Beast for the claws on the Vestigial Arms, do I get extra attacks with those claws?
Sweeeet! Thanks for the info!
Are the Monk's unarmed strikes treated as manufactured weapons for the purpose of the Paladin's Divine Bond?
Yea, I know. Just wondering if you still get the sneak attack damage if target is no longer flat-footed but you remain unseen in sneak mode.
Ok, let's say it's the second round of combat, the Sniper sneaks around in the bushes. The enemy is no longer flat-footed, the battle has begun. The enemy doesn't notice the sniper, sniper hits! My question is, does the enemy avoid the sneak attack damage, because he is no longer flat-footed, or does the sniper get the sneak attack damage because he was sneaking and remained unnoticed by the enemy?
When I attained a high enough level, I'm going to take Channel Smite, then take Alignment Channel, Evil Outsider, in order to harm Evil Outsiders with my attack. Can these abilities all be combined into one attack? I realize that to use the Paladin's original Smite is a swift action, while the Channel Smite is also a swift action. However I should be able to Smite one turn then Channel Smite on the next turn for massive damage, since the Paladin's Smite continues till the opponent is slain. Also thinking of taking Improved Channel and Extra Lay On Hands. So what does everyone think? Can these Feats all be combined into one badass Outsider-Slaying Paladin, or am I hoping for too much here? ;)
Yea but Raven's can speak a language of your choice, in this case I chose Celestial, my character also speaks Celestial, so wouldn't I be able to talk to it? (Raven's are the only familiar's that can do this).
I took the raven familiar at first level, we can both speak the same language. I like to have my bird go out and seek things, monsters mostly, it has a higher perception than me and spots things easier. My GM says that's b%@*%%*! and that I shouldn't even be able to talk to it, even though it is a magical beast and has an INT score of 6 (which isn't that high but it's better than the usual score of INT 2 for most animals). So what do you guys think, can I speak to my bird intelligently? And if so, is it legitimate to have it seek out dangerous creatures for me?
exactly..multiple different extracts
Just wondering if alchemist extracts stack like spells do.
Just wondering if the arcane strike feat stacks with a MWK weapons enhancement bonus.
I'm under the impression that I can make 2 attcks with my unarmed strike as a full round action at my full BAB. If this is true, then what is the point of a flurry of blows, which is at a -1 for both attacks?
Meh, I have sorcerer with 0 Perc and she does just fine. Just roll high! And there is always someone in the group who has high Perc. There are some drawbacks yes. For example we were fighting a drider the other day and it went invisible, I failed my perception and couldnt hear where it went, while the rest of the party knew where it was. Tried to Dispel Magic and missed. Not a big deal though. I wouldnt waste the skill points if you dont have very many, low wisdom and it not being a class skill for you.
In my opinion all spellcasters are boring at low-levels. Yea burning hands is cool but you have to get real close to the enemy to effect them, and that is sometimes dangerous for spellcasters. Just let her know that spellcasters can't do much at low-levels, just wait til' about lv. 6 and her sorc will start getting awesome and fun to play with. I had the same problem with my fire elementalist sorcerer, she is now 7th level and can unleash 5 fireballs, among a lot of other cool spells.
Hmmmmm....Alright, I suppose that's better anyway. Thanks for the advice.
Was playing the other day when we encountered some flying enemies. I wanted to do a fireball on one of them. My GM said go ahead, but I said it would make more sense if I had to make a ranged touch attack against them since they were flying. What do you all think? Ranged touch attack or automatic hit vs. flying enemies with fireball?
A monks Wisdom bonus AC is a dodge bonus, (I think). I had a monk, my GM asked what is your AC? Oh nevermind what is your touch AC? LOL It was the same. Monks are all dodge bonus, they are awesome. Until they get hit by consecutive Lightning Bolts and fail their save everytime. F*ck!!!!!!
Take Mythril Breastplate and the 2 AAM.
You make a good point Davor about having to choose between all of the swift actions. My theory is, when casting a buff, use arcane armor training, when attacking, use arcane strike. Of course if you use arcane strike, then roll a crit, you cant use the EK ability to cast again as a swift action. Then if you want to cast a quickened spell, you will have to roll for Arcane Spell Failure. Is there any item or ability in the game that lets you use 2 swift actions? That would be cool.
Right now I am leveling up a Fighter/Sorcerer/Eldritch Knight. Was thinking of going Magus but I like the Sorcer bloodlines. Took the Crossblooded Destined/Verdant Archtype. There are some weaknesses though, won't have many spells and will have to roll for Arcane Failure. He should be badass if he makes it to high level though.
Hmmmmmm....I'm trying to level up an Arcane Scorcerer right now. Anyone use Empower or Maximize? I thought they sounded pretty cool. Of course I'm definitley going to get Extend and Quicken.
Thanks for the info Are, it was a heated discusion. Glad to have answer.....Yes, you are right Fredrik, however once I tell my GM the proper rule he will probably want to follow it. Besides if you could just use a wand anyway you want it would totally unbalance the game I think. Wands seem overpowered anyway. XD
Okay so I was playing a game the other day when someone busted out a Wand of Cure Moderate Wounds. He thought he could use it as a ranged spell, however Cure Moderate Wounds is a touch spell. Everyone at the table said he could use it without making a touch, but that seems a little ridiculous to me. The wands description in the Core doesnt say much on the subject, and doesnt say the range on the spell, even if it is a touch. My friends assumed you could just use the wand at any range, as long as you could see the person your healing, but that seems a little overpowered to me. I was saying that the wand mimics the spell exactly, so you would have to touch someone with wand, since CMW is a touch spell. Yes this is a noob question but i would very much appreciate if someone could answer it for me. Thanks!