Silver616's page

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Thank you guys for your input, this has really helped.

I think I'm going to put the effort into changing an existing campaign, but introduce a few more helpful NPC's/rewards to overcome the shortfalls.

I like the Gestalt idea, but my 2 players are fairly new, I think this may be a bit overwhelming for them at this stage.

Any thoughts on the above?

I have 2 keen players and 2 not so much, the 2 keen players and myself keep being let down by the 2 not so much. Week after week, there is an excuse for not being on time or not turning up at all. I'm not a really heavily serious player, but I do like to get a game in each week.

The 2 players that are always here are clearly getting fed up of this and yes, I have asked the other 2 if it is due to my games or if I a missing something they are interested in etc etc. I dont really get a clear answer, just stuff like, "nah, its cool man, just my memory is s***" - I'm not being funny, but its the same time on the same day every week, how bad can one's memory be??

So, rant over, I would like to have a contingency plan and run a 'mini' campaign set up for 2 pc's. But everything I see appears to be for 3+ parties.

Could I get some suggestions please?

All set up and ready to go with this AP, but I am unsure on the first few weeks where the pc's are to "work" at the gold goblin. Can anyone who has run this AP give me some advice on how to run these first few weeks of the campaign.

Thank you for this. All advice greatfully received. I am definately very new to Gming and am worried that I am not "preparing" the encounters properly. Could I ask some advice on this. Thank you

I am new to GMing, not so new to gaming. I have written an adventure and started playing it out, the whole group is still learning the rules, so play moves a bit slowly. I wanted to run an AP so I didnt have to continue to write all the backstory and the encounters and learn all the rules at the same time. I have read through second darkness and like how it reads, I just need further advice on what else I need to do to prepare myself to run it.

Hi I am new to pathfinder and as a GM I would like to run a pathfinder adventure path. Problem is (i am probably being stupid). how is the best way(s) to follow the adventure path. I can read it through, but I am getting confused about what I tell the players and what I dont. Also, how is the best way to track encounters?

I am a newbie, so forgive me if this seems a bit dumb.
