Hrothgar Rannúlfr |

If a monster were given a higher than normal point-buy, how would it affect its CR?
"Creatures with class levels receive +4, +4, +2, +2, +0, and –2 adjustments to their ability scores, assigned in a manner that enhances their class abilities. Creatures with NPC class levels do not receive adjustments to their ability scores."
As best as I can figure, getting the +4, +4, +2, +2, +0, and –2 adjustments to its ability scores is included in getting a PC class level and part of that CR adjustment.
By my calculations, that gives the monster an increase from a 3-point buy to a 15-point buy. Would giving the monster a 20-point buy increase their CR in any way? What about a 25-point buy?
Thank you.

Paraxis |

Not by much if at all, easy fast way is just apply the advanced template on the fly +2 to all d20 rolls, +2 damage per attack, extra 2 h.p per hit die, +2 DC's of powers, and a +4 to AC, all for +1 CR.
That is like getting a +4 to all stats and 2 points of natural armor and is only a +1 CR modifier.