Greater Cleave + Improved Cleaving Finish

Rules Questions

Can I combine these Feats as followed?

We assume my character has 2 Attacks (1st attack +8 base Attack Bonus (BAB), 2nd +1 Base attack Bonus). My character fights against 3 foes (A, B, C), who are adjadcted to each other. We assume all of my attacks hit.

Situation 1:

1st Attack
Attacking A (+8 BAB)
Greater Cleave B (+8 BAB)
Greater Cleave C (+8 BAB)

2nd Attack
Attacking A (+1 BAB)
Greater Cleave B (+1 BAB)
Greater Cleave C (dies) (+1 BAB)
Cleaving Finish B (dies) (+8 BAB)
Cleaving Finish A (dies) (+8 BAB)

Situation 2:

1st Attack
Attacking A
Greater Cleave B (dies)
Greater Cleave C
Cleaving Finish C (dies)
Cleaving Finish A

Are these situations possible ?

thx in advance

It takes a standard action to Cleave & Greater Cleave, so you give up your iterative attacks to do so. Your 2nd scenario is possibly correct, it depends on if the extra attack from Improved Cleaving Finish interrupts a current action or not, the answer to which I am not clear on.

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I believe it works like this:

Standard action 'cleave':
Note: All attacks are assumed to hit and all targets are in a row and within your reach. You are assumed to have Improved Cleaving Finish with all prerequisite feats.

Cleave: Attack 1st target
Cleave: Attack 2nd target (dies)
Cleaving Finish: Attack either 1st or 3rd target. Let us assume 1st target (dies).
Cleaving Finish: Attack target 3.
Cleave: Attack 3rd target.

In short: every time you drop a target make an attack using (improved) Cleaving Finish then proceed with your regular (greater) cleave attacks.

- Gauss

That was also the impression I got from ICF, personally.

I've got a related question regarding Cleave and Cleaving Finish. Given only two adjacent targets within reach, assume that all attacks hit and are declared and occur in this order:

1. Cleave - Attack 1st target (dies)
2. Cleaving Finish - Attack 2nd target (lives)
3. Cleave - Attack 2nd target (no further actions taken)

Is the third action legal? The player contends that the third action's cleave continues from the first initial attack of the 1st target.

I believe that is correct fizzboy.

Fizzboy: yes, that is legal. Just think of cleaving finish as an 'interrupt' bonus attack that has nothing to do with the normal sequence of attacks.

- Gauss

Good to know. Thanks, everybody.

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