2 Player Campaign

Homebrew and House Rules

Any thoughts on the above?

I have 2 keen players and 2 not so much, the 2 keen players and myself keep being let down by the 2 not so much. Week after week, there is an excuse for not being on time or not turning up at all. I'm not a really heavily serious player, but I do like to get a game in each week.

The 2 players that are always here are clearly getting fed up of this and yes, I have asked the other 2 if it is due to my games or if I a missing something they are interested in etc etc. I dont really get a clear answer, just stuff like, "nah, its cool man, just my memory is s***" - I'm not being funny, but its the same time on the same day every week, how bad can one's memory be??

So, rant over, I would like to have a contingency plan and run a 'mini' campaign set up for 2 pc's. But everything I see appears to be for 3+ parties.

Could I get some suggestions please?

1. Run on the fly. Make it up as you go based on what the players seem interested in. Intimate campaigns are perfectly suited for completely character driven stories. They can choose what to rescue, what to hunt, what artifacts they want to uncover...

2. Modify an existing adventure by reducing difficulty. Reduce number of and strength of the bad guys.

3. Have each player run 2 characters. (not the best choice)

The Exchange

You may want to consider using Gestalt characters, and bit of a bump to stats. A gestalt character isn't quite equal to 2 characters, but it's closer, and they can more easily spread out roles like healing/arcane that they might have trouble with otherwise.

Gestalt Rules

Two-player campaigns can be the most fun of all, if you all ham up the whole "buddy-movie" vibe like Lethal Weapon or whatever. But they take a lot more work, because you need to tailor the adventures for the reduced capabilities of the party.

Thank you guys for your input, this has really helped.

I think I'm going to put the effort into changing an existing campaign, but introduce a few more helpful NPC's/rewards to overcome the shortfalls.

I like the Gestalt idea, but my 2 players are fairly new, I think this may be a bit overwhelming for them at this stage.

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