Opinions and Extras: Expanding Summoner Spell List 3.5 - Pathfinder


In a game I am running we are using 3.5 Books and Pathfinder, and we have a summoner in the group. So I'm trying to expand it's spell list a little to add the other books. We have all the 3.5 books so any spells not on the list I would like to hear them so I can look at them to add to the list. Here's what I have so far and the level of the spell I was thinking about putting it at. I'm looking for spells I should add or remove and what level the spell should be.

1st Level
Spell Comp
Ectoplasmic Armor
Resist Planar Alignment
Benign Transposition
Blood Wind
Expeditious Retreat, Swift
Mage Hand, Greater
Wings of the Sea

1st Level
Complete Mage
Summon Component

2nd Level
Spell Comp
Alarm, Greater
Portal Alarm
Scintillating Scales
Baleful Transposition
Create Magic Tattoo
Fins to Feet
Fly, Swift
Fuse Arms
Wings of the Air

Level 3 spells I'm thinking about putting on the 2nd level list
Mage Armor, Greater
Mage Armor, Mass
Regal Procession
Servant Horde
Girallon's Blessing

2nd level
Complete Mage
Attentive Alarm
Incendiary Slime
Crystalline Memories
Heart of the Air

Level 3 spells I'm thinking about putting on the 2nd level list
Repelling Shield

2nd Level
Player's Handbook 2
Dimension Hop

Level 3 spells I'm thinking about putting on the 2nd level list
Evard's Menacing Tentacles

Thank you for any help and it's appreciated

A note on Heroics is that Paragon Surge is a rough PF equivalent/"greater" version (Any feat, personal only) and not a Summoner spell. Though why it isn't when Animal Clerics and Nature Oracles can alreddy Share Spells it I don't know so go for it.

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