Jackissocool |

I'm playing a stonelord paladin in an upcoming campaign, and we'll be spending a lot of time exploring old ruins and dungeons in search of treasure. We've got a catfolk archaelogist bard who will be handling any sorts of knowledge or information gathering checks. My job will basically be to be his big badass buddy who smashes enemies. We'll also have a hobgoblin fighter, which will provide good roleplaying opportunities. The fourth person in our party is very undecided, but I suspect they may go psion.
My backstory is basically I was an elite guard of my dwarven hold-in-training, a member of the stonelords. I got sent away after an attack led by some rune giants to gather allies for my clan, as well as to do very paladin-y things in general. My order focuses less on destroying evil (no smite evil, after all) and more on defending dwarves, anyone who's disadvantaged or oppressed, and redeeming bad guys when it's feasible.
I should be stubborn and honorable, like any good dwarf paladin. The hobgoblin and I will not get along due to racial tensions (at leastat first), and I'll probably find the arcane magic silly and the psionics a luttle bit subversive. I am a little nieve, too. This is my first time really leaving my clan. So, here's what I need help with:
A: Justifying pursuit of treasure, and what to do when I obtain it.
B: Working in my diplomatic outreach.
Maybe helping civilizations recover lost artifacts so I can earn their goodwill? What else?
TL;DR: I am a dwarf paladin. Why am I also a treasure hunter?

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Depending on how close your character ties to his church, his personal search may be for religious artifacts. If you suggest that to the GM it seems reasonable to include a few, and perhaps the backstory to expect them to be there as well. That'll give your character a reason to go along in the first place.
For a more temporal paladin, the search could be for dwarven artifacts, things to revitalize his clan, or items that need to return to proper dwarven hands. Again, the story should include some hint of these things so that your character will have a reason to participate in the first place.

Shadowborn |

Perhaps his home community/church is in dire need of finances to support an ongoing war, or reconstruct a temple and/or other buildings destroyed by some natural disaster. Since adventuring is lucrative, he's taken it upon himself to help this group in exchange for a share of the treasure and is sending a tithe home.

Trailos |
Maybe your looking for something specific and each time treasure is found you cant help but be a little disappointed....what it is could be anything because its not greed that drives you but purpose or necessity.You might not even be sure its real,just some myth or story your hoping is true and you know success is a longshot

Jackissocool |

I like the idea of having a specific one I search for, without success. I will definitely be doing everything I can to prevent evil forces from obtaining them - maybe I'm concerned no one but my clan can be trusted with some of the treasures I find, so I would rather destroy something that could be misused if I can't get it back to them? I'm a dwarf, so I don't trust easily.

Mysterious Stranger |

There is nothing in the Paladins code that says he can't be greedy. He does have to help those in need but that does not mean he gives away everything to every beggar that asks him for a hand out. Dwarves are very tradition bound so a formal set of rules for behavior including a tithe to the church would be very appropriate.
Around 10% for a tithe is normal. You may also have rules that you need to spend a certain amount of time helping people. Training others how to work so they can support themselves is would be a good example. Dwarfs encourage hard work so giving appropriate tools and equipment instead of money would be keeping with the ideals of your race.
Another thing to keep in mind is Dwarves are really into the whole hard work is good for the soul. This would mean that you will help people who are down through no fault of their own, but lazy people deserve what they get. By making them work to support themselves you are actually doing them a favor.
The last point I would bring up is that Dwarves may believe that wealth is a sign of divine favor so accumulating wealth is a noble and holy duty.
Look up the protestant work ethic online for ideas.