Premium 3.5 books - thoughts?


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Liberty's Edge

My Premium 3.5 core books (PHB, DMG & MM) all just arrived from Amazon. They feel a bit thicker and heavier than my originals, but that may be just me (I haven't weighed them or anything).

They look nice and whilst I won't probably notice much difference when using them I can safely play knowing I am using the full errata.

I now also have another decent condition spare PHB for my players and also a DMG and MM they can refer to (for magic items and summoned monsters etc).

Liberty's Edge

DigitalMage wrote:

My Premium 3.5 core books (PHB, DMG & MM) all just arrived from Amazon. They feel a bit thicker and heavier than my originals, but that may be just me (I haven't weighed them or anything).

They look nice and whilst I won't probably notice much difference when using them I can safely play knowing I am using the full errata.

I now also have another decent condition spare PHB for my players and also a DMG and MM they can refer to (for magic items and summoned monsters etc).

Thanks for the heads up. I was waiting until I got some feedback on the books before investing. Seems worth the price for the very reasons you give.


Liberty's Edge

Stefan Hill wrote:

Thanks for the heads up. I was waiting until I got some feedback on the books before investing. Seems worth the price for the very reasons you give.

I have't done more than flick through them. They seem a bit heavier and slightly thicker though I think this is just me as I laid the new PHB alongside an old PHB and they seemed the same thickness.

The cover is okay, though the colour doesn't seem as bright as the original PHB, but its still nice.

One thing I did notice was an extra page at the end of the PHB with the Polymorphs Subschool detailed - its just added in after the index and character sheet which doesn't appeal to my aesthetic taste, but at least its there.

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ferrinwulf wrote:
Why bother? why would a new player want to pick this up when Pathfinder has ironed out all the problems and produced a better format to the game?

Because Pathfinder has done no such thing (to a number of people).

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I have a full set of 3.5 books collecting dust. Getting another set of 3.5 books to collect more dust isn't in my game plan.

I bought the books yesterday, and told my pals about them. One of them just told me that the local book store fooled me into paying extra and he got a far better deal out of the books on, but I'm not worried about that. The main point is that now we all have 3.5e books, and we can actually start playing it for a change.

Liberty's Edge

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LazarX wrote:
I have a full set of 3.5 books collecting dust. Getting another set of 3.5 books to collect more dust isn't in my game plan.

That's cool, the books aren't for you, they aren't for everyone. I have many RPG books including several from Paizo that are gathering dust on my shelves, however I will be using my new 3.5 corebooks tonight!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

I've not looked at mine intently, but I did notice transmute water to dust is missing from polymorph any object.


I gave Amazon my money, and since I don't have any of my 3/x stuff, being able to get new clean books is worth it.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

I removed a post and a reply to it. Chill.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8


You may wish to edit my post then as well. :-)

Silver Crusade

I just ordered my DMG up at the FLGS, and will be getting all the books. This is my favorite iteration of the D20 rules, and I'll enjoy having a nice set of books for the years when 3.5 is an even more distant memory. (Plus I like the covers better! I'm such a sucker for that stuff.)

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Turns out all my players bought a copy...

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I wish they would put out a d20 Modern premium edition.

I missed the d20 Modern when it came out the first time. :,(

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