Grick |
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You can download the full spell list in .csv format from d20pfsrd (here) then sort by descriptor.
That'll get you these:
Shield of the Dawnflower
Bless Water
Dispel Evil
Holy Aura
Holy Smite
Holy Sword
Magic Circle against Evil
Protection from Evil
Holy Whisper
Sanctify Armor
Veil of Positive Energy
Wake of Light
Blade of Bright Victory
Eagle Aerie
Sanctify Corpse
Spear of Purity
Crusader's Edge
Divine Arrow
Protection from Evil, Communal
Sacred Space
Veil Of Heaven
Karmic Blessing
Litany of Righteousness
Bestow Grace of the Champion
Archon's Aura
Light Lance
Light of Iomedae
Blinding Ray
Blaze of Glory
Rally Point
Holy Word
Plus some variable/see text descriptors
Align Weapon
Elemental Swarm
Planar Ally, Lesser
Planar Binding, Lesser
Summon Monster I
Summon Nature's Ally III
Summon Nature's Ally IV
Summon Nature's Ally V
Summon Nature's Ally VI
Summon Nature's Ally VII
Summon Nature's Ally VIII
Summon Nature's Ally IX
Summon Elemental Steed
Imbue With Elemental Might
Planar Ally
Planar Ally, Greater
Planar Binding
Planar Binding, Greater
Energy Siege Shot
Energy Siege Shot, Greater
You could then filter by class or level or whatever.

SeaBiscuit01 |

I'm building a Magaambyan Arcanist but I'm having trouble finding good combos with the Good Descriptor spells and feats for a Magaambyan Arcanist Conjuror Specialist, anyone have builds or recommendations on what to pick and how to synergyse?
The only good use for the Good Descriptors seem to be Holy Word for a nice abuse of Spell Perfection (grin: Varisian Tatoo, Spell Specialization) in higher levels,
My suggestions for druid spells are the following.
1: CLW
2: Barkskin, Lesser Restoration
3: Cure Moderate Wounds
4: Freedom of Movement, Atavism, Cure Serious Wounds
5: Wall of Thorns, Awaken
6: Antilife Shell
7: Heal
Anyone has done a build for the Magaambyan Arcanist?